Samodith was a knot of confusion and a mess of other feelings that warred for supremacy. The rage had won at first, but she had since burned through it. Or had it burned through her? Whatever the case, never before in her life had she been so tired, all the way down to her bones. To her hearts. What had been enough before was no longer so. No embrace soothed her for long, and it was so deeply frustrating that she couldn't help but snap at those who offered such affection for ultimately failing to satisfy.

Was it simple greed? She had other hearts, other affections, any one of which might be enough for another. Why should she want more, and why should it hurt to not have it? The fierce sister who had seemed in reach, the kind one who never had been, the outsider who meant more than he should have. Why was it not enough to have, in some way or another, Rizoth and Araneath and Andelath? If others could be content with one, why did her hearts not stop at the same?

It wasn't fair.
