Michael Cole: "Welcome everyone to WWFG Interviews where we delve deep into the minds of our guest to learn and understand what makes them tick! With me today is a man who has been with WWFG for many years, Bad Boy! You're a multiple time WWFG World Heavyweight Champion, WWFG Intercontinental Champion, WWFG 2016 Royal Rumble Winner and you won the 2014 and 2019 King Of The Canvas Tournaments! You even ran the promotion, you love the place so much and got inducted into the WWFG Hall Of Fame in 2007! With all that said, do you have one favourite moment, match or feud?!"

Bad Boy: "There's been numerous matches that we'd probably be here for hours. However my favorite match probably has to be Summerslam 2014 against Matt Shanahan. Not only was it one of the best matches the company has had in the ring, but kinda reestablished what I was with the company and wrestling in general."

Michael Cole: "We are days away from The Last Wrestlemania, where you are challenging the WWFG World Heavyweight Champion Drako Damone. How much does it mean to you to be headlining the last WWFG show and how much would it mean to win?!"

Bad Boy: "If it's the final Wrestlemania then it is an incredible honor to have been in the main event. To get a win to top it all off means everything. I've main evented 2 Wrestlemanias already, unfortunately I lost them both. To finally get my moment after all these years would be the best way to end my time with the company."

Michael Cole: "It must also be a sad feeling to know that this is the last WWFG match. But with that said, it was almost all over this time last year. Could you tell us what happened to Wrestlemania 2018?!"

Bad Boy after a deep breath: "That was a culmination of a ton of problems throughout the year. Was supposed to be a huge event in Wembley Stadium in England. Unfortunately the problems the year prior lead to not many wanting to participate. Everything just fell through and Wrestlemania didn't happen."

Michael Cole: "I can only imagine how upsetting it would be for you to put so much effort into something and then for people to just disappear. Did you ever get any feedback on what could have caused it?!"

Bad Boy: "Well slight backlash with what happened with the Rumble that year. Other than that it's more or less people not wanting to work hard or improve to get opportunities here. When I got ownership of the company I was ready to give opportunities, had a good roster full of talent I can build the company around. I was willing to be approachable when it came to what talent needed to know to get a higher spot in the company but they would rather disappear. A lot of people have a similar mindset unfortunately."

Michael Cole: "It felt like it was time to let WWFG fizzle-out. So did it come as a surprise when Cartwright wanted to give it a go after so many months?! After so many years of him managing a beloved fed in Extreme Entertainment Wrestling?!"

Bad Boy: "Yeah I figured it was good as gone. There were a few that tried to buy the company off me, but none of them I could really trust. There was a shortlist of people that I would've handed WWF off to if they had asked me. Cartwright was definitely one of those. I'm sort of surprised that he asked but he is the only one that seems like he really WANTS to have something special for others, rather than him running it for the spotlight on himself. The fact that he's run his own company for an amount of years helps out."

Michael Cole: "Now that WWFG is coming to an official close, have you had any thoughts as to what the future of Bad Boy holds?! You thought you were retired in the past, but you returned for the King Of The Canvas!"

Bad Boy: "Well...... difficult question to answer right now.... but as far as I'm concerned it's been a great career for me. I thought I was done for a moment but I ended up having one more Wrestlemania run. Hell I was gone for 5 years before and never thought I'd return but came back. Sometimes the sport needs you, it definitely did a lot for me. If I'm wanted anywhere I'm more than happy to be there to compete. If anyone needs help of any kind then don't be afraid to ask. There are times you feel like you don't have anything in the tank but you'll get that little bit left where you can do anything."

Michael Cole: "Thanks for joining me and good luck!"