Michael Cole: "Welcome everyone to WWFG Interviews where we delve deep into the minds of our guest to learn and understand what makes them tick! We are joined by two veterans today in Jarel Damone and Drako Damone! You two are in very different places career-wise! At Wrestlemania, Jarel Damone begins his retirement tour while Drako Damone will defend his WWFG World Heavyweight Championship against Bad Boy! What does The Last Wrestlemania mean to both of you?!"

Jarel: "It's the end of a chapter for me. I didn't get my start here. But i was here at the start. It took years to get on a WrestleMania, years to win the world title. This being the last, i had to be here. I had to give one last match to the federation i worked the hardest to reach the top of."

Drako: "I'm the world heavyweight champion. I didn't get my main event last year and i worked so hard to get here. I haven't had as many world title runs as my brother here, and my others were shorter than I'd like. This one has been longer but the last WrestleMania is the last chance to show that I deserve this title, this spot. And maybe my last ever main event."

Michael Cole: "For Drako it would be huge to be able to finish WWFG as the last World Heavyweight Champion and what a reign it's been! You cashed-in your Money In The Bank Contract at Summerslam 2017 to defeat Jay Blue Lightning! Over 550 days! You recently successfully defended the title against Salem Croft but Bad Boy appears to be your toughest challenge yet, as he went through the King Of The Canvas Tournament to earn the match against you! Bad Boy hasn't won his last two Wrestlemania matches, will you keep his losing streak alive?!"

Drako: "Absolutely. Bad Boy is tough, no doubt about it. He's a multi time champion. But the only times he's ever beaten me, he had Good Question to help. He needed backup. I never did. WrestleMania puts an end to our rivalry and I'm going to be standing tall at the end."

Michael Cole: "While Jarel accepted the challenge of The Creeker for his first match in his retirement tour and last match in WWFG. The Creeker appeared to be all fired-up over situations that happened a long time ago from before he retired. Does that make him particularly dangerous to know that he's been waiting so long to get his hands on you?!"

Jarel: "Maybe, but it could also get in his way. I approach my matches the same. I know i want to beat the guy standing opposite me. I'm going to beat him up, pummel him, maybe slap a few holds on, but ultimately beat him. He's emotional. He has a grudge where there shouldn't be one. He's going to come in hot headed and even if I am getting on in years, I'm still dangerous. If he doesn't learn from past mistakes, he's doomed to repeat them, as the saying goes."

Michael Cole: "Was you glad to see WWFG return last year under Cartwright's management Drako?! At the very least it enabled you to continue your amazing run as champion for as long as you have!"

Drako: "Yes and no. I was glad to see it return. I was less glad that because Cartwright is the boss, i didn't get my main event match with him. We've only ever faced each other in tag matches and i wanted that one on one match."

Michael Cole: "Now Jarel, as a veteran of the business, do you agree with Cartwright's approach in that regard even if it caused the possibility of Drako never getting the match with Cartwright that he wanted?!"

Jarel: "Yes, because he's the boss. I never held a title in XCW for the years i ran it. When you own the company you don't want to be accused of founding it or buying it just to increase your own career. Even if it is tempting to get back in the ring if for no other reason than to deliver a previously promised match. Its not a popular call but probably the right one."

Michael Cole: "How did it feel to see every other champion have their title vacated except for yours, Drako?!"

Drako: "Kind of surprising actually. I expected the same. But lets be honest, we haven't seen the intercontinental champ in like two years. When is the last time the women's title had anything going? And where do we have tag teams? I didn't ask to keep my title but i did what i was asked, the same as i did under any other management. I showed up at every show ready to wrestle, i defended when i was given a challenger. I did my job and will do so until the doors close."

Michael Cole: "Jarel, is there one single moment, match and/or feud that you would point towards as the highlight of your WWFG Career given how much you have done?!"

Jarel: "There's a lot of ground to cover. If i had to pick one, it would be my WrestleMania match with Nuke Fusion. The events that led to that match, the one that wasn't for the title, were extreme. He had attacked every member of my family at some point in the year or so leading to that last encounter. It was fitting for me to put him down at WrestleMania."

Michael Cole: "Thanks for joining me and good luck to both of you!"