With a gentle stretch, and her hearts alight with the excitement of the day, Khamaith shifted as she eyed the various caves. She touched them, gently at first, looking for ones who felt familiar to her. She was alight and bright with seeing her family once more. It had been so long since she had seen them. Mere young ones, months old at a hatching feast here at High Reaches.

Now? They were adults in their own right, and though she had the scars to prove it, her shifting about was alike to a hatchling’s own excitement.

The briefest touch of one, dearest brother Karhath, had her up on her paws and into the air in but a few beats. Karhath? She hovers close to the ledge, landing with the delicate touch. I know it has been some time, but would you like to catch up?

Kitsune Mistress Nyoko