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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[ORP] Big Cat Feast Dance #1!

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 9:53 am

Lots Of Drops Of Brandy · The Chieftains - A light, bright, cheery start to the Feast! Drink or dance, it's all good!

RP with your dance card partners for Song #1 belongs here! Anyone who isn't signed up but would like to dance for this song, feel free to join in!

Song #1 Pairs!
Vesin & Veikel
Amna & T’laq
Wione & E’ros
Edalla & Zi’aso
Helane & A’iel
Ryara & C’zon
Elysia & Matotoka
Vosin & O’rax
Lesta & Ruunan
V’den & Vodex
Kallian & Rasthell
Tristram & F’rell
J’cheyn & Papys
T’kyr & Talela
Nazik & Raen
Liat & Fisher
Delris & Aelyx
Tandry & Kiri
C’ryn & Adi
D’mar & Nua
Lafemy & Dsharmira
Z’haq & Velara
Lelte & Omurntas
M’ika & F’gon
Keris & N’ceph
Huarwar & E’nd
Onyx & Iafri
PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 10:44 pm

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Candidate Dhawsn - 29, he/him (open for stuff!)

He was past his second drink and starting to mellow out a little. Alcohol wasn’t Dhawsn’s vice, but it definitely was a favored way to deal with hardship he couldn’t simply work his hands on. And it was easy, socially acceptable even, for candidates that hadn’t been chosen to drink. He wished that was all he had on his plate.

With some food and drink in him (and another cup in hand), he searched for Qiana. This wasn’t quite the post Thread hang and drink they had talked about, but that was fine. Dhawsn couldn’t hold their schedules, especially hers as a dragonrider, against them. “Qi!” he shouted when he spotted her, ambling over and trying not to slosh his drink while scooting last. The harpers were beginning a new song, and he wanted to take advantage of it and forget for a little while.

“Qi! Hey, girl!” he shouted over the ambient noise, smiling and pantomiming towards the dance floor. “Wanna join me fer a bit?”

Sweet Symmetry


Anxious Spirit



PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 11:38 am

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A'iel & Helane - A'iel couldn't help but watch as Taiena sped away from his side to snag her brother—newly impressed of course!—and swung him onto the dance floor as the drums began to patter and thump. One hand of his still lingered over his cheek, the spot where she'd placed a kiss before she'd gone... It'd set off a spark of energy in him that beat back the exhaustion of the early hour, and without hesitation he turned, a bright smile on his youthful face to offer his hand to the first lady he spotted... one of the candidates? He thought so, maybe. "Would you care to dance?" He asked, all smiles and joy. Maybe she'd not impressed, but... it was a party, wasn't it? They... they could still have a ton of fun! And there was always next time. "I'm A'iel—you stood at the hatching?"

He took her by the hand, found a spot on the floor yet to be taken up by the stamping, spinning throng, and with a moment to find the beat began to lead her through the steps. His own weren't as polished as some, but he was a fair shake, and thankfully the bright song was meant more for exuberance than finesse. And he was entirely enough of a gentleman to give the girl his full attention and not be looking about after the object of his affections every turn and dip, though he still hadn't quite shaken his boyish grin. "I hope you're not too disappointed—there's always the next clutch, and the match has to be just right, you know...!"
His date's off dancing with her bro so... hello new friend?

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Amna & T'laq - Oh! Oh she knew this song! Amna’s head snapped up from where she’d been eyeing a bit more of the cake and desserts on offer as the harpers struck up their first tune. A bouncy, peppy thing, it was prime for dancing—the kind where you didn't have to be too exacting, but could give your all to having fun. That worked for her, really... for all that she had tried to be a decent dancer, it just wasn’t her forte. Oh keeping the beat was easy... it was getting her body to move to it that was the trouble. At least the more traditional or well-known dances could be memorized!

Now she just needed a partner...aha!! It was hard to miss the (very very) tall man hovering on the outskirts of the throng. Hide as ye might, wallflower, your tall stem betrays you to her grasping hands...! She slid through the crowd easily enough to perch right before him (or roughly in the vicinity and height of his elbow) smiling up quite casually as she extended a hand towards him, thrusting the thumb of her other hand back over her shoulder towards where the dancers were already taking their places. “Hey there—I don’t recognize you. High Reaches, right? Care to dance? See if we cant take a step or two towards mending Weyr relations?”

Okay, that pun had been horrible. If he turned her down, well, she really wouldn't blame him.
Hello friend for the far north! Tall, meet short. Good luck!

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D'mar & Nua - It was only a matter of time, really, until the music began. D'mar had met up with his brother, met said brother's newly-impressed dragon, had himself a properly light early breakfast, mingles with everyone worth mingling with, rubbed elbows and all that... and now, of course, the music. He'd mentally ducked away from the feast as it had worn on, his attention straying quite against his will towards a certain someone—he'd heard, of course, of the injuries and the death upon the sands. A Western trademark, he was beginning to think. But he'd also caught which healer'd been attending at the time, and past all understanding it had made him want to check in on the other man, even attempt some horribly awkward form of reassurance... But for whatever reason, he hadn't. He'd flinched from the odd vulnerability and pushed the thought away, smothering his concerns. One didn't care, not like that, not for some... some casual, if repetitive, fling.

Plastering a cordial face over the budding frown of confusion, he turned to offer his hand to the nearest woman—Nua, he believed, of green Sobeth. She was shorter, but then he'd trained to dance with all sorts of sizes, hadn't he? "Greenrider Nua, a pleasure. Would you care to dance? A pity to waste such a... charming song, hmm?"
D'mar's offering to the first lady he sees—how... charitable?

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Ilauria & X'teis - The first notes of the drum thumped out, and that was all it took. With a wide grin she couldn't quite contain or modulate into something less exuberant, Ilauria hooked her arm with Xah—X'teis' (goodness that would take forever to get used to, though she was thrilled to have to do it!) and hauled him towards the dance floor. She might be shorter than him, slighter, but she was rider-strong, and wasn't letting this chance get away. "Come on then, bring your lovely brown! We've got to celebrate! And see if you've kept any dancing skills off at that Hall of yours!" Why not let loose once in a while? Why not indulge and clap and spin and leap? It was only X'teis after all, and a hatching feast was a chance to relax and enjoy, and not worry about standing on ceremony too much.

She led him to an open side of the dancing area, being certain to keep an eye for anyone trespassing too near—she'd have the knots off anyone carelessly stepping on a hatchling's tail, so help her, but thankfully the spot seemed open enough. "Honestly, I'm just so happy for you! He couldn't be handsomer, and now we'll get to fight together!" She crowed as she twirled, winking at the little brown. "He had excellent taste though, if I do say so. And I know Ovshth will love to meet him once he has the chance. I think even he's been a bit bored of resting lately, so the distraction will be good for him."
Sibling spin, BEGIN!

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Jacquol & Ambrin (And Jubath!) - There! THERE! Jubath let out a little trumpet of delight, though she didn't quite know why, and then together woman and dragon took off, cutting through the crowd with more eagerness than grace, nearly sprinting up to stand before the blond, rugged man. This, the green knew, was her Jacquol's Ambrin. She could feel her love for him... and could not help but give a little half-wilted croon, which snapped the woman's attention back from babbling at the man. She knelt, holding the green's head close in her hands, the same potent love now aimed the hatchling's way. "Of course I love you best of all... but don't tell him that, alright? Now why don't you meet him too? I KNOW he'll love you almost as much as he loves his own dragon. And I'll be right here," she reassured the hatchling, and then scooped her up, already bouncing and swaying to the newly-struck-up song.

"Isn't she perfect? She's amazing, Ambrin! Everything I wanted, and—" Oh she could ramble for hours if given the chance, it was like all her dreams had come true at once! She had the finest man to be found this side of the sea, the grandest dragon shelled on all of Pern, she had food, music... no wine, which... well, she'd get by. Look at those lovely wine-purple eyes on her green! That was all she needed! She spun in a circle, stepping to the beat without putting the hatchling down, the little green's wings flaring slightly to help her balance in her rider's arms, and her gaze still fixed on the man who shared her rider's heart. She supposed that, seeing how very happy her Jackie was, he must be alright.
A zippy jig is just the thing tbh, though she's dancing with Jubath in her arms~

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L'an & Wren (son) - Ah. Dancing time already? Normally dancing wasn't L'an's forte—the man was built for hard work, not delicate turns, but the song the harpers beat stirred memories of ship-top jigs he'd danced for years through his youth, and on and off since then. He could feel Alcherath listening through his ears, the green slightly swaying in her sandy wallow across the Weyr. His son was there before him, a rider newly minted, a man, more than he'd ever been before. A twang of bittersweetness struck his heart, and without hesitation he offered a calloused hand to the younger rider. "May as well show off, hmm? Bring your bronze, see if he can turn as well as he can flash those wings."

The older rider's steps were heavy, graceless but practiced as he found the beat and caught the rhythm, stamping in time and clapping, a small but proud smile on his face for his son's, his family's, success. "You know I'm proud of you, Wren. You're a rider proper now, part of the crew," he mumbled as they stomped. "You two look after each other. But Alcherath and I'll be right here if you need us, aye?" He'd always been a more hands-off parent... but it felt strange and sad now to realize that his boy really had all he needed now to thrive on his own, without any more aid. But ah well. Today was for celebrating, not reminiscing about days long gone, and he turned with the song, the same drowsy smile in place as ever.
Time for a father-son jig!

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Raen & Nazik - Ah, the dancing... Raen had nearly forgotten. She'd been quite caught up in talking to those who needed her time or thoughts the last... she didn't know how long. Nearly since the feast had started, it seemed. A brief moment of respite had been punctuated by the sound of drums beating, and a pipe being tongues to life, and the woman sighed as the tone of inquires directed towards her went from those seeking her craft to those seeking her hand for a dance. It was always so terribly hard to choose, especially when she knew that a few would be offended if she brushed them off. But the thing was, she didn't really know any of them. And wasn't quite attracted to any of them. So perhaps the kindest way to handle it would to be to pick none of them, and instead pick someone else entirely. That made sense.

In a swirl of skirts she moved from where she'd been standing, crossing to a young rider... a woman, she decided after a moment, though it didn't really matter; not one of the new weyrlings, though still young. She was tall and lovely, well-dressed, strong, poised, and alone for the moment. "Excuse me, my lady rider," she murmured, voice soft but strong, and she unshyly met the other woman's gaze. "The music's starting. Would you care to dance?
stella cinere
Raen is totally just offering to the nearest person at hand who catches her eye right now.

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Wione & E'ros - "E'ros, darling, I need your help!" The blonde woman took the master courtesan's hands in hers, gently tugging him away from his current company (and giving them a wonderfully superficial smile, should any find her direct approach or stealing away of the famously infamous man to their disliking) and towards the energetic throng of the dancers. He was handsome, of course, and beautiful, and she knew well enough of him despite not ever seeking him out before. After all, she mused as she slipped her fingers through his and began to spin and step, she'd never had trouble finding romantic company before. Not that she presently was either—she'd already had several offers from other riders and weyrfolk, who knew her eagerness for fun on festival days and nights. The trouble was more that, for the first time, she didn't want their attention.

But E'ros knew just about all there was to know about love. And he was a practiced enough dance partner too, just divine to twirl along with to the energetic tune. "You've seen love a thousand times, right?" She asked as they spun. "Well, see, I just can't seem to find anyone interesting anymore." she continued, her gaze roving the crowd, familiar and unfamiliar faces, "Like, dancing like this is fine, but, you know...? It just isn't fun the way it used to be, nobody's the right kind of fun any more..." She pouted slightly, in his arms. "I think I'm in love with someone, but I didn't think it'd mean everyone else turned so boring...!" Maybe she was doing it wrong? She batted her lashes up at the man, pouting yet harder to try to coax advice from him as they danced.
Wione would love some insights from E'ros as they twirl pls.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 4:35 pm


Ah, bouncing music always had a way of livening things up, even if a certain gloom hung over a certain crowd of the room. It almost felt inappropriate if one looked at it a certain way, but Nua shook her head then tucked curled hair back behind her ears. She had decided she wasn't could to think too hard about the hatching and the events inside of it beyond that their Weyr was many dragonrider pairs stronger now for it. Too much thought would have upset Sobeth all over again - she'd been upset for weeks now and Nua could feel that snappish rage threaten to chew at the ends of her nerves if she wasn't careful.

She'd distract herself in more entertaining festivities, as it was, and that a familiar face was so quick to offer, well - "D'mar, you're looking well," she greeted to her Wingmate with a smile, taking the offered hand. "I would be happy to. Your brother was one of those who impressed, hmm? Feeling a little proud?" Nua had certainly felt it when her own baby brother had impressed after all.




Taiena had paused in her excusing of herself to plant a kiss on A'iel's cheek before spiriting herself away to steal a certain young man away from his new group of friends. "Nikal, come dance with me hmm? Before Mom or Veikel get to you?" she asked, grabbing the freshly minted greenrider's hands to tug him along with her. "I want to hear all about your little darling," Taiena added, looking to Tecuanith with beaming pride. How beautiful was she! Clearly a fantastic dragon to have chosen a fantastic young man, hmm?

She practically radiated joy even without the smile on her face.



Beloved Werewolf


PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:13 pm

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.T'laq

Ostensibly, they were here as transport, but that was only a convenient excuse for their presence at Western; their actual reason for being here was that Nandith wanted to see his clutchsiblings and mother. Aside from, at best, a curiosity about the Hatching itself, T'laq had absolutely no interest in any of this, and would just as soon have stayed back at High Reaches. He wasn't hard-set against socializing or parties as a rule, for while they were far from his favorite pastimes, he did recognize their usefulness, and the importance of being seen. A Western party, though? There was much less of a point to making an appearance here, and enduring the existence of so many people at once.

He was looking suitably bored and broody by the wall, and the combination of his dour expression and imposing height had thus far given him some semblance of peace...at least until the dancing started, and someone decided that he was worth pestering. The bluerider would have much preferred to be left alone, but his manners were well-practiced, and while it would have been generous to call the slight movement at the corners of his mouth a smile, he did deign to accept the extended hand and remove himself from the wall. "I hardly think a dance will do it, but if it pleases you to try, I suppose the effort isn't entirely wasted."

It would inevitably be an awkward affair, given the difference in their heights, but T'laq was a better dancer than his aloof tendencies might lead one to assume. He'd always taken to lessons well, and dancing had been no different - and he'd been popular enough among his age group as a partner, sometimes out of genuine interest and others simply a want to needle at him. Either way, unless she proved to be an utter disaster of a dancer, he could make it work without the two of them looking completely ridiculous.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 1:31 pm

Ambrin & brown Beylith

As his lady love appeared from within the crowd, hurrying toward him with her lifemate leading the way, the broadest of smiles crossed Ambrin’s face. He could feel Beylith’s childlike excitement, the brown all but pressing his face to the glass, so to speak, as he looked through his rider’s eyes at the precious little green. Ambrin, she’s… she’s… Words literally failed him, he was so full of emotion.

Amazing? the blond supplied, though his eyes were on the shining star that was Jacquol. How she glowed with joy over her beloved! His chest swelled with pride and affection at the sight of her victory.

Yes! She’s amazing! The brown gave the impression of a whimper of frustration at not being able to join them inside, but even then his mood could not be dampened.

One never knew how a fresh hatchling might respond to touch of her rider, so as Jackie finished her lovely little twirl, he laughed and cautiously reached out to cup the soft underside of the girl’s upper arm. A poor substitute for a full embrace, but he could not resist the need to connect with her—who even knew if her dragon would allow dancing this soon? Some were quite possessive, especially to start. “Ah, my darling, she is perfect!” he crowed. “What a grand prize you’ve won!” Both he and Beylith “looked” at the little green with bright, welcoming eyes. She was welcome, so very welcome, to be a part of their little family.



stella cinere

Ice-Cold Codger

PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 3:52 pm

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Nazik

The music started to play as the tall woman flashed her eyes over the group with some interest, it had been months since she had dared to dance considering the start of threadfall had dampened most spirits. Her fingers thrummed along her upper arm as her feet struggled to remain where they were, as a child dancing was one of the few things she would do with her traveling make-shift family, really it made her forget why she was even there. It was a feast and dancing alone wasn’t something she particularly wanted to do considering everyone else seemed to have either friends or loved ones to spend time with and relishing the idea of asking someone only to be told no.

No, instead she focused herself on watching the rest of the crowd, maybe half hoping someone would make their way across. Someone, like the woman who approached her, almost an inch taller than her, broad shoulders, and long dark hair sporting the most lovely set of skirts that shifted with her every move.

“I would love to dance.” Nazik meeting her gaze with piercing blue eyes and a hand held to join her.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 6:24 pm

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Adi

Oh, oh! It was time for dancing! When the music changed from simply background fare to a tune clearly meant to be danced to, Adi had been on her way to peruse the dessert table, but sweets could wait! There was no shortage of prospective partners, and she'd had her eyes on several. A blonde cutie here, a truly magnificent beard she really just wanted a better look at, Aerden of course, maybe that Healer who had hit Maz with a rock that time and then given her tea... None of her half-plotted prospects were near at hand right this very moment, though, and if she went hunting for them, who knew how much of the dance she might miss? They might even be spoken for already!

A quick glance around and her eyes fell on a dark-haired fellow, in dark attire to boot - even without the knots, Adi would have pegged him for High Reaches. No matter how somber the overall look, though, Adi was difficult to dissuade, and she padded right up to the taller rider to extend her hand, flashing a bright smile that dimpled her cheeks. "Wanna dance? It'd be a shame to let such a good song go to waste!"

for C'ryn!


[IC RP] Western Weyr

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