xxxxxxxโ„ฑ๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ต๐’†๐”‚ ๐ต๐’ถ๐“‡๐“‰๐‘œ๐“๐‘œ๐“‚๐‘’๐“Š ๐“๐“ป๐“ฌ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ๐“ปxxxxxxx

xxxโ„ฌ๐“ช๐“ผ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ ๐“ข๐“ฝ๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ฒ๐“ผ๐“ฝ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ผxxx

xxxFแดœสŸสŸ Nแด€แดแด‡: Finley Bartolomeu Archer {formerly Zeperin}
xxxNษชแด„แด‹ษดแด€แดแด‡s: Finzie, Finn
xxxAษขแด‡: 18
xxxBษชส€แด›สœแด…แด€ส: April 14, 2036
xxxBสŸแดแดแด… Sแด›แด€แด›แดœs: Half-Blood
xxxGแด‡ษดแด…แด‡ส€: Male
xxxOส€ษชแด‡ษดแด›แด€แด›ษชแดษด: Unknown
xxxZแดแด…ษชแด€แด„: Aries
xxxBirth Stone: Diamond/Black Diamond
xxxWแด€ษดแด…: 12in Cedar with unicorn tail hair, springy with a knobbly shaft
xxxFแด€แด„แด‡แด„สŸแด€ษชแด: Nathan Kress, Taylor Kitsch

xxx๐“ข๐“ฌ๐“ฑ๐“ธ๐“ธ๐“ต & ๐“’๐“ช๐“ป๐’†๐’†๐“ปxxx

xxxSแด„สœแดแดสŸ: Hogwarts School
xxxHแดแดœsแด‡: Ravenclaw - Prefect
xxxClass Of: 2054
xxx๐’ช๐’ฒ๐ฟ ๐’ฎ๐’ธ๐‘œ๐“‡๐‘’๐“ˆxxx
xxxxxโ‡พAstronomy ~ {A}
xxxxxโ‡พCharms ~ {O}
xxxxxโ‡พDefence Against the Dark Arts ~ {EE}
xxxxxโ‡พHerbology ~ {A}
xxxxxโ‡พHistory of Magic ~ {O}
xxxxxโ‡พPotions ~ {P}
xxxxxโ‡พTransfiguration ~ {O}
xxxxxโ‡พAlchemy ~ {EE}
xxxxxโ‡พArithmancy ~ {O}
xxxxxโ‡พCursebreaking ~ {A}
xxxxxโ‡พMusic ~ {O}
xxxxxโ‡พMythology ~ {O}
xxxxxโ‡พStudy of Ancient Runes ~ {O}
xxxxxโ‡พWandless Magic Practice ~ {EE}
xxxxxโ‡พWizard Law ~ {O}

xxx๐’ฉ๐ธ๐’ฒ๐’ฏ ๐’ฎ๐’ธ๐‘œ๐“‡๐‘’๐“ˆxxx
xxxxxโ‡พAstronomy ~ {O}
xxxxxโ‡พCharms ~ {O}
xxxxxโ‡พDefence Against the Dark Arts ~ {O}
xxxxxโ‡พHistory of Magic ~ {O}
xxxxxโ‡พTransfiguration ~ {O}
xxxxxโ‡พAlchemy ~ {O}
xxxxxโ‡พArithmancy ~ {O}
xxxxxโ‡พMusic ~ {O}
xxxxxโ‡พMythology ~ {O}
xxxxxโ‡พStudy of Ancient Runes ~ {O}
xxxxxโ‡พWandless Magic Practice ~ {O}
xxxxxโ‡พWizard Law ~ {O}

xxxCแดœส€ส€แด‡ษดแด› Eแดแด˜สŸแดสแดแด‡ษดแด›: Student
xxxDส€แด‡แด€แด Jแดส™: Jazz musician


Finley has never exactly been open and trusting, at least not for a long while. It takes a long time for him to open up and show his true personality, so when he does, it seems like a rift in his personality. He typically keeps expressions neutral, his biggest display of emotion typically being a sigh.

Teenagers always seem to be suffering somehow, and Finley often feels the effect. He often seems to be down in the dumps, though he can swing fairly rapidly too. He tries to keep under control, but it's not always easy.

Finley loves to learn all about everything. He asks a lot of questions and gets himself into trouble by trying to squeak past rules to investigate the world.

xxxxxโ‡พSแด€แด แด€ษดแด›:
Finley has always had exceptional skill with music, especially instruments. He loves music in all forms, but has extra grace with jazz.

xxxxxโ‡พRแด‡sแด‡ส€แด แด‡แด…:
Finley doesn't talk much, as he's realized talking doesn't tend to help him. He prefers to communicate through his music or sideways glances.

xxxxxโ‡พNษชษขสœแด› OแดกสŸ:
Finley absolutely detests mornings. He is significantly more happy and relaxed in the evenings, compared to his bitter, angry morning self. He often has trouble falling asleep, simply because he loves the night.

xxxxxโ‡พ Nighttime
xxxxxโ‡พ Jazz
xxxxxโ‡พ Puppies
xxxxxโ‡พ Chess
xxxxxโ‡พ His Trumpet

xxxxxโ‡พ Mornings
xxxxxโ‡พ "Formal" Conversations
xxxxxโ‡พ Being the Center of Attention
xxxxxโ‡พ Cheese
xxxxxโ‡พ Dentists

xxxxxโ‡พ Playing Music
xxxxxโ‡พ Exploring
xxxxxโ‡พ Playing Chess and other Strategy Games

xxxxxโ‡พ Musical Skill
xxxxxโ‡พ Curiosity

xxxxxโ‡พ Won't speak up for himself
xxxxxโ‡พ Bad Stage Fright

xxxxxโ‡พ Become a Famous Musician
xxxxxโ‡พ Get over his fears

xxxxxโ‡พ Spiders
xxxxxโ‡พ Public Speaking


Finley was born to a wonderful woman, or so he thought. His parents had ended a marriage following a bitter, bitter divorce, something he had no understanding of. The boy's mother was given custody, as the bulk of the divorce happened before Finley was born and she had opted not to list the man as his father. Unfortunately, she found herself rather unable to care for the child, between living expenses, daycare, and trying to pay the alimony that her husband had talked the courts into granting him. After figuring herself unable to properly pay all her debts, the woman turned to pills to help her get through working three jobs, but steadily her addiction grew worse and worse. One day, her Ex heard that she'd had troubles, and he promptly turned her into the police, earning her a stay in jail and the loss of her child. When asked if he wanted a paternity test and custody, the man denied wanting Finley, and he was instead sent away to an orphanage.

Luckily, the matron of the place seemed to rather enjoy him. She even let him barrage her with his questions! She took care of him, even getting him new clothes and combing his messy hair. She agreed to stay with him, since she worked there, so he knew she wouldn't let him be taken away. After a few weeks, he'd settled into a routine at Wool's, and even though he missed his mom quite a lot, he had to admit he liked the people that cared for him here too.

As the years went by, Finley lost quite a bit of his optimistic spirit, watching as all the younger kids would come and go, while he was passed up time and again. He turned to music after finding a (slightly rusted) old trumpet. He fell into records of old Jazz musicians and used that to pass his time. The few times he tried to make friends were skipped over, the boy being weird and isolated after years of living at the orphanage. Even the kids within Wool's seemed to avoid him. He still dreams of the day he can be free, but at this rate, he's sure that'll be his eighteenth birthday and not a day sooner.

Luckily for Finley, his thoughts were not prophecy. He was soon adopted by Chadwick Archer, the guy who always volunteered haircuts for the orphans. After a few times meeting (and a few bribes of trumpet music), the two made a friendship of sorts. Shortly thereafter, Chad asked Finley if he'd want to be adopted and the scruffy haired child agreed, glad to trade the orphanage for a flat above a hair salon. Plus, he was able to help his new dad and make a little allowance on the side. When he hit age Eleven, Chad threw him his first little birthday party, complete with chocolate cake, party hats, and of course, gifts. One of which was a letter for Hogwarts.

xxx๐’ฎ๐’ธ๐’ฝ๐‘œ๐‘œ๐“ ๐’ด๐‘’๐’ถ๐“‡๐“ˆxxx
During his first year, Finley wasn't too sure of himself. He did make friends with an older girl - Laurel - who also lived in Hogsmeade, which was pretty nice. He was sorted into Ravenclaw, on virtue of his intelligence and creativity, which made him feel so much more confident. As the year came, he found his skill at a few of the classes, which helped him figure that he'd do just fine here, even if he couldn't go home to see his dad very often.

In preparation for second year, Finley went to shop in Diagon. He'd brought his trumpet along to take to the music shop to make sure it was tuned perfectly. Unfortunately, on his trek, he literally ran into a set of twins. Bad enough, sure, but one of them seemed to be a total prat, which wasn't fun at all. Especially when the other mentioned they'd be going to Hogwarts that year. Honestly they just seemed exhausting. And sure enough, they were. Between fighting and just tormenting Finley, the annoying one, Chadwick, quickly became an enemy on his list. Then again, his girlfriend (in first year, what??? Finley wasn't even looking at girls yet??) Sparrow was really nice, and always tried to get Finley to break his fear and play his trumpet in front of the whole music club. Not a chance. Nope.

Third year was much the same, other than Finley being offered captainship of music club. What the what? Also his dad stepping in to threaten Chadwick when he and Cenek came to visit. Man, it was weird to have an enemy with the same name as your dad. The tail end of third year brought a devastating loss to his best friend's family, and Finley offered all the support he could muster over to Cenek, and yes, even Chadwick, despite their standing as enemies.

Fourth year wasn't too wild, though Chadwick did sorta kinda try to make amends... and friends? It was strange, but surely even the heartless could change their ways. Fifth year rolled around, with Finley being given the title of prefect. Man, that was super cool. On the downside, it meant he had to wake up super early to make the train to Hogsmeade, despite living in Hogsmeade. All in all, it seemed like the only chaos of the year was going to be prefect duties, club management, and of course, OWLs. That was until the Dramatic Breakup of Sparrow and Chadwick occurred. It seemed like even if you didn't know them, everyone in the school was suddenly divided. Luckily, Finley (somehow) managed to keep his friendships to Chadwick, Cenek, and Sparrow through the drama. He also officially came out to his friends and family as gay, even though a few noted it'd been pretty obvious.

Sixth year brought about his OWL results and a burning desire to do better in the classes he kept through NEWT level. He was also trying to adjust to the newly adopted Roxanne, who was all for calling him big brother. He wasn't sure how to handle a sibling, as he'd neve officially had one, so Chadwick invited him to the Knapp house to experience chaos. Unfortunately, the plan backfired a bit, since Finley was more than used to the chaos of little kids thanks to his years at Wools. So just one on one was a bit scary.

It also brought about a nerve-wracking surgery to restore his color vision. When he was fully recovered, Chadwick came to show him the Christmas lights in the park. While there.... Chadwick asked him out. On an actual date. Despite the shock... Finley agreed. They went on a quiet date that winter, then somehow by the time school opened back up... everyone knew. Finley trusted Cenek, so he figured his best friend probably hadn't spilled the beans, but it was weird to suddenly be in the limelight. Several people still condemned Chadwick for his treatment of Sparrow, therefore they thought Finley was stupid or even just in it for the drama.

The worst of those was Sparrow, who was both majorly disappointed and massively heartbroken by Finley's dating habits. While he tried to make amends, short of breaking up with Chadwick (because who knew where it'd go?), finally, they seemed to settle on uncomfortable silences and avoiding each other outside the couple clubs they were in. Great.

Before he could enter seventh year, Chadwick showed up at his flat, trunk in tow, telling him that his mother had kicked him out of the house for the simple fact that he was gay. While Chadwick wanted to find an inn in Hogsmeade, Finley spoke with his dad, and suddenly Chadwick was living at the Archer house. It was nice because Roxie quite liked Chadwick, and Chadwick could help babysit while the Archers were working in the salon. Once the school year started, it became time to buckle down. No way was he getting top marks if he didn't study like a fiend. Right at the top of the year, he got enlisted to help Callie deliver a guitar to Mattie, then the craziness seemed to grow. Luckily, his friends were there to help study and to help make sure he had a functional life outside the library.

Toward the end of the year, he was contracted to help after a prank gone wrong. When he went to assist, he realized he'd be working side-by-side with none other than Sparrow. It was awkward and the air was heavy, but somehow they were able to work together to help Callie, who's hair had been accidentally died about a million colors. Shortly after they saved the day, Finley sat his NEWT exams, and then he was graduated. It was all over from there. And what a wild journey it had been.



xxxLแดแด แด‡แด… Oษดแด‡: Chadwick Knapp
xxxBแด‡sแด› Fส€ษชแด‡ษดแด…: Cenek Knapp
xxxFส€ษชแด‡ษดแด…s: Brook Knapp, Sparrow Winchester(?), Wren Winchester, Laurel Hill
xxxFแด€แดษชสŸส: Chadwick Archer - Adopted Father
Roxanne "Roxie" Archer - Adopted Sister
Kaylee Zeperin - Birth Mother
Angeline Zeperin - Maternal Grandmother
xxxPแด‡แด›: An Eastern Screech owl named Louis [x] [x] (Named after Louis Armstrong, of course)

xxx๐“ž๐“ฝ๐“ฑ๐’†๐“ป ๐“˜๐“ท๐’‡๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ถ๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ฒ๐“ธ๐“ทxxx

xxxFแด€แด แดส€ษชแด›แด‡ Fแดแดแด…: PB&J Sandwiches
xxxFแด€แด แดส€ษชแด›แด‡ Cแด€ษดแด…ส: Dark Chocolate
xxxFแด€แด แดส€ษชแด›แด‡ CแดสŸแดส€: Black
xxxFแด€แด แดส€ษชแด›แด‡ Aษดษชแดแด€สŸ: Dogs
xxxFแด€แด แดส€ษชแด›แด‡ Sแดษดษข: Little Bird, Little Bird

xxxAสŸสŸแด‡ส€ษขษชแด‡s: Mild Lactose Intolerance, Seasonal Allergies
xxxIษดsแด›ส€แดœแดแด‡ษดแด›s PสŸแด€สแด‡แด…: Trumpet (regular, piccolo, and fluegelhorn), Xylophone, Drums - Learning Guitar, Violin, Piano
xxxLแด€ษดษขแดœแด€ษขแด‡s Sแด˜แดแด‹แด‡ษด: English, conversational French
xxxAแด„แด„แด‡ษดแด›: English

UPDATED 06/18/2020

โ–  Updated info
โ–  (recent update)
โ–  (recent update)

PENDED BY Weasley 10/4/19
ACCEPTED BY ~๐”ž๐”ก๐”ก๐”ž๐”ข๐”ฉ๐”ฉ๐”ฆ๐”ฐ [03/08/2020]