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Winter might have still had a firm grip on the peaks of High Reaches, but today there was a break in the clouds. The sun was shining, and though it provided little warmth, it cast the Weyr in light and reminded all of better (and warmer days) to come. Atlanth yearned to take a trip down to the beaches of the Southern Continent, to soak up some real warmth, but her riders schedule meant they would need to wait for their next rest-day to plan such a trip. So it was, left to her own devices, the green decided to visit some friends who were tied up in the infirmary. If she couldn't get sunshine and warmth from a beach-trip, she might spread a little with a visit to those who were hurting. Maybe they weren't interested in company, but a check in surely wouldn't hurt.

Besides, some of the injured were from Burning Aces. A fellow green, Chiareth, had been down for some time--and Atlanth was curious to know her status. To be grounded was always unpleasant, for a dragon was born to fly, and the clear skies must well be an unpleasant tease and temptation. Above that, the green truly did wish to check on her-- greens had to stick together, after all, and Atlanth didn't want Chiareth to be abandoned during her time of need.

Chiareth--might you mind a spot of company this winter day? I would so dearly like to catch up. She reached out to her wingmate, even as she glided down from her perch to where the dragons of the infirmary were settled. She did not land, though, but circled lazily, as if considering where she might best land. She didn't want to drop by uninvited if her fellow green wasn't feeling up for company. There were other fallen dragons who might desire a visit if Chiareth did not, after all.

Sorry for the short start! This is Atlanth's first official RP so I'm still getting a feel for how she writes. xD