Alpha: Bloodborne
Queen: Crimson Queen

The Crow: (Master: 01) (0/5)
A coveted hunter title, this rank is allowed to venture past the Pack's territory in order to kill their mark/target. This rank is saved for only the most efficient and successful hunter(s) in the pack. (They hunt as a unit/pack for meta events, but can also take on solo targets if the bounty is posted/ an agreement is made.)

Crow Notes
• Crows can not leave the Pack without informing the Alpha of their Hunt/bounty.
• The Alpha can summon a Crow(s) to take on a personal bounty for the entire Pack.
• This rank is earned or hand picked by the Alpha.

    * How to become a Crow?:
    • Your wolf must complete one RP demonstrating their abilities to hunt and kill a specified target.
    • The quest to become a Crow can be started by approaching the Alpha for a personal bounty.
    • Upon completing the RP, the Jarl will swear in the new Crow. This rank is limited so it will be first come first serve.

The Hounds - The Hunting Wolves: (lead 0/2) (0/∞)
Hounds are the hunters of the Pack, they hunt on the Packs' lands but never leave the territory.

The Claw - The Hunter of Hunters: (Master: 0/1) ( 0/3)
A Hunter whose whose sworn duty is to dispose of other hunters that have been corrupted by their lust for blood/gone rogue. A highly respected and feared rank, they are tasked with ending the life of any Hunter that might stray from the pack.

Claw Notes
• An assassin rank. Appointed by the Alpha.
• This title is heard of but never really seen or spoken of, it feels almost like a fable to frighten would be traitors.

Healer - Healer of Hunters: (Master: 0/2) (0/∞)
This rank would be for healers that are bound to the Vilebloods, they tend to the wounded Hunters and care for the maimed. It's a bloody job. They are the field medics of the Pack and often join hunters on dangerous bounties. Healer wolves all sport the Milkweed Rune.

Healer Notes
• They can be male or female. Though, males in this rank are often unfit to be a Hunter and default to this rank because of this.
• Females in this rank are highly respected.
• This rank can be appointed or born into.
(Example: A small pup that is too weak to grow into a strong Hunter, they would be trained as a Healer instead.)

Basic Rank information
• All hunting ranks are duel sex, no gender is lesser in the Vilebloods, though females fit to bare cubs pups extremely important to the life of the pack, female hunters are allowed to take time away from the hunt to start a family.
• Pups are often raised together, and are taught hunting skills and life lessons at a very young age.
• The Pack Alpha would also still partake in some hunts, be is not just a figurehead role.
• Poaching is hunting without the approval of the Alpha and is against the law.