Let's Plan a Homecoming Party! ...kind of? Tutaamka-Jivu Plot

User ImageWhile Grimma (Now Lindoman'dur) went with Siyarin's party to retake the swamps, Naht decided to venture the world. One day the seer was given a vision;
Beneath the light of a full moon a lioness was heading to the motherland she'd never known. She was followed by a sizable group of other lions, many whom shared blood-ties to those lands as well. The dark and charred border of the swamp, marked in addition by skulls and bones as a warning, was soon before them. Then from the murky depths stepped a large lion with dark wings, and an unmistakable familial similarity to Naht herself. His expression was unreadable, and they stared at one another for a long moment.

Finally, the god spoke in a voice like gravel that had been ground in to a fine powder, soft yet still scratchy, "Welcome home, Umelusi."

The vision filled her heart with purpose the moment her new name graced her, and with a fiery vigor the young lioness set her sights on fulfilling this destiny.


Step one: With the destruction of the swamps, then the failure of the pride to thrive in their new mountain home, they were now scattered and many families torn apart. Naht would have to find those lost Swampies!

Step two: Shepherd the lost home again. Maybe pick up some new blood along the way!

Step three: ???

Step Four: Prophet. ((see what I did thar?))


This is open to lions who never were a part of the Swampies in any incarnation as well, but is largely meant to bring former Swampies who want to go back to their roots back home -- with some RPs and a small plot/reason to come back under them!

I would love for Naht/Umelusi to get to have at least one RP with every member of the party, and then there would be one big ORP for everyone once they get to the Tutaamka-jivu border, counting for the pride joining RP!

Additionally, Naht/Umelusi is single - is she just so happens to bring along potential mate-fodder, I wouldn't complain. She also has a single brother in the pride already, but she is a lot more friendly ;P


Please remember that Tutaamka-jivu has some color restrictions!

[x] Color
The Tutaamka-jivu only accept lions of certain colors. All natural colors are accepted, as well as diluted and/or dark greens: basically, they like lions who look like they belong in a swamp. They also like lions who look like ghosts: white and pale grays and some pale blues. Very bright colors of any kind - even green or blue - are also considered undesirable. Some accent color - covering no more than 25% of the coat - is not ideal, but acceptable.
-Ideal Examples
-Acceptable Examples
-Unacceptable Examples
-Borderline Examples
Acceptance of 'borderline' individuals will be handled on a case-by-case basis, and will be influenced by the overall look of the lion; the female in the middle, for instance, has fairly pale blues and a more ghostly look than the female at the bottom, who has more and darker blues. The pink of the lioness at the top, while not a desirable color, is not particularly bright and makes up less than 25% of her coat, and so she would likely be accepted.

If a cub of unacceptable color is born, it cannot remain in the pride. After it is named, the mother must take it away from the lands, at which point what she does with it is her choice. She may simply leave it to die, or find someone else to care for it, so long as that someone isn't told anything about the pride or where it is.

With that in mind, here is the form to join in on this homecoming!

Form for former Swampies:

[color=Green][b]I'm Coming Home![/b][/color]
[b]Lion's Name:[/b]
[b]Lion's Image:[/b]
[b]Lion's Info:[/b] Insert relevant character information here.
[b]Party-Joining RP?:[/b] Y/N

Form for New Blood:

[color=Firebrick][b]New Blood New Home![/b][/color]
[b]Lion's Name:[/b]
[b]Lion's NEW Name:[/b] (They'll start going by this after joining the pride)
[b]Lion's Image:[/b]
[b]Lion's Info:[/b] Insert relevant character information here.
[b]Party-Joining RP?:[/b] Y/N


