Once morning drills were over C'ryn and Aresoth had gone to the feeding pins. The young man watched the bronze dragon pick out one of the herd beasts and tear into the thing with a ferocity that C'ryn had never observed before. The great bronze dragon seemed more like a beast for a moment, claws ripping and rending flesh not seeming to care if he truly was able to eat everything.

"Aresoth.." C'ryn's voice carried out over to his dragon as he climbed over the fence that kept the herd beasts in their pin. When the whirling red eye turned towards him C'ryn paused in his steps towards his dragon, stopping himself from staggering against the wave of emotions that threatened to just push him over. With C'ryn paused in his steps Aresoth turned back to finish devouring the herd beast and then set himself upon another. It was only after the bronze had eaten two more that he alighted from the feeding pin and towards the edge of a cluster of trees.

C'ryn's gaze stayed on Aresoth and he followed his dragon, moving to place a hand upon the bronze's large head. He wished to ask what was wrong and could still feel the simmering anger that Aresoth had let lash out between their bond. Aresoth let out a huff the air causing C'ryn's hair and clothes to rustle in the breeze. The dragon's eyes were a constant whirling of red and orange and as C'ryn settled against his side Aresoth finally spoke up.

I am sorry for my irritation before...I ...

"You haven't been very talkative the past months or so. I was beginning to worry, you've been focused upon drills and training."

Yes. Because what matters is us being strong enough to make it to the top. To better protect those we care about.

The young man nodded but he had a feeling that wasn't the only thing that was bothering his dragon.

I have to be better so that when I lead I can protect my siblings. I know we are not in the same wings but...Thanoth will never fly again...Poor Macuith and C'lusi...Menankith and even...Elzebuth...have taken more damage from the Thread then you and I have. He huffed again when C'ryn was going to interrupt. Yes we have been scored and no I do not wish we had more scars or damage to show either... In all honesty Aresoth didn't understand exactly how to explain how he felt. Perhaps if he was able to be in a position of leadership, as a Wingleader, he would be able to better protect those below him, to better control them.

C'ryn seemed startled by that thought and stared at Aresoth for a longer moment. "Even if you could control your clutchsiblings or even the dragons that would be in our care as Wingleader, that doesn't mean they would still be free from danger. Fighting Thread is always full of danger and death. It's the life we've chosen."

Even this wasn't the only thing that had bothered the bronze and C'ryn knew it. "Is the hatching at Western still bothering you?" Another huff as the bronze turned his wedged head to look at his rider.

Of course it is. Any dragon would be bothered by the display that brown father put on. To even think of reacting the way he did. He could have risked sending one of his own between. His tail flicked with annoyance as he let out a sigh. Even Elzebuth would be a better father then that brown...

There was more that seemed to be bothering the bronze but C'ryn knew better then to ask about this. This was more of a hurting in his hearts, something that Aresoth had never truly expected to feel and he had thrown himself more into work instead of relaxation and free time since he had first caught Cynosuth. For as much as he had realized, perhaps a bit too late, that he cared for his green sister, he could not be everything she wanted. He had a duty to the Weyr that he must hold himself to, he could not only be with a green when one part of his duty was to help father the next generation and that meant chasing after Golds.

Even speaking with C'ryn over what he did, Aresoth began to feel a little better and allowed his eyes to close as he and His rider sat upon the ground, enjoying the last of the morning before afternoon drills started anew.