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Haunting Echo wasn't a healer, he wasn't anywhere close to being able to heal another wolf. However, he had a eye for useful things; he was a Gatherer after all. That said, when he went to investigate more about what the Head Healer had mentioned, he was surprised to find that this sounded more and more like a job he could perform. Granted, he had no idea what marigold or broom or starflower look like, but he was confident he could find a decent stick or some spiderwebs.

So, he went out. He liked going out on jobs, he'd realized, whether it were the kind like these that he took on in his spare time, or the usual ones he took to help provide for the pack, he enjoyed his time used. He got to get away from Far Sight, too, who stayed back in the pack awaiting a message to be delivered. Between not having the chattering crow along and being out away from the eyes of his new pack mates... Going out to gather anything was a welcome reprieve and this was no different.

Except it would seem that his hunt for herbs would be considerably more exciting than he intended originally. He had come upon a small field of small white flowers with yellow centers. He had a suspicion that they were one of the plants that he needed, but there was another meandering through the field. A bear that looked particularly irritable, Echo was no fool. He could report back to the Head Healer about his findings and inform her of where he located the flowers, but he wouldn't risk his neck out there today.

If he had Far Sight along, he could've sent the crow in as a distraction... but no. The bird was far from his side now and he would rather get on with his search than engage with a bear, especially one of that size. So, he turned his head away and started looking elsewhere.

Eventually, he picked up the scent of something new. It smelled reminescent of hare and with a gurgle in his stomach, he pushed forward only to find... well, it smelled like hare, but... wrong. Sour or tart... not quite rotten, like decaying prey... It stank and he wasn't about to stick around to put his nose into it. Let the hunters worry about gross prey smells, he looking for herbs!

Eventually, he started brushing his tail up against any tree he came across and came away with a tail full of cobwebs. He found at least two decent sticks and called it a day. Between seeing the bear and smelling something truly foul on an empty stomach. He was more than eager to return from his job, deliver his products to the Head Healer and get something to eat. Goodness knew that after all he underwent, he deserved it!