xxxC O R Exxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxASTRONOMY ~ EExxx
              ■ Miranda surprisingly likes star gazing and so she has a bit of a better time with her Astronomy class because it is something that interests her.

          xxxCHARMS ~ EExxx
              ■ Miranda is very stubborn and despite not being the best in charms she pulled quite a few all nighters studying for this test to make sure her grade was on the higher side.

              ■ Just like with Charms, Miranda crammed quite a bit for this class to make sure her grade would be higher. With her tight memory it wasn't too hard for her despite fumbling a bit which cost her an O

          xxxHERBOLOGY ~ Axxx
              ■ While Miranda didn't exactly enjoy Herbology she was determined not to fail any of her OWLs. Sure she was angry she only got an A but she would just have to try harder in her NEWTS

          xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC ~ EExxx
              ■ Memorization wasn't a big issue for Miranda, so she didn't study for this OWL as much as she did the exams with practicals. She was definitely irritated to get only and EE instead of an O

          xxxPOTIONS ~ Axxx
              ■ During her practical she got frustrated and ended up messing up a bit. Not resulting in a completely failed potion but it definitely wasn't perfect.

          xxxTRANSFIGURATION ~ EExxx
              ■ Again, just falling short of the mark despite her studious nature. She was just shy of an O by just a question or so.

xxxE L E C T I V E Sxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxCursebreaking ~ Axxx
              ■ A class Miranda had little issues with, but she was feeling a bit under the weather on the day of the exam and ended up not doing as well as she wanted to.

          xxxWandless Magic ~ EExxx
              ■ Miranda did cram quite a bit for this exam, making sure to practice quite a bit. It was mostly calming techniques so that she didn't get frustrated during the practical.Which did help her keep her cool and not get frustrated.

Extension granted until 7/7/2019 ~ Cara ɱк