Name: Erade
Age: 29
Nameday: 3547.13. 13
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Ace
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Goldrider/Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: N/A
Physical Description:
Positive Trait List [At least 3. Just spell out what they are and it should follow your written personality i.e. cheerful, loyal, confident]
Negative Trait List [At least 3. Just spell out what they are and it should follow your written personality i.e. insecure, selfish, anxious]
History: A former Harper Archivist and historian with dreams of becoming a children's book author. She became good friends with another apprentice in the crafthold named Huze. Huze was training to become a singer. The girls were inseparable they were even searched at the same time for an upcoming clutch. They participated in candidate training for a few Turns attending various clutches without incident.

This new clutch though they both felt something! This was the one at least they hoped it was. Excited the two girls stood side by side during the newest hatching as the first dragonets started emerging from their eggs. The excitement around the sands intensified as the first few dragonets met their partners. Suddenly silence and then awe as a large gold burst forth from her egg a smaller gold remained behind. The first gold Dragonet looked around
diving into frenzy making her way across the sand trampling into Huze clawing her face as the gold began mauling the candidate.

Megatoth knew this one wasn't hers but it was in her way!

Erade shocked and frightened tried to come forward But her legs wouldn't move as she watched her friend mauled by the gold. While everyone was watching the large gold claw and attack the candidate another gold Ochranceth had finally gotten her bearings came running forward and throwing herself at her twin who was attacking Huze. Mine! Ochranceth roared to the other as Megatoth found her's behind Huze. For Megatoth Huze was quickly forgotten as she retreated from Ochranceth's candidate toward Erade.

The Gold looked the frightened girl in the eyes before speaking I am Megatoth, you are mine and I hunger

Erade felt a mixture of happiness and fear; her new dear one had mauled her best friend. It was a strange feeling. Erade glanced at Huze who was being fiercely protected by the other gold, as she was told to leave the sands with her new partner with the other candidates. Huze in critical care after her mauling missed the following feasts and dances after the hatching. Erade did not see Huze again till Weyrling training. Missing an arm and half her face.

Though it was commonplace sometimes for candidates to get mauled, no one seemed to be upset. [WIP]

Other: Received permission from Hollow. Huze and Ochranceth belong and Played by Hollow

Name: Megatoth
Age: 10 Turns
Color: Gold
Size: 50'
Physical Description: Megatoth much like her name is a exceptionally large Gold.
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: [Giveaway] This is a thread where you can get dergs! - Open