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Word Count: 1045

Vieno knew the day would come where they would get their own den in the clubhouse. They'd heard rumors of Boss being finished with it but they hadn't had the time to really go check it out. They were sure Boss was busy and didn't want to bother the large hare with a tour or anything, so Vieno just nosed curiously through the tunnels.

They didn't quite expect to see Boss just lounging around in the big common area.

Was he waiting for them? Oh that was so embarrassing. Vieno covered their eyes with their paws, taking a deep breath to calm themselves down. They could do this. They knew Taisho. Taisho was the first hare that Vieno had met outside of their family. It wasn't as if they didn't know one another.

Vieno would even say they were friends. Still, something in Vieno's gut made them shy away and want to avoid the other hare for the moment, so they hovered towards the tunnel that lead back into the sunflower fields above them.

In the middle of Vi's dilemma, Taisho had, of course, spotted the younger hare.

The large hare hopped fowards, towards Vieno. "Vi! Just the hare I wanted to see. I'm sure you've heard that your den is completed?" Vieno gave a bit of a shy nod. It felt like there was ants crawling all through their tummy and they weren't sure if it was a good thing or not.

"I did, I wasn't sure if you were busy or not though," Vieno answered, rubbing the weird feeling spot on their tummy. They didn't want to make a scene or anything. "I'm kind of anxious, though." Vieno decided to be honest right up front. They weren't sure what they were anxious about, exactly.

Taisho stopped, tilting his head with a soft 'heke?' The larger hare seemed to be deep in thought for a moment, before shaking his head.

"I might have an idea on why. Come sit with me for a moment," There was an area of soft leaves that made for a great area to hang out in the common area. Taisho was quiet for a long time, watching Vieno wiggle a bit in anxiety. "Now, tell me exactly what you're feeling."

Vieno seemed to shrug a bit, flopping onto a particularly large leaf, one thatwas practically bigger than them. "I dunno, it just feels like... Everything..." Vieno shook their head, growling a bit in frustration.

Taisho was patient though, as Vi attempted to puzzle out their emotions. They looked lost.

"Is it because I finished your den?" Taisho prompted gently.

Vieno shrugged again. "I mean, I guess that's part of it..." Vieno said softly. They didn't want to seem like they didn't want to be there or anything. "I mean! I really appreciate it!" They rushed to correct. They didn't want to sound ungrateful. They did find the gesture touching.

"If you feel like its too soon to move into your den, you're welcome to keep hanging out with the others until you feel comfortable with it," Taisho said softly.

Vieno wasn't quite sure why, but the words immediately lessened the tight feeling in their chest. Their shoulders relaxed a bit and they slumped forward. Taisho had a kind of sympathetic but knowing look on his face.

Vieno didn't speak for a moment, but their brown ears flicked back to lay flat on their skull in a bit of shame. "Do... do you know why I'm feeling with way Taisho..." They asked softly. They didn't know why they felt this way, and it was strange. They didn't know why their emotions were so scatters.

"I can't say for sure," Taisho started, but that meant he had an idea at least! "But I think you feel like this is becoming too real, too fast. I've felt that way before, when everything seems to come together and it feels too good. I feel like that all the time." Vieno's ears came up, shocked.

"You do?" They asked, curious.

Taisho chuckled. "Yeah. This all seems too good to be true sometimes, but we have it and its real."

The relief Vieno felt was almost palpable. Now that it was said out loud, that was exactly what Vieno was feeling. They could feel the tention draining out of their body, and they only just realized they'd been feeling that since Taisho had started their den.

"I think that's exactly what I was feeling." Vieno said, voice soft and wonderous.

However, it didn't completely make the anxious feeling go away. They touched their stomach. "I feels like ants are crawling around in there. I much prefer the feeling of butterflies..." They told the other. Taisho gave a laugh before standing up off of the leaves.

"Well, I hope the feeling goes away for you soon, Vi. Don't force yourself if its not something you feel ready for." Taisho soothed. "You can stick with Koshi and Bijou in their room for now. I'm sure they miss Taro a lot, and you've been a great comfort for them. I'm sure they won't mind your company."

Vieno flushed a bit but nodded.

They could do this... But not quite yet, they guessed. Maybe Bijou would be willing to go in their den with them. They'd heard Bijou added some stuff to make it more cozy after Boss was done with the actual construction.

"Thank you," they said kindly to Taisho. "I'll keep that in mind. I hope you won't be too upset if I take a few days to go in..." They said softly, but Taisho just laughed.

"Take all the time you need, Vi," He said cheerfully. "Now if you don't mind, I've got more digging to do."

Vieno flinched. "I didn't mean to keep you. I'll be fine," Vieno promised. "I'll let you know what I think when I go in."

Taisho gave a cheerful nod before scurrying back to the next tunnel he was working on. "Of course. See you around."

Vieno took a deep breath and looked towards the entrance of their den... Maybe just a peek. They took a deep breath and shook their head. Maybe tomorrow they would be more brave. For now, they headed right back up to the sunflowers.