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NPC Tea: Snow Monkey Plum Green Contest [Over!]

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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 12:36 pm
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Welcome to the Re-Homing Contest for the Snow Monkey Plum tea green, colored by Smerdle. Due to some confusion in the earlier contest, this pretty lady needs a home!

This is simply going to be a standard profile contest, pulled directly from the NPC Tea Profile Contest. As we'd like these profiles finished (besides any tweaking that might have to happen in the QC process) we're going to ask you actually make a full profile for this lady.

A few things that cannot be changed:

1. She is stationed at Western Weyr, which means the Candidate she Impressed to was from Western Weyr during the Beach Clutch.
2. Her theme is Snow Monkey Plum Tea which means her name must be tied in with that tea.
3. She cannot be the first one to have hatched nor the last one, as those honors go to Sawi and Saith.
4. They impressed at the Southern Boll beach and then went back to Western Weyr for training.

You may only enter if you do not currently own a dragon from the Tea Clutch.

Begins: Now
Ends: Thursday October 31, 2019 @ 6pm Pacific Time
PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 12:39 pm
The Form

Please fill out this form in its entirety.

[center][size=28][b][color=green]Sit Down & Have Some Green Tea...Again[/color][/b][/size][/center]
[b]Sexual Orientation:[/b]
[b]Weyr:[/b] Western Weyr
[b]Rider Rank:[/b] Wingrider
[b]Previous Rank/Craft:[/b]
[b]Physical Description:[/b]
[b]Personality: [/b]
[b]Positive Trait List[/b]
[b]Negative Trait List[/b]
[b]Other:[/b] Anything else you want to add?

[b]Origin of Name:[/b]
[b]Color:[/b] Green
[b]Inspiration:[/b] Snow Monkey Plum
[b]Size:[/b] [Choose a size based on our size chart for their color!]
[b]Physical Attributes:[/b]
[b]Additional Notes:[/b] Flame Length? Flight Interests? Other interesting things to note?

[b]Why Me:[/b] Why did this dragon pick out the above Candidate? What do they give one another?

- - - -
[b]What were they like in weyrling training?[/b] Were they known to cause trouble, studious, quiet, helpful, terrified, annoying, etc. We're asking how you generally see how they did!

[b]How did they get along with their other weyrlings?[/b] Would they have gotten along with them? Kept themselves more or less distant? Would they have tried to make friends? Please DON'T go into specifics on who they were friends with, who they weren't, etc. All that can happen with the Tea Babies after you find out if you've won or not! We're just asking for what you imagine they might have been like around the group!

[b]How did they feel about weyrling training and Liat strict training?[/b]

[b]How did they do during Threadfall?[/b] Have they lucked out? Have they been horribly injured or bloodied, etc.

[b]How do they feel about Threadfall's return?[/b]

[b]Anything else?[/b]


Shy Mage


Otherworldly Plague

20,675 Points
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 10:36 am
Sit Down & Have Some Green Tea...Again

Name: S’eran
Age: 23.
Sex: Agender.
Sexual Orientation: Demiromantic.
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Kitchen staff.
Physical Description: Short, stocky, and well-built, S’eran stands at an underwhelming 5’4”, although they certainly don't seem to mind. They’ve got plenty of chub on their frame, which only serves to mask the sheer muscle they carry. Their hair is blond, streaked with white, and they prefer to keep it long--it’s almost always swept back into a braid, sometimes with little charms folded in if they're feeling fancy. When it's loose, it reaches the middle of their back in gentle waves. Their skin is a deep golden brown, save for the scattering of white across their features; they have vitiligo, and this is most prominent on their face and forearms where it forms almost symmetrical splotches of pale pink. S’eran’s eyes are a bright green, seemingly always twinkling with an unspoken joke or quiet humor--they have some small flecks of gold in them if you look close enough.
Usually, they wear pretty casually-fitted clothing, with little concern for much other than their own comfort. They prefer looser shirts these days, sticking with less restrictive tops to keep their injured shoulders from having to fight against much fabric--they have fairly significant patch of threadscore across their back, almost as if they bore a clump of it on their shoulders. One side is almost shaped like a wing, and they’ve been known to joke that they need to go earn the other one still.

S’eran feels like the personification of a nice warm cup of klah in the morning: warm and welcoming, but with a little bit of a bite to keep you on your toes. They're a genial, social sort, and take to new interactions like a fish to water, especially if there's any new faces in the crows. It's rare for them to be out of their element, or at least to be visibly caught off-guard--S’eran knows how to cover their bases well, and in the event that they might not have prepared adequately, they at least know how to spin it into a humorous situation to hopefully relieve some of the oncoming pressure. They're quick with their commentary and can usually think of something to lighten the mood, and take particular joy in finding someone who's just as willing to go back and forth as they are.
S’eran prefers to keep things friendly as a rule, but that completely depends on who happens to be involved--if someone they know they don't like decides to show their face, all bets are off. They find it incredibly difficult to hide any ill will they've got toward the unfortunate few that have earned it, and don't see much of a reason why they should. If they have a problem with someone, there's no reason to beat around the bush with it, is there? Ideally, this would point them toward trying to resolve the problem and getting on good footing with the other person, but S’eran takes a very different approach. Instead, they latch on to their grudges once they're fully formed, and it takes a significant amount of effort for them to be convinced to let things go.

With either their friends or acquaintances in the making, however, S’eran easily falls into something of a parental role, whether they mean to or not. They're quick to do what they can to boost people's confidence if they see anyone flagging, and are very insistent on ensuring everyone is properly taken care of. They will quite gladly do anything for just about anyone, provided they get to come along and carry on a good conversation in the meantime--getting to go places and do things with others is all they really want in life, and they absolutely adore getting to know the people behind a new face. They're constantly amazed by the skills, talents, and quirks of others, and are completely genuine in their praise, even if it's quite frequent.
S’eran isn't just astounded by people, though. Everything around them is incredible in some way or another, and they waste no time in acknowledging it. They love doing things just to do them# even if the results may seem like unfortunate consequences--waking up super early just to see the stars fade into sunrise, snacking on their lunch before it's cooled to feel the burn on their tongue, coming just a bit too close to hurting themself during their day to day tasks, or digging their toes into the sand at the beach and trying to avoid the little crabs they disturb in the process...it's all absolutely wonderful, and S’eran finds these moments far more precious than anything other than their dragon. They aspire to live fully and earnestly, and if they can manage to show someone even a fraction of the wonder they find in the world around them, they’d be happy to say they've led a life worth living.
Positive Trait List Supportive, quick-witted, attentive, charismatic, confident, eager.
Negative Trait List Impulsive, short-tempered, mercurial, holds on to grudges, overbearing, tactless.
The only child of a pair of master healers in Southern Boll, Satheran knew from an early age that they had absolutely no intention of following in their parents’ footsteps. It wasn't that they didn't find healing interesting--it was, of course, but they just didn't feel like it was the perfect fit for them. There was so much to choose from out in the world, and it felt like an incredibly poor decision to limit what they could do so soon just because their parents had found their calling. When they were old enough, they bounced from apprenticeship to apprenticeship whenever they were able to, picking up a wide variety of knowledge and skills along the way--as well as somewhat of a reputation for being a flake, but that was a small price to pay for what they got out of it all in the long run. They were able to travel a bit and meet so many captivating people, and they quickly fell in love with the world around them in such a way that it became difficult to convince themself to settle for just one thing.
It took them a few years before they found their calling--cooking. While they've always had a knack for the culinary arts, Satheran still didn't know if they should go all in on it, dimly worried that they may be boxing themself into losing their passion for it by making it all that they did. With some gentle reassurance from their friends and parents, however, Satheran began pursuing their talent more earnestly, and eventually wound up becoming kitchen staff at Western Weyr through the help of a rider friend they'd picked up along the way--and they quickly learned how much they truly loved what they did. Satheran adored the way food connected people, and life at the Weyr was so new and exciting, even if they got to view it through the somewhat limited scope of the kitchen. They worked hard to earn their place in their new home, and became enamored with both how Western was and the presence of dragonriders, growing even more fascinated with them once they were put into such close quarters. Satheran held no dreams of joining their ranks, but they couldn't help but stand awestruck whenever they saw a dragon and rider take flight all the same.

And then Thread returned. Things changed very suddenly after that.

Satheran found themself caught up in a blur as life at the Weyr began to rapidly accelerate, the quiet comforts and small wonders they loved being subsume by the magnitude of the disaster that had returned to ruin it all once more. Although confused and even outright scared, they put their nose to the grindstone as best as they could, feeling less and less like they'd made a good choice in their profession once faces began disappearing or coming back injured--maybe if they’d learned more of the healing arts, or even gone into it themself, they might be more useful than they were right now. A good stew wasn't going to convince Thread to stop falling, and a cake couldn't heal a rider’s wounds. Their uncertainty brewed behind closed doors, and with everything else going on, it largely escaped notice, with Satheran easily dismissing it in favor of keeping attention where it needed to be.
The next baffling change in their life came when they Impressed. They’d simply been on hand to help with the post-Hatching feast and nothing more--they'd been glad to return to their home even for such a short while, but the thought of seeing what might have happened while they were gone terrified them. Satheran did their best to stay out of the way, rushing this way and that with the rest of the staff to get everything set up in time--they’d been asked to go to the Sands and relay a question, although they couldn't tell you what it was now. They’d turned away to get back to work when a precious little Green, newly hatched and unsteady on her feet, broke away from the gathered Candidates to press her nose into their hand so gently, so delicately, and their world would never be the same. She’d waited, waited, waited for the moment Satheran would come, holding out as long as she could until Hers was close enough for her to reach--and when they'd started to leave, she'd bordered on outright panic, fighting tooth and nail to free herself from her shell to let Hers know that she was there--Fujiath was there, their Fujiath, and they needed to stay with her, please, please. Would they stay with her? She knew they had responsibilities, had a job to do, but she’d waited so long for them, and she couldn't imagine leaving her S’eran--but could they picture leaving her?
No. No, no, of course not, not now, and not ever. They would protect her, and they'd be there with her every step of the way.
S’eran idly wondered if they'd get in trouble for not coming back to the kitchen, but one look into Fujiath's eyes whirling rainbow completely overtook any concerns they might have had. They'd found their other half they didn't know they were missing, and if the people in charge of the feast couldn't see that, then that was their problem.

Weyrling training was rougher than they could've expected, and even though they understood the necessity for such strict supervision, S’eran still found themself chafing under the yoke all the same. Fujiath, although skittish and uncertain, helped them keep their temper in check, encouraging them to last just a little longer for her. This tactic worked to their advantage, as the pair were able to graduate with no real hangups despite the occasional disciplinary action due to S’eran snapping at the wrong time. They were riders now, fully fledged and ready to fight--at least on paper. Fujiath had learned to compose herself and project a shockingly convincing guise of cool confidence and poise, but S’eran knew her nerves were still plenty present, and although S’eran themself had a ways to go on learning how to keep their tongue in check, they figured out a better time and place to let it loose; for the most part, anyway.
At this rate, they might be able to grow into a genuinely excellent pair with a little more experience. Who would have thought?
Other: They can make a mean crepe, and if you say you're even slightly hungry around them, they’ll fix that. That is a threat.

Name: Fujiath
Origin of Name: Snow Monkey tea is from the Fujian province, where her name also originates!
Color: Green
Inspiration: Snow Monkey Plum
Quiet, understated, and serene, Fujiath is a calm ocean whose temper moves at an absolutely glacial pace. She carries herself with carefully cultivated poise and elegance, moving through social interactions with such a light touch that she almost seems to be simply observing it all as opposed to directly being involved. It would be incorrect to assume that she's aloof or intentionally detached, however--she cares deeply and intensely, even if it's so often hidden behind her guise of composure. Fujiath is far more emotional than she lets on, preferring to keep her true feelings only to herself or her close confidants--she's a very private soul, and the intensity of her emotions can easily spook her. As a result, she has a tendency to bottle things up until they're almost too much for her to handle alone. She's not overly fond of the idea of relying on others, and, as a result, puts a lot of effort into minimizing her problems so that no one but Hers can call her on it.

She's a gentle dragon, but it's wise not to mistake her delicate nature for genuine weakness. While she may not be counted among the fiercest dragons of her weyr, she has more bite than is expected, although she’ll without a doubt feel terrible about having to use it. Fujiath will do whatever possible to avoid coming into any kind of confrontation, bending over backwards to find ways to try and make everything work out in everyone's favor. She can be easily bowled over by others that are more forceful or opinionated than her, and tends to fold under personal pressure--to a point. When she's finally backed into a corner, Fujiath has much less qualms about lashing out, although her anger has much less direction than she'd like. If stressed enough, her composure flies out the window, and whoever’s unfortunate to be near enough could very well find themselves under fire, even if they haven't done anything to deserve it. Once she's done, she's likely to isolate herself until she feels comfortable approaching people again, and her ‘apology phase’ comes with a much more genuine, if desperate, view of how she really is instead of the calculated version she puts up in public. She wants to be liked and maybe even loved, and she's always afraid that she might ruin her chances of that whenever she pushes herself too far.

Fujiath has a bit of an icy demeanor at first glance, but once those outer layers begin to drop, it becomes evident that she's still the same nervous dragon she was as a hatchling, albeit bigger and with more flight capability these days. She doesn't like the thought that her nerves can be so easily recognized, or the notion that others absolutely still remember her from before she learned how to act--she especially walks on eggshells around her clutchmates, afraid of what they might say should she slip up and prove herself to be much the same even after all this time. She dreams of truly being the elegant, graceful Fujiath she presents herself as, rather than simply faking it in the hopes that she can fool even herself into believing the act to be her most genuine self. She's prone to melancholy and is particularly self-conscious about both her own image and whether or not she's seen as capable--S’eran is good at shaking her out of these ruts when she digs herself into them, but all the same, she longs for the day when she might not be so worried about these things anymore.
Size: 19’
Physical Attributes: Slim, wispy, and almost shockingly leggy, Fujiath’s build can best be described as bordering on frail. She would prefer to be described as ethereal instead, however, as it's much more of an evocative term. She takes particular pride in her wings, and her wingsails have an almost translucent quality if they're in just the right light--she's incredibly fond of how she looks in the sunlight as a result. It's not uncommon for S’eran to make her small flower crowns for one of her headknobs when they're not busy, and she loves the contrast of bright flowers against her hide.
Additional Notes: Fujiath fancies herself a bit of a hobbyist botanist, and practices identifying flowers and herbs in her free time. She loves collaborating with Hers on making bouquets, and insists on keeping plants in her weyr for them both to look at and enjoy.
She's absolutely the most partial to other Greens, and there's nothing like a lovely Green hide to get her starstruck.

Why Me:
S’eran shines in the areas Fujiath herself is a bit...lackluster in. Despite her well-maintained poise, as well as her insistence on maintaining social equilibrium, she's not very good at socializing outside of the most formal sense, and has trouble being herself with others. S’eran helps bolster her confidence, reassuring her that she's allowed to be more than the person she’s cultivated for herself; in return, she gives them the quiet support and calming influence they need, and they keep each other on the same page with little effort. Fujiath tends to get caught up in her own head, but S’eran knows just how to jog her back to reality to experience the world around her. In a similar vein, S’eran’s temper finds its foil in Fujiath’s ice cold calm, dispersing the heat of their rage before it burns anyone. They're complementary parts of the same whole, balancing each other’s faults and hang ups with their strengths.
Beyond that, they provide so much opportunity for each other--S’eran is sociable and easygoing, and they find it easy to go out and make connections. They experience the world in a more casual, impulsive way than Fujiath does, and she wants nothing more than to feel the pure wonder at everything that S’eran does. She loves how they view their surroundings, and does her best to welcome the same kind of awe into her own understanding of existence, taking their inspiration to hearts as best as she’s able. By following in their footsteps and loosening up just enough to let in more of what's around her, Fujiath thinks that maybe, just maybe, she might be able to handle letting herself actually be herself.
That, and S’eran just has so much fun doing things, and she wanted to come along for the ride, nerves or no. S’eran swore they’d protect her, so she knows it’ll be okay.

- - - -
What were they like in weyrling training?
Together, they were a somewhat offbeat combination of moderately difficult and incredibly nervous. S’eran did their best to hold their tongue, lest they speak out of turn and let their temper get the better of them, but they couldn't keep it under wraps the entire time. Fujiath fielded a lot of their irritation, particularly considering the fact that a lot of it was mustered in her defense--she preferred to keep her head as far down as possible, but when she managed to be noticed, it wasn't always because she was excelling. She didn't respond to criticism very well, no matter how much she tried to bolster her own confidence with the encouragement of Hers and her own thoughts.

How did they get along with their other weyrlings?
Fujiath does her best to stay tactfully on the outer fringes of her siblings, positioning herself away from any potential strife--she wants to be more involved and more social, but she's nervous about opening up to others, which makes close connections amongst her clutchmates (and just about anyone else, for that matter) a bit difficult. As a hatchling, her nerves would've prevented her from being too terribly integrated into the group as a whole, staying skittish despite her rider’s reassurance--over time, she learned to calm herself, but the trepidation remained despite her best efforts.

How did they feel about weyrling training and Liat strict training?
They can handle a strict taskmaster, although they might not be incredibly fond of it. S’eran understands that weyrling training is supposed to be hard, but they somewhat resent Liat for how harsh their lessons were, even if they did come out of it on the other side as a perfectly capable dragon and rider pair--Fujiath didn't respond incredibly well to the stress until she was almost ready to move up to being a senior weyrling, although her ability to act as though she was fine came in long before that. Were it not for the intensity of it all, S’eran might have even called it fun, if not thrilling. As it stands, however, they both view their training as live fire testing, but a necessary struggle without a doubt.

How did they do during Threadfall?
They've been doing their best. Really, truly they have, but their luck…well, it hasn't been incredible. It could certainly be worse, of course, and they're very, very glad it hasn't been! All the same, they’ve encountered their share of difficulties. S’eran caught a cluster of Thread across their shoulders during one of their earlier Threadfalls, and the scar tissue has made their firestone throws rough at best. Fujiath has made it through more or less okay thus far, avoiding any significant injuries, but her nerves don't tend to fare very well, and she's been known to psych herself out if she's given the opportunity to get caught up in her own head.

How do they feel about Threadfall's return?
Oh, Faranth. Fujiath is terrified. She feels as though she should be handling it better, considering the fact that she's a dragon, and they’re supposed to fight Thread and all, but there's an unimaginable amount on the line now, and she's afraid that she won't be able to truly keep anyone safe.
S’eran, on the other hand, is taking things about as well as one can expect. So, the ancient enemy has returned, and it's still hungry! Great. Phenomenal. Thread may very well be the only thing S’eran isn't going to marvel over--they're in love with Pern, not the Red Star. They're confident in their ability to do what needs to be done, but they're always worried about Fujiath, and take special care to keep her spirits as high as possible during Threadfall.

Anything else? thank for the opportunity ; v;/ tea clutch is such a good clutch and snow monkey up there is Gorgeous, so i absolutely couldn't help myself and had to throw my hat in
PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 1:06 pm
Sit Down & Have Some Green Tea...Again

Name: Ko’enn
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: He likes the men.
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Farmer
Physical Description: Ko’enn is on the shorter side of average for a Pernese man with medium length blond hair that he often has pulled out of his face and brown eyes. He would be considered average in build, not boasting much muscle for show and even being a bit soft in the belly but also not narrow in the shoulders either. He has a certain roundness to his features that makes him look perpetually smiley. His right arm is badly scored.
Personality: Ko’enn is really good at hooking himself to something and never letting go - he doesn’t leave tasks half-finished and he doesn’t stray from what he starts until the end. He has the mental stamina needed for long term projects and to make sure nothing slips through the cracks. Rather than making him serious and confident, however, Ko’enn is almost obsessive and nervous about it, keeping him from relaxing when things are done. Between one task and the next, he is prone to thinking away all of his free time on ‘40 minutes until 3 hours until I get to go home’s.

Forgetting something is on par with disaster for Ko’enn who is quick to overdramatize the side effects of what he has, or hasn’t, done. On the flip side, the good things are similarly blown out of proportion. Everything is the actual best or absolutely worst thing to ever happen to anybody ever. As a side effect of his nervous heart, Ko’enn is a tender and sweet soul and is never rough in anything he does. He does not talk loud, his hands aren’t even rough, and he’s a rather thoughtful young man. He just occasionally thinks himself into a whirlpool.

Ko’enn is not inclined to think highly of his hard work or good traits, not out of a lack of self-esteem but because he doesn’t believe they should be a big deal. If he helped that is great and nobody needs to acknowledge that but himself. On the flip side, it is easy to pawn off work onto him that one knows needs to be done (especially if they don’t want to do it themselves) because it is certain to be done without a complaint nor argument if it is brought up to him later.

Positive Trait List Focused, Tender, Humble
Negative Trait List Nervous, Hyperbolic, Doormat
History: Koizenn was born the 4th child of farmers and the third son - with just enough age difference to both admire his older brothers and for them to pawn all of their work off on him. There were always varying excuses for it and he had no complaints about it. They were older and had more important responsibilities as far as he thought on it.

He grew up content in his place as hardworking, but not as important.
In fact, he was so certain when a bluerider stopped at their farm during Search that at least one of the two would be going with them. The only one of the kids the blue showed any interest in, however, was Koizenn - who had to be talked up by both brothers to actually go.

The young man was at Western for his second year when he, along with the rest of the candidates of Western, were spirited off to a previously unseen beach to stand before completely unknown dragon eggs. He watched carefully, and with no shortage of palpitations, as these strangers - no touching! Completely unknown!! - sniffed and investigated each candidate on the beach. So distracted by one little green that was running about the sand to try and find hers he all but missed the little green that had come up to settle patiently at his side.

Watching. Waiting.

Silly billy! Don’t worry about her! She won’t hurt you when you’re mine! her voice was a giggle, pushing away all his worries as he finally turned to look down into the rainbow eyes of the most beautiful little dragon he’d ever seen.

I knew you’d like your Meihuath best, Koizennmine! And she had been absolutely right.

During the Western half of the clutch’s blooding, Ko’zenn’s right arm was badly scored. It hasn’t kept him from riding, however.
Other: Anything else you want to add?

Name: Meihuath
Origin of Name: In Chinese the flowers of the Prunus mume, the Chinese Plum Tree, are known as Meihua.
Color: Green
Inspiration: Snow Monkey Plum
Personality: Meihuath is easily identified as one thing before anything else, bless her hearts: An absolute airhead. She is not a green that stands out as particularly serious about much of anything, besides how much she loves Hers and her family, nor would anybody of rank see her as having any hidden talents she has yet to discover. But this makes her easy to please, happy to accept anything and everything that comes her way. A hard day is easily smoothed over with a nice bath, mean words from another dragon are forgotten and forgiven with no harm, no foul.

Unfortunately, between her personality and her physical frailty, Meihuath is not the hardest of workers. While she will be eager to take on any task and go into it with a lot of steam, she will run out of it before she finishes it, more often than not. She works best in a group to pace herself, though can just as easily get into trouble if left in a group of troublemakers! On the flipside, however, her disposition fails her just as quickly when doing fun things as well so she is nothing if not consistent.

Her hearts are full of love, ultimately, and everything she does comes from the right place - when she can see it through.

Size: 20’
Physical Attributes: Meihuath is a finely featured green with long slender wings and smaller than average headknobs - perhaps a touch too finely featured. While this gives her a sweetly delicate look, she has the stamina and strength to match which is to say, not a lot of it.
Additional Notes: Because of her delicate build, Meihuath will never last much longer than the half-falls she and Hers are assigned to and will always want long rests after a hard day of work. When she rises, her flights will always be short and she will tend to favor suitors who are both strong and gentle.

Meihuath would be an ideal snuggler if she didn’t get nibbly with whoever she is cuddled up to! Chomp!

Why Me: Koizenn needs breathing room for thoughts that are more fun than what he needs to do next that day, and dear little airheaded Meihuath has the brain space he can use just for that! In turn, she needs his focus to keep her from getting distracted from what she is doing and to pace herself! Her delicate frame will benefit from his focus and tenderness, and that she will need breaks will force him to take them too. Above all else, however, they will always be most important to each other - even if they don’t need anybody else to think they’re special.

- - - -
What were they like in weyrling training? Ko’zenn was a bit rigid and didn’t take failure very well. Focused and hardworking - especially when it came to trying to figure out where he and Meihuath could compensate for their shortcomings.

How did they get along with their other weyrlings? Ko’zenn is friendly and would have done his best to make friends. Some may have even considered him a touch dramatic and restless.

How did they feel about weyrling training and Liat strict training? Meihuath struggled to focus and Ko’zenn focused twice as hard. He wasn’t afraid of hard work - even if Meihuath was easily distracted by more playful Classmates.

How did they do during Threadfall? Ko’zenn’s right arm is scored badly and Meihuath has some scoring on the same side - though not nearly as severe.

How do they feel about Threadfall's return? Ko’zenn is prone to work himself right into a tizzy if he thinks too hard about all of the repercussions of Threadfall and what it means for all of Pern. He tries to focus on the smaller pieces for the sake of Meihuath who doesn’t try to think so far ahead with it.

Anything else? Boop!


Beloved Werewolf

Sweet Symmetry

Tipsy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2019 2:43 am
Sit Down & Have Some Green Tea...Again

Name: Ce’rys
Age: 24 (3551.03.03)
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Apprentice Healer

Physical Description:
Tall, at 6’2, and of fairly solid build, Ce’rys may at first cut a striking and intimidating figure. He is muscular, and cares greatly for staying in shape. He has curly bark brown hair, hovering around his ears, and deep, verdant green eyes. His face is long, his jawline pronounced and shadowed with a hint of stubble. His nose is straight, though slightly mushroom shaped by its tip. Pale skin, he burns easily in the sun, and freckles splash his face and shoulders.

His stance tends to be a bit closed off, often with arms crossed or a frown on his face. Despite this general air of unapproachability, it is possible to summon a smile or even engage him in a hug, provided the right circumstance arises and you are his friend.

He dresses for practicality above all else, favouring well-crafted garments, especially boots. He likes tones of browns and greens for Gathers, and will try to match Sarukith where possible. With the recent acquisition of knotted scars across his upper back, he seems to be a bit stiffer in his shoulders, and will frequently rub or roll them when bored or forced to stand still for long periods of time.

With iron-clad will and a determination to see Western Weyr through to the end of the Pass, Cenarys was born to become a dragonrider (or so he firmly believed). Head-strong and determined, he would bear the weight of the world upon his shoulders without batting an eyelid, if he thought it would help. His frustrations and fears stem from feeling powerless and inept, so he strives for self-improvement and perfection.

He is a smart man, with a quick and agile mind. Though he might seem to lack empathy on the surface (what with that quasi- permanent frown stuck to his face), he is rather intuitive and insightful when it comes to people, traits he cultivated during his time as an apprentice healer. He cares very much- he just would rather not show it... emotion is a distraction from reason and logic, and victory can only be gained with a cool and level head. Mistakes are made when blood is pumping and hearts are racing, and to catch him flustered or demonstrably emotive is a rare thing indeed.

He has a love for rules and tradition that puts him rather at odds with Western’s more liberal political stance- not that he’d ever voice his opinions around figures of authority, for whom he has a lot of respect. He thinks highly of himself because he knows how hard he works to reach his peak. He has the unfortunate tendency to believe others don’t work as hard as he does, unless he sees an obvious effort on their part. His respect is earnt through such toil and dedication, and he holds in high regard those who struggle to climb to the top. Ambitious, yes, but not without consideration for his peers: Ce’rys wants to earn his accolades off his own merits without hurting others. He possesses a noble core and truly wants what is best for others, even at personal cost.

Positive Trait List Devoted, head-strong, altruistic

Negative Trait List Rigid, single-minded, arrogant

Born to a brownrider Mindhealer mother by the name of Seyluna, and a dragonrider father, Cenarys has dragonrider blood in his veins and is very proud of his ancestry. As a weyrbrat he had a tendency to domineer and control others, and had to be taught to respect others as individuals. It was a difficult lesson for the young boy to learn, but he succeeded by shifting his focus from micromanaging others to working on his own sense of self. He wanted to be the strongest, most dependable dragonman Western had.

Until then, he had to pick a craft. He gave this decision, like most other things in his life, a great deal of attention. Ten Turns of age, he decided he would follow in his mother’s footsteps and become a healer- though not of the mind, no. He wanted to be surgical and precise.

They put him on bed assistance to teach him humility and manners.

It worked- to a degree. Cenarys learned to temper his opinions, learnt patience to mull over his thoughts and organise them into coherent points in which to convey a message that was undeniably logical and far better than any other argument anybody else could put forth. At around fifteen, he was allowed to assist the trauma healer stationed at Western, and shadowed them whenever possible. Cenarys developed a cool head in a crisis, and found himself unphased by most things (other than feelings, which he found especially confusing).

He started Standing at fourteen- as was his bloodright, of course. The first few hatchings came and went, and his hope did not waver… The fourth, the fifth… it was beginning to feel like a bit of a sorry deal. Surely someone as well recommended as him, as competent as him, deserved a dragon? The best dragon… He turned his scrutiny inwards, throwing himself into the task of chasing self-perfection to the detriment of personal relationships with the few people he called friends. Even his mother began to worry, drawing him aside for personal chats that he did his best to get out of.

Eighteen… nineteen Turns… Still nothing. He did his best not to contemplate a future without a dragon. There was still time. He was going to Impress. He had to. He trained harder than before, read and studied into the dark hours of the night…

At twenty-one, Thread returned. It returned with savagery and chaos. It rained death upon the world. Cenarys grew numb to the worry that gnawed at his heart, determined more than ever to make a difference in this home, this land, and if that meant he had to tend to injuries, to care for dragons ailing, to riders dying, then he would do that. He put on his impassive mask and worked.

Shortly after this twenty-third Turnday, Western’s candidates were gathered up rather quickly, and taken to a beach upon which a Queen had clutched. The momentary surprise was replaced with a desire to help, and he found his position amongst the candidates, sweating and uncomfortable in the tropical heat. Time began to lose its meaning, so between the momentous hatching of each dragonet, Cenarys spent his time going over healing procedures in his head.

Do you always do that?

“I beg your pardon?”

Y’know? Act so boring.

He coloured a moment- more pink on the red of his face. He found himself growing defensive in the heat, until he heard a laugh echo in his head, twined with deep love and affection. Realisation hit him like a brick. He glanced around for the dragon who had bespoken him, but saw nothing, until a little green shadow bowled him over.

SURPRISE! IT IS I! YOUR SARUKITH! Even now, even in such intense heat, she was passion and fire and perfection.

This was what he had been searching for, his whole life. His heart beat heavily in his chest as he lay, reaching out a hand to touch that delicate, beautiful snout. “Sarukith…” He dared breathe, hoping the word wouldn’t take her away from him.

She shifted off, dancing to the side as if to avoid retaliation. She seemed to possess boundless energy like a puppy, and Cenarys- no, Ce’rys now, like a proper dragonman- grinned one of his rare ebullient grins.

Life was very interesting after that; Sarukith turned it upside down until he could bring back order and peace. She was so lively, so full of mischief, that he spent half of his time trying to contain her hijinks to places where she would not cause devastation or havoc to anybody who might someday in the future choose to commend them to a position of authority.


Of course, she did as she was told. Most of the time. Slowly he grew accustomed to his dragon’s ways, even coming to think of her less mean tricks as sweet. It was a sign of affection in her own special way.

Things were harder during Fall, especially the second one that left him bedridden for a month until he was healed enough to begin moving. His mother helped as much as she could, and the friends he could rely on came to visit… but he still felt like a failure. He tried to shield Sarukith from those thoughts, but he knew she felt it too. Their silence was fraught with the sensation of having disappointed others, and it took them time to recover emotionally from their injuries, as well as physically.

Still, Ce’rys has gone from strength to strength, from boy to man, from awkward, domineering personality to a man who chooses to shoulder the burdens of others, if it would help. If it would bring happiness and peace to them. He’s a good guy- just stuffy.

I have a wip for Seyluna of Brown Malorth in my docs, but the father is a NPC/open for plotting (if Ce’rys becomes a playable character, which I hope to do regardless of the outcome of this contest).

Name: Sarukith
Origin of Name:
saru - the Japanese word for monkey
yuki - the Japanese word for snow
Sarukith - a portmanteau of the above terms, and 100% living up to her animal namesake

Color: Green
Inspiration: Snow Monkey Plum
A dragon filled with energy and spirit, Sarukith is raring to go- although where is anyone's guess. Gifted with insatiable curiosity, she is an unending fountain of questions and unbelievable explanations for how the world works- fuelled by overzealous imagination and joie de vivre. This, combined with an unfortunate inclination for hijinks, makes her a bit of a menace without proper structure and authority. She is wiley, wilful and utterly self-absorbed, rarely considering the consequences of her actions save for her precious clutchmates.

She is very socially-driven, and adores being surrounded by family who have accepted her, flaws and all. The threat of silence or ostracisation is enough to cow her, and though she is mischievous, she is also fragile, with self-esteem that wavers between extreme confidence when dancing in the spotlight, to utter self-loathing when people don't notice her. She relies on the validation and acceptance of others to feel at peace with herself, and thrives best in a supportive environment that can, nevertheless, control her wilder and more unruly urges.

In flights, she is a bit of a mess: one moment shs is all about the chase, the next she'll be desperately trying to placate all suitors, hoping they won't leave her. The freedom is very intoxicating, but Sarukith wishes everyone could win. She will struggle to settle on a single long-term partner, preferring to establish a small group of dragons to love and cherish, regardless of their gender. As long as they all love her, and she them, then all is well.

Filled to the brim with her brand of high octane energy, Sarukith is confident and optimistic during Fall, even after being scored. It is especially vital her rider force her to rest if she is injured, for she is the kind of dragon to go back to a fight far too soon for her own good. The thought of not helping her family, of not contributing to the war against Thread… Well, it's almost as bad as rejection.

Positive Trait List Vivacious, sunny, extremely sociable

Negative Trait List Devious, independent, tactless

Size: 26’
Physical Attributes:
Chubby despite her physical agility and training, Sarukith does not seem to have shed her baby fat. She is somewhat longer than average, though her tail is unusually long for her proportions. She has masterful control of that particular appendage, enjoying tripping unwary humans, or tickling sleeping dragons…

Additional Notes: She has developed a rather unusual cackle, often during times of others’ misfortunes. Normally it is accompanied by remarkable tail-pointing and jeering. She can be a bit mean-spirited when she makes fun of others, but a reminder that feelings do get hurt and nobody will like her if she continues is more than enough to set her straight.

Why Me:
Sarukith needed someone dedicated to their family and their home, and Ce’rys fit the bill. She also saw a giant stick shoved up his butt, and wanted to help him remove it. She’s certain he can relax if she can only teach him how!

As for Sarukith herself, well… she doesn’t realise just how much she needs Ce’rys’ rigidity, and his love for tradition and hard work. She’s a practical jokester, and his tough handling has served them well so far. His devotion to her is absolute, and nothing comes above her- which she loves, but more than that, truly appreciates. He makes her feel whole and special in a way that no flightmate or social-family ever could.

They are opposites, but are inevitably drawn to one another through their love and devotion to others.

- - - -
What were they like in weyrling training?
At first, Sarukith got her nose into everything. She was like an untrained puppy! It was quite possible messes occurred- both inside and outside of the barracks- because of her… it came as quite a shock to Ce’rys, who whole-heartedly believed that dragons reflected their rider, and he ought to have bonded to a noble creature of stout heart and spirit.

But no, here they were, Saru and Cery, making the best of the pickles in which she landed them. It took him about a month to get to grips with his authority in their bond, and after that, they began to flourish; his hard work showed through, allowing the Weyrlingmasters to relax their focus on his devious-minded green. She still wanted to play, and have fun, but she knew better than to push her rider too far. She didn’t want to upset him, after all.

Ce’rys is smart, and it showed in his assessments and results. He was mindful not to push Sarukith, and after an initial stint where she flew too hard and strained her wings, he became very intuitive to her reserves of strength and pain thresholds. The love he has for his dragon showed in his physical care for her- performing the minutiae of their daily routine with mechanical precision.

How did they get along with their other weyrlings?
Ce’rys was a dutiful student, but he was a bit pompous, and might have struck others as arrogant. However, he was always willing to help those who approached and asked him. He might have had a cooler approach to feelings, but he was willing to listen to those he came to call friends, sometimes even advising them (though often counselling a more heartless approach).

He might be considered cold and callous by some, and certainly not an easy friend to have around, but he was dependable, and not afraid to stand his ground should the need arise. Sarukith’s warmth helped balanced his coolness, and she found herself making friends easily amongst the family she loves so dearly.

How did they feel about weyrling training and Liat strict training?
Sarukith wasn’t so keen, but Ce’rys loved it. He thinks the world of those who have climbed the ranks of power, and has a great deal of respect for Liat.

How did they do during Threadfall?
They suffered a bad injury during their second Fall: a clump of Thread blew down quickly, and caught Ce’rys across his back, severing part of his straps. Fortunately, Saru suffered only very light scarring in the process.

The pair made an emergency landing, and Ce’rys received medical attention. He has twisted, knotted scars on the upper part of his back and shoulders, and took months to rehabilitate and strengthen his muscles once again. Firestone tosses are still difficult, and he practices everyday to ensure he does his Weyr proud.

Sarukith’s confidence was shaken after that, and it has taken her time to recover from the guilt of her rider’s injury. She still wallows in pity from time-to-time, especially if Ce’rys chooses to bathe without a shirt on.

How do they feel about Threadfall's return?
Both Ce’rys and Sarukith are angry about Thread returning! They know it is their duty to fight, and though Sarukith is an eternal sunny optimist, deep down Ce’rys believes they will die fighting before the Pass is through. Still, they give their best everyday, unwilling to surrender to hopelessness or an easy, cowardly death.

Anything else?
Thank you so much for this opportunity! <3 She’s such a beautiful dragon.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 9:39 pm

RIP, you guys made this contest so incredibly difficult to judge. We loved each one of these characters and... gaia_diamond

We really hope you quest for them!

That said, congratulations, Zaikt! You guys don't know how close I came to just Oprahing up this joint. emotion_bigheart


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