Name: Serlia
Age: Seventeen
Nameday: Uuuuh. Seventeen years ago on the first day of the third month. I don’t understand Pern’s calendar!
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Craft: Courtesan
Rank: Candidate
Location: Western Weyr
Physical Description: Serlia has dark skin and black hair. She has some strands of auburn when the light hits it but these are few and far between. She has pale green eyes. Her form is that of a dancer, lean and tall. Long-legged and thin does not a dancer make, however. She outwardly seems to deny all of her mother’s grace with bumps and bruises.

These aren’t always authentic. Makeup in the right colors makes an easy fading bruise.

Unlike her mother, who dresses plainly, Serlia enjoys the finer things when she can afford them. On her rest days she will often be seen in brighter colors.
Positive Trait List [At least 3. Just spell out what they are and it should follow your written personality i.e. cheerful, loyal, confident]
Negative Trait List [At least 3. Just spell out what they are and it should follow your written personality i.e. insecure, selfish, anxious]
History: Serlia was born in West Hold to Rheasilvia and Tex’ora. She remembers little of that time. They moved to Western Weyr when she was six turns old. While she always respected her mother, Serlia was closer to her dragon, Eirinth.


Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? Yes or No
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes or No
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? Yes or No
- - - > Please keep in mind that Stands Impressions are very rare. This means that not everybody will get an opportunity to have a surprise Impression, and you lower your chances of being picked by a dragonet. Given the character is not ICly an official Candidate, they will need a reason to be at the Weyr of their choice long-term, or at least for every Hatching.