Name: K'tan
Age: 59
Nameday: YYYY.MM.DD i.e. 3560.03.18 [Please note that Pern has 13 months and each month has 28 days.]
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Weyr: High Reaches
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Woodcrafting/Not apprenticed

Physical Description: While he was probably buff and tanned in his youth, turns of being a dragonrider and only maintaining himself for the sake of riding has left K'tan a semi-shell of himself. With skin that isn't exactly pale but certainly isn't tanned, he's got a dad bod that borders a bit more on the dad and less on the bod.

K'tan carries no illusions of grandeur, no ideas of romance when it comes to being a dragonrider. As a searchrider for the better part of nearly four decades he's seen more than his fair share of "kids" and "youngsters" get brought to the Sands in hopes of making them riders; he's also seen more than his fair share of those same kids die, be it on the sands or in the skies. Whatever glory he might have been feeling about being a dragonrider has long smoldered out, though K'tan is quite careful to keep those feelings to himself.

Positive Trait List Honest
Negative Trait List Disillusioned

Name: Saimizth
Age: 40
Color: Blue

Physical Description:

Personality: Saimizth is tired and old just like his rider even though they're both basically in the prime of their lives. Saimizth doesn't really get or understand the newer generations of dragons, what with their "rebellions" and other things.

He likes to tell off-brand human dad jokes and often laughs before he can even complete the punchline. It's easy to think Saimizth doesn't take anything seriously but the truth is, everything is serious. He's just tired.

Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: User Image