sweatdrop sweatdrop sweatdrop sweatdrop sweatdrop sweatdrop

So, yall, I've been missing the heck out of yall and being in this community lately. I miss writing and having a creative outlet. I've done a little writing lately and just started missing making stories with everyone. So. I was hoping yall could help hold me accountable and help me to try to be consistent with writing.

If yall wouldn't mind, vote in the poll for whichever one/set of my characters you'd like to see me bring back first (cuz while I may be dumb I'm not an idiot, I wouldn't be able to just jump back in with all of 'em). You can vote anonymously or you can post below if you'd like to include reasons why and/or possible plot ideas if you have any.

So. Uh. Yeah..I'll try to not be an anxiety filled idiot when it comes to talking with people. >.<