User ImageName: Tex’ora
Age: 77 (3497.08.02)
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Mindhealer Journeyman
Physical Description: Tex’ora’s stature is certainly eye-catching. He’s a tall sort, standing roughly 6’6” tall with a more triangular shape. He’s got a more broad chest with slimmer hips, one that he shows off with finer clothes that one would only see as gather’s best. He truly enjoys to buy nicer clothes, if just to show off his refined taste. His hair is still a deep, rich black, though it has begun to silver slightly at the temples. It’s done up in three braided rows that circle the crown of this head, while the rest is left to fluff down his head almost like a wild mane. Tex’ora’s eyes are a pale green, almost to an ashy grey in the right lights. Occasionally a small set of spectacles sits on the bridge of his nose, though they are mainly for small print reading and hardly affect his daily life.
Personality: From the start, Tex’ora comes off as an odd sort of man -- those who know him would assume he were some sort of odd anomaly. A non-empathetic dragonrider just simply wasn’t possible. Tex’ora does have empathy, though it’s quite hidden beneath layers and shields. However, to most in his life, he comes off rather cold. He’s emotionally closed off to the majority of his life, seeing no need to share something as intimate as feelings with those he gives little care for. He waves it off as a way to distance himself from his now prior job as a mindhealer, yet there’s a little more to it. Tex’ora has a bit of a self-inflated ego, and his arrogance to believe he is better than the majority of those he interacts with is quietly known. This is his world, in his mind, he just allows others to exist in it. It’s done with an air of politeness, for Tex’ora can never turn an ill phrase or crude word -- nor can he stand it. Even in the face of his or his dragon’s own injuries will never have a curse or oath leave his lips.

However, he does not have weyrleader aspirations, despite what some might think. Tex’ora isn’t the Lord Holder, and knows that all people must play their parts in life -- himself included. Those that are closest to him, however, know that deep past the icy walls and the arrogance is a kind man, if private. Kisses stolen on a lover’s knuckles, or a gentleness that only his children would ever be privy to. Soft touches for Yuputkath’s eyeridges after a methodical oiling and bath. He is fiercely loyal to those within his inner circle, and outside of outlandish betrayal, Tex’ora will be there to defend those he loves. However, that loyalty and love can sometimes turn covetous -- for why should he share those he has such a deep connection with? It’s a double sided sword if one who he has under his wing is sometimes viewed as a threat or needs tucked in as well, though this judgmental phase bleeds into colder airs while he determines if they are worthy or not -- and if not, what can be said here or there to drive them away.

Tex’ora’s world is one of pros and cons, what someone brings positively and what they bring negatively. His detachment from forming relationships with most is a result of this, however it gives way to being able to look at people’s problems without his own feelings on the matter cloud his judgment. For what good is a mindhealer who allows their own feelings on the matter to intermingle in helping someone pick apart what’s going on in their life. It’s a steadfast resolution to keep those doors closed that allow him to stay firmly planted on the ground even when the worst of life tries to knock him down. Even in the face of Yuputkath’s heinous injury shortly after thread began to fall again, he remained level-headed as he questioned healers inside and out on his dragon’s status.
Positive Trait List Unwavering, Analytical, Polite, Loyal
Negative Trait List Cavalier, Jealous, Arrogant

Name: Yuputkath
Age: 57
Color: Bronze
Size: 46’
Physical Description: Yuputkath is quite an average specimen of a dragon. Stretching out to a standard bronze size, his body didn’t quite get the notion that it should be rounded out. His legs are long, giving him a leaner, lankier look than he really is. A broad chest and wide wings play into the illusion. He looks much larger than he actually is. Along his back and up to his shoulder is a large patch of threadscore that downed him for nearly a turn once thread came back, though it seems to have left no lingering effects.

Personality: Yuputkath is a prime example of a dragon away from standard stereotypes. He is an awkward dragon, not too keen on social cues to be aware of what’s proper and what’s not. However, his nerves get the best of him, which leads to Yuputkath tending to shy away from social contact. In his efforts to not talk, he can sometimes come off a touch blunt, almost harsh. But this is mostly a ruse, for he more often than not craves the interaction -- he’s just unsure in execution of it. He’s made strives to be more social to especially expand his search skills, however it leaves him tired and more often than not seeking solitude after a particularly busy day.

Once this dragon is set into work mode, all gloves are off, however. With something to focus his mind on, socializing is less of a daunting task when there’s something bigger to pull off. Flying in the wings to sear thread from the sky, feeling invigorated since the return. It’s a terrifying sight, one that tempers instantly when the job is done. However, while he is renewed at the challenge, he's also aware of the devastation that thread also brings--and hopes to help eradicate the end of it once more. Or at the very least, help to ease the pain.

At his core, Yuputkath is a kind dragon -- courageous and empathetic at heart. He may not have the best social skills, yet this dragon oozes love and affection. Even if he doesn't show it the best, much like his rider, Yuputkath loves strongly. His rider, his rider's mate, children -- even those he finds on search are keen to receive Yuputkath's nuzzling and fussing.
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment:
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