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Serenity Moon hadn't left Dawnstar. Not quite yet. She had been shaken in her resolve the night before, and then thrown for a loop when she went to her father for succor, and now in the bright light of day she could still feel those lingering swings of emotion. One moment she would remember the almost caustic way Penumbra had shot her down, and the next she would remember a name: March Hare. After months of not knowing, she finally could put a name to the blurry face of her mother. She could seek them out, save them from the monsters she knew still existed. Maybe even bring them home...

Embarrassment drove the she-wolf to visit their neighboring pack nonetheless. She couldn't face Penumbra or any of his siblings right now--already her eyes stung just thinking about everything that had happened the night before--and so to Hornfel Hollows she went. Last time she had visited, Serenity had seen the alpha's pups and even met with them briefly. They were adorable and small (well, not so small at all to be honest, even for pups) and energetic. Thinking of them again had made her long to find someone special to have a family of her own, was definitely not the time.

Her present company was a little distracting, anyway. She wasn't quite sure why she let herself stick with him, other than the fact that he actually talked and even seemed to listen. Maybe she just wanted a third opinion from someone who didn't even know her. Or maybe it just felt nice to be looked at at all.

- - -

Melting Point had ballooned since then, easily dwarfing her despite her long legs. He was very keen on that point, strutting and grinning and stretching to let her admire his figure as they walked the grounds. He wanted to show her around and shoot the breeze (read: flirt) as they did, but it wasn't long before he picked up on the fact that her mind kept wandering. (You see, Melt had a sixth sense about ladies not giving him appropriate attention.) When he finally pried it from her detail by agonizing detail, he was sure he still wasn't getting the full picture, the tease.

"So, you guys have a yearling journey, too?" he asked her.

Serenity Moon shook her head. "It's just something I want to do," she explained. "I mean, maybe it's like your tradition? What do you do?"

"Uh. You just go out and visit places...Maybe bring back some kids with new blood out there." Melting Point snorted. "I think it's supposed to be all, like," he adopted a foggy all-wise tone, "broaden your horizons, young one."

She giggled at the impression. "It's sorta like that, then? Only I wanna help others while I do. Like, travel to help those in need. I know there's a lot of wolves and other animals out there who could use a champion. And maybe I'll bring them back home with me so they can be safe."

Melting Point was not a pup. Puppy Melt would have rolled his eyes at such a noble endeavor. Adult Melt, however, saw this as someone who wanted to be recognized and adored and famous for her good deeds which, like, yeah. Get it, girl. "I'm, uh," he sniffed and puffed his chest out, "gonna do the same, y'know."

Serenity blinked.

"Like, making a name for myself, getting followers, doing all that goody two shoes crap," Melt went on. He flashed her a wink. "Maybe I'll see you somewhere out there when I do~"

The she-wolf let out another girlish noise and shook her head amiably. "Maybe! Followers, huh..."

"Yeah! Obviously, as the first son of the alpha, I'm prime material to hang around: handsome, strong, big as s**t. I ought to get a pack of cheering fans, minions who'll do what I say, a lovely lady or three hanging on my every move~" He leaned in, but Serenity mirrored him, her eyes distant again. Well, damn. How was he supposed to woo someone who wasn't even there? Why wasn't she appreciating his time and effort? Ugh.

"Maybe wait a bit, I'll come with," he offered out of the goodness of his heart. "We could see it all together."

"Oh..." He couldn't tell if she was wincing or smiling. "I'm leaving, like, tomorrow. I'm sorry, Melting Point. But I really hope we see each other out there, making the world a better place."

"Yeah," he said, already losing interest as his shoulders slumped.

Was something wrong with him? ...No, obviously Serenity just wasn't aware of her feelings for whatever reason. That was fine. Fine! Melting Point would go on his own journey and become famous with wolves all over, and if they didn't cross paths she'd have hear about him eventually. Then she'd seek him out and find him already occupied with some other fine ladies. Which she could totally join, if she said please. He was nice like that.

Melt had big dreams of coming home with a handful at least of recruits. It'd be a big boon towards his bid for alpha later - or beta sooner. He could kick out Polar Sun so that whole branch of the family would know their place, he'd have adoration from the wolves he dazzled, and that'd show everyone that Melting Point was the way of the future.

Their conversation died for longer than he would have allowed, but the wolf was wrapped up in his vision of the future. He didn't see that he had somehow given Serenity Moon her own food for thought.

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