Rivaeth was sleeping peacefully, and without her tempering presence, T'kyr was in a mood. She didn't get into fights anymore--at least, not usually--but she was on edge and ready to (verbally) attack anyone who so much as looked at her wrong. Why was she so sour? Well, the answer was simple: it'd just been a bad day. First some straps had snapped entirely while she'd been trying to mend them, now broken beyond easy repair. Then, she'd been late to lunch, and there was nothing sweet and delicious left. Then, she'd spilled her klah on herself, staining the white tunic she'd worn. And now, she was on her way to get dinner, and the sharding dining hall was crowded enough to make her want to scream.

To make matters worse, Robhin was on her mind. Deep down, she missed and cared for her fellow whiterider, but buried that behind anger and resentment. She'd briefly spotted Robhin from afar this afternoon, barely two candlemarks ago, noticing the woman's wide grin, how happy she seemed to be.

Well, she'd show her. T'kyr was happy, too. See? Happy! She scowled, annoyed, as she stomped around. Why did she care, anyways? Who cared about that annoying woman, anyways? Robhin would never be as good at T'kyr was at, well, just about everything, and she was determined to prove that. But why did she care so much? Not one for introspection, she shoved the question out of her mind, and tried to pull herself out of her foul mood.

As if fate, someone bumped into her. It'd be more fair to say that T'kyr bumped into them. A subconscious movement, perhaps intended to annoy and start a fight with whoever it was, or maybe she just hadn't been paying enough attention. Whatever the reason, T'kyr whirled to face whoever was unlucky enough to step in the way of the hurricane that was her anger. They would face her full wrath today.

"Shells, watch where you're going, dimglow!" she snapped, before noticing who it was: Robhin. She paused to roll her eyes. Of course it was Robhin. It just HAD to be Robhin. What a wherrydung excuse for a day.
Tagging, but, the right way this time, lmao