The hatching was over and Huarwar never saw Aelyx walk over to the side with a dragonet. There was disappointment that gripped his heart, more for her then anything else. She had to continue to stand and continue to be a candidate, if she wanted to. She had once again been passed over and hadn't found her lifemate. She didn't get to experience this new found bond that he was now sharing with Miershoth.

The green in question was stretching from her spot upon the bed where she had curled up with Huarwar and taken a nap once she had been oiled and fed. It would be some time before the feast would start since the hatching had started right into the night and the lapse between gave everyone a chance to get more rest, especially the newly bonded green pair.

Though one of my siblings did not find her worthy. It isn't the end of the world of course. There are so many more opportunities that are ahead of us now and ways you can protect her. The words may have been grudgingly at first, Miershoth realizing she had to share her bonded with someone but she knew that both her and Aelyx had special places in Huarwar's heart. There was also the fact that if it had not been for Aelyx her Huarwar may not have been here when she needed him.

You're right...There is a stability that I haven't felt in...a while. Sure he had always had a place to be, food to eat and protection but he had felt adrift after Henwas' death even with Aelyx there. The worry of if he never impressed began to hit him more and more. He didn't have training he could fall back on like others...but that didn't matter now.

Standing up from the bed, Huarwar started to walk and was quickly followed by Miershoth. The green knew where her bonded was going and didn't mind it truly, she wanted to get more of a look at Aelyx then she had at the hatching.

The weyrling pair moved towards the candidate barracks. He hoped she was awake and he smiled when he found her, moving over to her and giving a hug, though he wished to do more.

"Do you want to go on a walk?"
