xxxxxxL A U R E LxxxN I C O L ExxxH I L Lxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» Laur
              AGE »» 17
              BIRTHDAY »» 20 August 2035
              GENDER »» Female
              FACE-CLAIM »» Raffey Cassidy
              BLOOD STATUS »» Halfbreed (halfblood witch)
              WAND »» Hazel, fox fur, 10 and 1/7 inches, pliable and knobby
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English
              ACCENT »» Scottish
              PET »» Owl named Daphne

              xxx»» Gardening
              xxx»» Hiking
              xxx»» Dogs
              xxx»» Star-gazing
              xxx»» Tinkering
              xxx»» Makeup
              xxx»» TV
              xxx»» Cities
              xxx»» Chocolate
              xxx»» Ministry
              xxx»» Walks in the woods
              xxx»» Spelunking
              xxx»» Collecting plant specimens

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Laurel is an inherently curious person who is not one to hold back when it comes to asking questions about the world around her and the people she meets. While it would help if she had more tact, she can come across as nosy or demanding when it comes time to play 20 Questions with new people. Deep down, she doesn't have any malicious intentions and is just a naturally curious and inquisitive person who enjoys learning new things.

              xxx»» Laurel is a very rational and logical person. While people might assume the child of a wood nymph would be a bit more 'alternative' in terms of things like say, tarot readings or auras, Laurel prefers to 'stick to the facts'. She's not a superstitious or gullible person, and doesn't like to make assumptions or jump to conclusions. Her rational attitude towards life helps her keep her cool in a crisis.

              xxx»» Despite her preference for logic, Laurel can still be very impulsive. She tends to be very sure of herself, often believing she has come to the correct and rational conclusion, but doesn't tend to share that with others, which can seem like not looking before she leaps (although she will always insist a mere glance was enough). Laurel is a very quick witted person, but doesn't always grasp that you shouldn't say something just because it's true.

              xxx»» Laurel is often very tactless and blunt. While she doesn't set out to hurt other people's feelings, she also doesn't beat herself up if an inadvertent comment really offends or upsets someone, unless they are a close friend. She thinks she should be able to comment on whatever she likes so long as she's being honest, and her commentary is often not very forgiving. That said, you can count on her to never sugarcoat or lie to you.

              xxx»» Laurel's demeanor is generally very casual and relaxed, unless she is excited by something in particular. She is not one for formality in manners or in appearance, and generally doesn't bother to trip over herself to be super polite. This tends to annoy authority figures in particular, although she's generally not rude right off the bat either. Most of the time, Laurel just doesn't get what all the fuss is about.

              xxx»» Laurel is incredibly stubborn. While not incapable of admitting when she was wrong, she can be very slow to concede defeat in a battle of wills, and tends to dig her heels in and stonewall people who would try to intimidate or cow her. She's not one to get flustered or embarrassed, and is generally a fairly shameless individual who would rather do things her way or the highway than change who she is and how she behaves for the sake of others.

              xxx»» Laurel is rational and logical, even when stressed out.
              xxx»» Laurel enjoys learning new things and meeting new people.
              xxx»» Laurel has zero tact and is very slow to admit wrongdoing.
              xxx»» Laurel is incredibly impulsive and can be reckless with herself and others.
              xxx»» Losing her 'pack'.
              xxx»» Changing without realizing it.

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Laurel had a rather unusual upbringing, being the child of Jason, a wizard and werewolf who teaches Herbology at Hogwarts, and Sylvana, a wood nymph who resides in the Forbidden Forest. Laurel is the second born child in her family of four daughters, with an older twin, Aspen, and two younger sisters, Willow and Juniper. Despite her uncommon childhood and the prejudice and bigotry 'halfbreeds' often face, Laurel grew up fairly sheltered and isolated from the world at large, spending most of her time with her sisters, her father's pack, and the creatures of the Forbidden Forest (at least, the ones not likely to eat her). She spent most of her time outdoors, and has no qualms about dirt, insects, or getting injured, considering herself an expert 'climber and jumper and runner' by the time she was ten. Not being much interested in school, she would have been content to spend her entire life as a semi-feral child, roaming around and getting into trouble, but she was slightly won over by the prospect of having a wand and being able to do magic of her own.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» Laurel managed to have a fairly enjoyable first year, being sorted into Ravenclaw upon her arrival. She liked her house more than she expected, and enjoyed having to solve riddles to get into the common room. She also made friends with a house mate, Aidene, and spent a lot of time exploring the castle.
                  SECOND YEAR »» Laurel was pleased to be a second year, as she viewed them as being 'babied less' than first years, and took advantage of this freedom by wandering the castle and flouting the fact that she was allowed to be in Hogsmeade on the weekends to visit her family. She also tried out for quidditch and made reserve beater.
                  THIRD YEAR »» Laurel decided to take Alchemy, Care of Magical Creatures, and Wandlore Studies for her third year electives. Despite being happy to actually get to choose what she was studying for once, this did make her schedule a lot more cramped, especially when combined with the quidditch season. This hampered some of her mischief, to her dismay.
                  FOURTH YEAR »» Laurel passed a fairly uneventful fourth year, although she was forced to step up in Quidditch when one of the beaters got pregnant. She spent a lot of time skipping out into the forest during Hogsmeade weekends.
                  FIFTH YEAR »» - - -
                  SIXTH YEAR »» - - -
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» - - -

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDING »» Hogwarts
              HOUSE »» Ravenclaw
              YEAR »» Seventh
              BEST LESSONS
              xxx»» Wandlore Studies
              xxx»» Herbology
              xxx»» Care of Magical Creatures
              WORST LESSONS
              xxx»» History of Magic
              xxx»» Transfiguration
              xxx»» Astronomy
              DREAM JOB »» Wandmaker

              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» A
              xxxCHARMS »» O
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» O
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» P
              xxxPOTIONS »» EE
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» A
              xxxALCHEMY »» EE
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» O
              xxxWANDLORE STUDIES »» O

              NEWT SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» -
              xxxCHARMS »» -
              xxxDEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS »» -
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» -
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» -
              xxxPOTIONS »» -
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» -
              xxxELECTIVE »» -
              xxxELECTIVE »» -
              xxxELECTIVE »» -

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Noncommittal
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» - - -
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» - - -

              xxx»» PARENTS Jason Hill and Sylvana
              xxx»» SIBLINGS Aspen Hill (twin), Willow and Juniper Hill (younger sisters)
              xxx»» BEST FRIEND - - -
              xxx»» Aidene Kieran, Billie Xanders, Angus McLellan, Rian McLellan
              xxx»» Wren 'Bird Boy' Winchester
              xxx»» - - -

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Accepted By: ~ Dia [10/01/19]
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