Flight lust was a wonderful thing. T'rin had never needed an excuse to wake up in someone else's bed or find several someones in his, but rising queens presented options he might not have otherwise explored. This time he had only one guest, but the hours he'd spent with her had been sweet and unexpected.

"Lelte," he breathed, her name ending in a shallow yawn. "My deepest regret is that we haven't spent more time together before now." While the humor in his voice suggested that perhaps this wasn't his deepest regret, the equal measure of warmth stole any potential sarcasm from his comment. He recalled that they had been Candidates together, but only briefly, and he made a note to head over to the barracks the next time he had a free moment to acquaint himself with the newer faces there.

"I suppose it's time to..." He made a vague gesture that could have implied anything, then let his hand flop back against his chest.
