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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] High Reaches Weyr
[PRP]When The Morning Comes - Post Flight [Adar/W'ill]

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Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:18 pm
[[Smash Mouth title, yeee. Nailing it! ]]

Goldflights were always an intense affair. Thankfully it hadn't been in the middle of the night or the wee hours, otherwise one could only imagine the state the Weyr would be in. Of course, Adar, who was only just blearily stirring into wakefulness, could only guess the full state of her own quarters. The weak light of somewhat early morning was beginning to filter in. She was warm and felt snug and contentedly satisfied to be bundled up in bed. The bluerider shifted herself with a sleepy sigh, pausing midroll at feeling the resistance of another body in her bed.

Well, that'd certainly explain the extra warmth. Propping herself up on an elbow, she scanned her room, looked at the mess of discarded clothes, then to the dark haired man still next to her....She should probably throw something on. Probably. But that'd mean emerging into the cooler air. Hmm. A shirt had been hastily draped over the foot of her bed. Eh, it'd do! Sure, it wasn't like they had just spent the night lost to flight lust, but weirdly, in her sleep addled brain was half telling her, 'You have a guest, perhaps you should host?' Adar sat up and grabbed the shirt, not paying any mind to whether it belonged to her or no, and tugged it on.

Ruffling her messy, bedhead mop of curly light brown hair, she squinted. Did she want to get a little fire going? Get some klah? Breakfast? Alone...or? Adar rubbed her face. Rolling over and going back to bed was an option, yes? At least for a little bit? Nevermind that the longer she weighed her options, the less sleepy she was beginning to feel. "Hey, are you awake," Adar asked aloud, though her volume was almost more conspiratorial than conversational.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 10:04 pm
The bed was so warm and cozy, and W'ill was in that half-wakeful, half-asleep muzzy stage where everything was fuzzy and comfortable and it was tempting to just doze off again. He felt a kind of lazy exhaustion, a sense of satisfaction in the back of his mind. Oh yeah huh, there had been a goldflight, hadn't there? That would explain it. Then his conscious brain kicked in and reminded him again. A gold flight....

W'ill opened his amber-brown eyes with some trepidation as he assessed his situation. He was lying on his stomach in a strange bed, in a strange weyr, and had apparently had a rollicking night of unbridled passion with a complete stranger. This wasn't his first goldflight -- no, his first had been the evening of his arrival for the first time at High Reaches Weyr. But that didn't make it any less awkward for him. Or potentially for his partner for the evening.

He heard a soft voice asking if he was awake, and decided there was no time like the present to find out with whom he had spent the night. Slowly he rolled over onto his back and looked around the weyr, his gaze finally landing on the person whom he guessed was his partner last night. W'ill didn't recognize the girl sitting on the other side of the bed, though he was still kind of half asleep and wasn't really sure. He pushed himself into a sitting position and used one hand to shove his dark hair off his face, the other to secure the covers around him as he was still buck-naked in the bed.

Meeting her gaze, he offered a smile that he hoped was warm and friendly and not like that of a satisfied feline. "Um, good morning?"



Tipsy Codger


Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 10:38 pm
Oh! Oh yeah. Now that her mysterious bedmate was at least mostly awake, aware, and sitting up, Adar could definitely see how her gold flight self wound up getting swept up with the man now sitting next to her. Still wasn't sure she had caught his name at any point the previous evening, but he was a handsome fellow with a kindly face.

Mirroring his smile, she gave a soft chuckle to help ease the rising degrees of awkward she was feeling. "Good morning indeed. So, I, ah, don't recall if I caught your name, you know, before we got all caught up. I guess allow me to introduce myself. I'm Adar. Of Blue Yinth, but," She leaned forward to try to see if her partner was curled up outside. Not seeing him, she inquired after him mentally.

'Oh, I'm catching some morning sun, Mine dear. You seemed like you were going to bask for a while yourself, but I can return if you'd like.' Yinth chimed helpfully.

Of course, this drew a blush to Adar's face. Clearing her throat, she shook her head and told him to hold off for a bit. She'd call if she needed him. "He's off sunning."

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 10:58 pm
"I'm sure my Faloth is off doing the same," W'ill said with a soft chuckle. "Nice to, um, meet you, Adar. I'm W'ill, of... brown Faloth." Why did he feel like an awkward kid after his first mating flight? This definitely wasn't his first time! He kept his smile in place while Adar got that distant look on her (rather pretty, sweet and friendly) face that indicated she was talking to her dragon, and he took the opportunity to reach out to Faloth.

The first impression he got from his dragon was drowsiness. W'illMine! I have been asleep. Did you enjoy yourself with Yinth's rider?

W'ill could feel the color rise in his cheeks and hoped Adar didn't notice. Later, Fal. Go back to sleep.

To Adar he gave a nod. "So's Faloth." He folded his hands in his lap, unsure of what to do next. "Um... I hope you slept well..."



Tipsy Codger


Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 11:38 pm
There was a strong urge to press her cool fingers to her face to ease the warmth that grown there, but that'd bring attention to her flush. Maybe the dim light would help conceal it? Shards, she was a grown adult. This wasn't her first flight, Gold or otherwise. Why in the world was she feeling like some newly graduated rider? Why??

Her somewhat tight, awkward polite smile changed to a bright, genuine grin at learning the name that went to the face (and everything else). "W'ill, of Faloth," She echoed softly, committing the names to memory. "Okay. Good to know." Adar had to bite her tongue to avoid saying 'pleased to meet you.' That ship had sailed yesterday!

Absently finger combing a tangle out of a strand of her hair, the bluerider nodded. "Oh, very well! Thank you, W'ill. You seemed pretty comfy so I was hesitating on whether or not to wake you. I..." Her gaze followed his gesture folding his hands in his lap and she paused, suddenly remembering why exactly she had asked after his conscious state in the first place. "OH! Klah and clothes!"

Adar sprung into action, climbing out of bed, not actively paying any mind to whether or not the somewhat loose shirt she had thrown on kept her rear covered in her movement to her feet. "I was wanting to ask if you wanted to get breakfast or something! Or just klah. You do need clothes though. Hang, ah, hang on."

"Mm! Here!" A quick searching spin in place, she was able to locate W'ill's pants and tossed them his way. "Do you have a preference?" Though she supposed there was also a chance he may just want to go about his merry way. Sure, he was a rider too, but she didn't know what he specifically had planned for the day.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 12:53 am
W'ill grinned back at Adar. He couldn't help it -- her grin illuminated her entire face. He was about to say something about how he slept (quite soundly, thank you very much) when she blurted out something about klah and clothes. Before he could comment on that (klah and clothes sounded wonderful, thank you), she was up and darting off to rummage through the various articles of clothing scattered around the weyr -- giving him something of a glimpse of her bare behind beneath the shirt, which caused his eyes to widen, his face to heat up again and him to glance away. It was a very nice view indeed, but he didn't want to say anything that might embarrass her.

"Yeah," he managed as he watched her flit about the weyr, "breakfast would be gr-" Suddenly he had a faceful of clothing, specifically his pants. W'ill fumbled them for a couple seconds before taming the errant garment in his hands. "Breakfast would be wonderful," he finished, pushing his hair out of his face again. He scooted out from under the covers so he could put his trousers on.

His hair moved out of the way as he swung his legs out of bed, revealing the raw, ugly scars across his back, still fresh from the last -- first -- Threadfall he had flown as a weyrling, running from shoulder to shoulder and nearly down to his tailbone. They were nearly healed, but still terrible to look at. W'ill had gotten used to the low-level pain and pulling they caused him, but he had forgotten that other people hadn't seen them.

Donning his pants, W'ill stood so he could fasten them, inadvertently flashing his own rear as he did so. "And klah... I could use some klah. And maybe a beer-- oh! Beer!" He spun around as he finished buttoning his pants, his expression gleeful. "I made a breakfast beer!" he announced. "A really nice chewy sweet stout that goes great with breakfast. If you'd like, that is," he added with a lopsided grin."I'm -- I was a brewer before all this happened, and I still keep my hand in."

He then realized something fairly important. "Um, you're wearing my shirt..."



Tipsy Codger


Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 6:05 pm
Excellent! She was immensely pleased that W'ill was open to having breakfast with her. "Good, I'm glad," Adar said with a chuckle. Shifting her weight from one foot to the next in a sort of lazy sway, she fidgeted with the cuffs of the shirt she had thrown on, seemingly torn on leaving them down or rolling them up. It was getting ever cooler in the mornings and after the toasty warmth of her bed and company, she was waffling on just being prepared for outside, or being comfortable indoors.

Adar focused on her guest just in time to get a look at the long, angry looking scars across and down his back, and the flash of his shapely rear as he slipped his trousers up. Her face heated and she lowered her warm brown eyes to play at scratching her hairline. Totally didn't see anything. She bent down and scooped up her own pants, which had been left discarded in a heap near where she stood. Sometimes she forgot how lucky she had been so far. She and Yinth flown and fought through Threadfall, but they had made it through without any real lasting damage, yet. Bruising, pulled muscles, getting knocked around a bit...He was so quick, so alert, but they couldn't last a full Threadfall, always needing to drop sooner or later. Thoughtfully, she chewed on her lower lip as she tugged on one pant leg and then the other, before wiggling them up her hips into a full standing position.

Her brows rose by a few degrees and she blinked at being met with the brownrider's elated expression. After a moment, she smiled. He had a cute grin. "You know, I can't say I've ever tried a breakfast beer, so I'd be delighted to taste what you've come up with. It sounds like just the thing!"

His observation had her drop her gaze to the shirt she was still sporting. "Ah! Well, that'd explain why the sleeves are hitting me midpalm." She crossed the short distance between them and made a show of playfully spinning him back around. (Because, again, like he hadn't already seen everything she was working with?) Adar leaned to peek over his shoulder and gave him a little wink. "Just keeping it warm for you. Hang on." Taking a half step back, she crossed her arms at the shirt hem and lifted it up and over her head in one fluid motion.

She draped her shirt bearing hand over one of his shoulders, offering him his shirt. With her free hand, she gently brushed his long, loose hair to one side. "May I? If it's okay," Adar asked softly, her fingertips just hovering feather light over the stretch of scarring along his shoulders. "I was, am...was a healer. Ended up in dragonhealing, but I had a stint in a few different disciplines before settling where I did..." She sheepishly cleared her throat. "I, ah, didn't scratch or aggravate these, did I? They still look so angry..."

PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 10:29 pm
Catching Adar's playful expression, W'ill allowed himself to be turned back around facing away from her. Yeah, they had seen each other's everything the night before, but that was under the influence of the gold flight. They were awake and aware now, and he allowed her a bit of modesty in returning his shirt to him.

"Great! I'm glad you like the idea of a breakfast beer," he continued the conversation. "I keep the keg in the cold stores of the Lower Caverns, so it'll be easy to get to--" Her arm suddenly draped over one shoulder, holding his shirt. "Heh, thanks," he grinned, politely keeping his back to her. Instead of leaving him to go put on her own shirt, he felt her free hand move his hair off his back and ever so lightly trace one of the terrible Thread scars there. He didn't flinch, and he didn't move, but his smile faded slightly as she explained her healer background.

Gently he shook his head. "No, you didn't hurt me. They're about healed, at least that's what they tell me in the Infirmary. The bandages just came off a little while ago, like a sevenday or so. They said I'm lucky the Thread didn't go deeper, into my spine, but I guess one of my kidneys they said is ruined." He paused and sighed softly. "I'm lucky I didn't die. I couldn't bear to do that to Faloth." Giving a little shrug, he could feel the keloid scarring stretch and pull and the underlying muscles ache. "It's okay, you can touch them if you want. I don't know how bad they look or anything, since they're on my back."



Tipsy Codger


Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 7:14 pm
Adar listened in rapt silence, tracing her hands along each scarred Threadscore when explicit permission was granted. "Very lucky," She said softly in almost an echo. "For as fresh as these are, for as deep as they got, you're healing really well. For as extensive as these are, you may lose a little range of motion, but they should only keep getting better with time. The fresh, raw red will fade, as will the pain, though flare ups are possible for the underlying nerve and muscle damage. Time heals all wounds..." She hummed thoughtfully as her tracing drew her hands down the length of his spine towards his tailbone where the scars ended.

Without any further ado, she slid her arms about his waist, his chest, and drew him into a warm, close hug, resting her head on his shoulder. "It must have been so scary for you both, W'ill. I'm glad you're on the mend." Things had gotten a mite heavy. Time to lighten the mood a bit. Turning her head to rest her chin on his shoulder, Adar hummed again and in a matter of fact tone, continued. "Scars always tell our stories and I, for one, find they make for ever more intriguing people. Intriguing people are sexy," She wrinkled her nose playfully at him and grinned, patting a hand at his waist.

"Let me grab my shirt and you can show me your masterpiece of brewmanship over breakfast." Slipping her arms from around him, the bluerider strode over to the rest of her clothes and grabbed a fresh tunic, tied a dark blue belt about her waist, and tugged on a warmer layer to wrap about her should the morning be brisk. Stepping into her shoes, she was ready for the day, or at least breakfast. Tucking her hands into her pockets, she strode around to stand in front of W'ill and nodded. "Ready when you are. I am famished. Maybe after we get something in our systems, if you don't need to run off and take care of something, return to duty, or whatever, would you like to meet Yinth? If not then, perhaps another time. He's curious about you."

The mild, half hearted protestations that Yinth pinged her way made her laugh. 'What? Nooo. I'm sure he's...You don't have t-...Okay, well yes. I'm curious. He seems to be treating you nicely and I'd like to see him for myself. You two didn't really linger outside yesterday evening.'

And there was another blush. She shook her head with a sigh. "What are you feeling in the mood for? Something hearty, something light? Any recommendations that would really pop with your beer?"

PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 8:30 pm
The gentle touch of her fingers along his scarred back sent a little tingle across W'ill's skin, and he closed his eyes. He honestly had no idea how bad his injuries had been apart from what the healers had told him, and half of that he thought was just to scare him into being more careful during Threadfall. To have it confirmed was a tiny bit sobering.

Then he felt Adar's arms wrap around him and pull him into a hug. He allowed himself to be drawn in, feeling her warm skin pressed against his, and he leaned his head against hers. This was nice. When she rested her chin on his shoulder, though, and playfully teased him, he couldn't help but break into a grin again. "Girls who like scars are intriguing people too," he replied just as playfully. "And yeah, intriguing people are sexy." He liked this girl; he felt they could probably end up friends, at the very least.

Once he was freed from her embrace, W'ill pulled his shirt on over his head and tucked the ends into his waistband, pulling his hair from beneath the collar. "I'd love to meet Yinth," he nodded, locating his boots right next to the bed. Sitting down just long enough to pull them on, he stood again and faced her with a happy grin. "I'm sure Faloth is curious about you as well."

What's to be curious about? The words from his brown dragon partner were tinged with humor. I think you have excellent taste in bedmates. She wants to try your breakfast beer! That's good enough for me.

W'ill chuckled softly as he felt his cheeks flush again. "Silly boy," he murmured before turning his attention back to Adar and thoughts on breakfast. "Oh! Something hearty, I think. And savory. Like a good breakfast pie, with eggs and meat and tubers in it. Should be robust to stand up to the heartiness of the stout." Pulling himself to his full height (which was about the same as hers), he crooked his arm and held it out to her. "Shall we?"



Tipsy Codger

[IC RP] High Reaches Weyr

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