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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] High Reaches Weyr
[ORP] Here's To Tonight [Fianth + ???]

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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 3:17 pm
((Anyone with a derg that can fly is free to join Fianth on the heights. That said, while ORPs can get held up due to waiting on parties to post, there is no real posting order. I'll likely give the RP a little time for folks to tag, but people can jump in as often as they're able. if the RP carries on and you had no time to post, don't be shy--jump back in! This way the RP can at least stay active-ish and move along.))

It was getting darker earlier and earlier. The gold dragon had flown to the fireheights, watching as Rukbat cast long-shadows during its slow decent. The sky to the west was cast in bright oranges, pinks, and yellow, while it faded into the blanket of purples and blues to the east. Night would be upon them soon, with only the brightest stars visible--and the Red Star high above them.

Fianth's hearts were still heavy.

The loss of Eskharath and Aviforth still weighed heavy on her hearts. They both had so much to give and had been taken by Between. They were not the first to be lost to such a danger, and they wouldn't be the last--weyrling training was no joke, and many didn't make it through the lessons. She had lost hatchlings from previous clutches to similar fates, and did her best to keep their memories close. Perhaps that's why dragons had two hearts: one to hold near and dear all the loved ones living, and a second to hold close the memories of those that were not longer with them.

So it was, the queen reached out and ever so tenderly, brushed each of the young weyrlings with a fond, mental caress. Whether they might wish it or not, she wanted them to know how proud she was of each of them; how loved they each were, whether they were close with her or not. Though only half of the weyrlings were hers, she had promised Rhianth to tend to and mother those her sister had left behind--so whether they looked upon her as Aunt, Foster Mother, or just another gold, her love for them was no less. Had she let Eskharath and Aviforth know of her love enough? Had her young brown and the complimentary blue known that they had been wanted? The former, especially, had always been aloof and quiet--but she had tended his egg, she had known him as a mother knew all her eggs.

All she could do was hope he knew, that Aviforth knew. Their loss was still felt, all these sevendays later--and Fianth feared that soon, too soon, their cluchmates might join them. They would be participating in Threadfall soon, and even as long and hard as they trained, there would be blood. Their hides would be marred, their wingtips frayed, their bodies burned. Too soon, they would fight along side them, and meet their destinies. She yearned that they each live a long and happy life--but if they fell, she would carry their hearts with them until her own fate was sealed.

Might any of you wish to humor a queen and join me this evening? The stars will soon paint the sky, and I wish to catch up and hear about your day. Her words were an open invitation to any dragon who might wish to hear--the weyrlings, certainly, but others as well. Eveleth might have an entourage no matter where she went but not Fianth. Instead, tonight, this gold wanted to surround herself with the life of the Weyr, the heart of the Weyr--all those that made living worthwhile; all those who might someday also give their lives for Pern.

[Open to any derg at HR who can fly. Fianth's happy to make room on the heights.]
PostPosted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 4:32 pm
Slidrianth had been unusually subdued since the lessons Between. Though the loss of his brother and cousin had been devastating... he knew he had come so close to being lost with them. The thought had rattled the arrogant bronze to his bones, and even now, he could feel the terror pulsing through his hearts.

Fianth had been every bit a mother to him, and her call was enough to make his enormous wings flare out. Dearest Aunt, give me just a moment and I will be at your side. He sprang to the skies, reveling in the sensation of soaring even as he angled towards the heights. He had no doubt that the queen was still mourning the loss of her children. Fianth had always been a motherly presence in their lives, unlike some golds, and if he could perhaps ease some of her grief, well, he would do so.

He landed elegantly nearby, tucking his wings before he craned his neck towards the golden queen that had been a constant support since he'd been hatched. Good evening, Aunt. Were it any other time, he'd have asked if she'd been well. To do so now would feel insulting.



Territorial Friend


Tipsy Codger

PostPosted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 5:05 pm
Napping on his ledge, Faloth was stirred awake by the gentle touch of his mother's call. He felt the melancholy in her words, and knew fully why -- she was still mourning the loss of Eskharath and Aviforth. Truth be told, so was he, especially Aviforth. Faloth really missed the merry little blue's flying antics, many of which the brown himself had attempted (to often ridiculous results). Regardless of the reason, though, his mother called, and he would answer.

His rider W'ill was down in one of the Lower Caverns perfecting his Graduation Ale, a lovely dark rich ale to be drawn at the Weyrling clutch's assignments to fighting Wings. W'illMine, my mother calls and I must go to her, he let the young man know.

Go, and give her my warmest regards, came the sympathetic and understanding reply.

Faloth leapt off his ledge and took wing with a couple of powerful wingflaps. Soaring high above the Weyrbowl, the young brown spotted Fianth on the fireheights, and executed a corkscrew spin before alighting daintily next to her. I have come, Mother! he crooned softly, rubbing his cheek on her golden shoulder. I will stay here as long as you need me to.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 5:43 pm
Anakumath spent most of her evenings with Hers close, each reinforcing the trade their bond offered them. Love, steel to protect soft edges. There was not enough steel in all of Pern to protect from certain pain, not even as strong as Martirae's was. That had left only Love to ease the burden of it.

Such a familiar flavor of it drew the young queen from where she'd curled with Hers. She looked up towards where Rukbat painted dear Aunt Fianth in such brilliant colors, the comfort the older dragon gave lingering more permanently than any mark the coming days would be able to give her. Anakumath had spent much time confiding her worries and woes in her. Even if it had been a chore to spend time with Fianth - and nobody in all of the Weyr was a chore to spend time with - Anakumath couldn't deny her invitation now.

If you will have me. The thought didn't even escape her, not for this one who accepted her graciously every time and smoothed away all of her nerves. I would love to join you, she greeted instead, lingering a moment longer for Martirae to smooth a hand over her head before she took to the sky and up to the heights.

Two others had already answered that call and Anakumath landed to give both brother and cousin the space they needed to greet the older gold. She could wait. No need to rush when there was enough for them all. Slidrianth, Faloth, she greeted both warmly, leaning to offer an affectionate boop to either if they would allow it.





Beloved Werewolf


Peaceful Demigod

PostPosted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 5:53 pm
Even if he wasn't the most social blue, nor that close to the brother and cousin that were lost Between, he still grieved their loss, in his own quiet manner. Mourning the loss of their potential, their lives, what could have been... but more, he grieved for himself. Knowing that their Fate would one day be his, that he and his light would be faced with the dark cold of Between. Knowing that is was expected.

When he heard his mother's call for those who wished to join her... well, he hesitated for a few seconds, knowing that others would be there, well... it wasn't ideal but there was that small part of the blue who longed for the love and comfort of his mother.

Dear Heart, you know you want to go see her. So go. Faranie sent him a fond mental nudge to get him going.

With a last moment of indecision... Go.Faranie gave a sharp mental nudge. Samedith spread his wings and took to the sky, making his way to the fire heights where it seemed like everyone was gathering. Though there were only a few others, he didn't mentally want to join the others, but his hearts needed the comfort and companionship.

He landed on the edge of the ledge. A complete mess of indecision. Would he even be welcome.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:27 pm
Ingonth arrived as silently as he was able, taking a seat as far away from his mother and clutchmates as he could without falling off of the ledge. He tucked his limbs and tail close to his body and closed his eyes. It was a similar pose to the one he adopted when visiting the herdbeasts, though if anyone called him on that, he would deny doing anything of the sort. He almost wished someone would. Having a reason to snark and snap would be so satisfying right now.  




Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 3:56 pm
Venandith heard his mother's call, and stirred from his ledge. He took a moment to stretch his large wings, debating whether or not he should join. On the one hand, Mictecath's words still stung his hearts--what do you do for the family?!--and it was something he'd been unable to shake. On the one hand, he was not so unobservant to know that some of his clutchmates seemed less-than-impressed with him. Their loss, really. He didn't need their admiration or praise to know that he was great. If they were blind to it, well, such was their lot--it would be all the more impressive when they woke up to the truth.

On the other hand, a small part of Ven was a family-man. He had visions of having his own clutch one day, with many strapping sons just like him, and little sweet daughters with which to protect. He needed to be the sort of brown that would attract the best--and ensure he had a history over being fierce, brave, and an extraordinary threadfighter. Though there were many in the clutch that fussed over one another, that wished to protect their cluchmates, none seemed to realize that such care was in his ichor, too. There were none of his clutchmates that would ever be turned away; there were none that he would spurn. Given the chance, he would save any of them from danger, would do whatever he could to take a hit if it meant keeping them out of harms way--but none of them seemed to know it. None of them seemed to bother to understand why he did what he did or who he was.

Did he like and expect a bit of praise now and then? Of course. But that didn't mean his every intention was self-centered.

So to see some of his clutchmates take wing, the large brown felt a strong pang to join them... but he resisted. Instead, where he had stretched his wings out and looked to take flight, instead, he folded them against his side. Let them have the night. His presence would likely disturb those already there, or somehow inadvertently spoil the mood. Though he sent fond regards to Fianth, the brown instead resettled on his ledge, and began to preen his claws. Let them have this moment in peace. For once, he wouldn't get in their way.

- - - -

Fianth, for her part, reached out lovingly to all those that approached, including those that had kept themselves reserved. Samedith was given a wave of love and encouragement, as well as Ingonth who had kept himself far and away. She wouldn't turn to him, or give away his secret-sneaking, but she didn't want him to be excluded, either. Reaching out her neck, the queen brushed her cheek and nuzzle against each of the weyrlings that she could, her eyes whirling a soft purple-blue.

So sweet of you all to come. Slidrianth, you are looking quite strapping this evening. I trust you and Yours are well? Faloth, you handsome brown, it is truly good to have you near. I shan't take up much of your time, but am glad for your closeness. Might you tell me how you've been faring? Anakumath, darling one, it is good of you to come humor your aunt. Please, make yourself comfortable. How have you been? Clever and handsome Samedith, might you wish to draw closer? There is plenty room for all of you. More privately, so as not to give away his position, the queen reached out a tendril of fondness to Ingonth and spoke only to him. My gracious, Ingonth. Such an honor to have you near--and such a handsome beast you are! Is your night going well?

Ah, but how the queen craved to be close to each and every one. She made sure to turn a loving and admiring eye upon all of them, so she might remember the sight of them. Though there were many missing, she loved them no less, and understood that some remained away for many reasons. She would simply need catch up with them another day. Youre all getting so big and have come such a long way. It won't be long now before you're fighting The Enemy, and fully-fledged riders. She wasn't going to bring up the Between lessons--wasn't going to talk about the pain or aches in her hearts. Instead, she wished to cover them all in love and pride and help lift them up--even as they might help to lift her, too.




PostPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 6:30 pm
For a moment, pride swelled in Ingonth's chest, his usual reaction to acknowledgments of The Wonder That Was He, but all too quickly heartbreak flooded back in, his eyes going yellow under his lids. Still, he returned Fianth's fond mental touch with a warm wave of affection, never too old to appreciate his beautiful mother. She was where he had inherited all this from, after all.

My night is much better now that I'm in your company. T'rin had been a pillar of support recently and all that, but the blue was quickly learning that his rider had a habit of seeking out distraction when the world was too much to bear. Ingonth, on the other hand, wanted to burn every moment of his misery into his mind.




Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 3:08 pm
Leaning eagerly into Fianth's head, Anakumath rubbed her own back against hers with a soft croon of delight. I have been....better lately, Anakumath hesitated for a word, but her woes were no secret to Fianth. While she'd been slow to be willing to take her share of the older gold's love, once she'd come into it she'd become all too quick to come running when she needed more. Many tears had been shed onto her shoulder.

But she was immediately attentive to Samedith's hesitations and she held up a wing to offer her blue cousin a place to settle. Samedith, come. There is plenty of room next to me if you so wish, she invited, eyes whirling with pleasant blues and greens of her own. Ingonth's distance was regarded with a small touch of yellow and a small mental touch as she lifted her other wing in similar invitation.

There was no need for such distance, right?



[IC RP] High Reaches Weyr

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