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A strange and eerie howl rang out through the ruins, echoing off the structures and growing a little squeaky at the end. It was not the first such howl. Or, unfortunately, the last. Many of the inhabitants of the area had grown used to such a sound and tended to ignore it. But, every now and then, someone or something would get startled. And then a cackle would ring through the forest ruins and a black shadow would dart away.

Today, however, that shadow was absent. Yet that eerie howl rang out. It was the only way one small berserker pup knew how to express the hollow feeling she felt. No matter how she tried, that feeling wouldn't go away. In her frustration, Haunter howled at the moon and stars in the sky. They, who had watched her nightly activities for so long. Silent witnesses to the torment. Never responding. Always watching.

With a frustrated sigh, Haunter flopped down where she had cried her little heart out. She knew, her keeper would find her soon, following the tiny paw prints and the sad howl. Oathkeeper was all she had left. She didn't understand why. Her keeper had explained, but it didn't compute. And now, they kept moving. Always moving. Except for when Haunter ran away. Like tonight. Again.

Oathkeeper held grief but rarely expressed it. Not only was it not her way (weakness, weakness), but she could not falter around the princess now. She must be a pillar that neither storm nor gale nor earthquake could shake. It had always been that way for the lady berserker, even before the bloody event. Strength cultivated, hardened, and combined with an unmatched willpower that had landed her the position of royal guardian.

But that alone, somehow, was not enough.

When Haunter slipped away, Oath almost always immediately knew. Constant vigilance meant very little escaped her attention. And yet she let the little one have a head start regardless, because it was better to express and vent than it was to hold it in as Oathkeeper did. If Haunter found strange solace in her torments, who was she to tell her no? At least for now. Still, she had been away long enough, and so in silent duty Oathkeeper tracked her down once again.

Had it not been for her warpaint, she might have blended in. The darkness was more Haunter’s domain in that regard. Blazing eyes stared into all directions as she broke through the brush, eventually pinpointing the tracks and triangulating with the howl from before. Like a hulking beast locating a young maiden, Oath shouldered past hanging branches and loomed over the princess, a few leaves clinging to her thick coat.

“It’s late, my lady,” she said.

She'd had time to let the moment of grief work its way out of her system. By the time her keeper found her, Haunter was sprawled on her side, tiny paw batting at a random reed of grass. There had been a bug on it before Oath appeared. But Haunter had batted a little too hard and squished it between her toes. Ewwww!

Her ears swiveled back as she heard that familiar voice that seemed to center her. The young berserker rolled on to her back, paws in the air, and blinked at the guardian.

"The stars shine bright, again. Do you think they'll watch over us once more?" She asked, firmly believing the ghostly balls of fire protected them.

Or it was the spirits of the land that thought her pretending to be one of them was amusing.

Still on her back, the black berserker pup looked back on her keeper. "Where are we going?"

It was not the first (or last) time she had asked this question. And she knew what the answer most likely would be. But, that curious nature of hers couldn't help but ask. And the further they left familiar territory, the more she wished for the answer to all her questions.

She considered making a lesson out of being on her back—how many times had Oath told her in their training spars to always stay on her feet?—but instead looked up to the sky at her question. She didn’t answer at first. Oathkeeper had never personally prescribed to the belief that spirits lingered once a creature died, she was too pragmatic for most any religion wolves made. (And just a touch too grim when she considered the alternative and her violent past, should ghosts actually exist.) But there had always been stories that had been passed around in the pack in the past. The pack had certainly been old enough for its history to turn mythical.

“Did they ever tell you why they paint eyes on the royal protectors?” Oath asked at length, her gaze skyward still. “Simple enough, really: to intimidate. All warpaint is like that. But in the old days, they said it sharpened their senses as well. The eyes could see so much more with the additional symbols: they could cut to the soul of a thing.” She lowered her eyes to Haunter knowingly. “That is why you can never lie to me. I can see it. Old legend says the stars are our ancestors’ eyes, always watching. When you die, those are the eyes that will judge you for all that you have done and left behind.

“So. Yes, my lady. They are still watching, even if the sun hides them.”

Still very much the puppy she was, the prospect of a good story was enough to cure her forgetfulness of all that Oath tried dearly to train her. She really did pay attention! But there were times that, no matter how often she was told the same thing, the berserker pup just...forget it in the moment. But at Oath's first question in response to her own, Haunter rolled to her stomach and sat up like the dutiful student she was.

"Really?" She breathed, looking up to the stars. The words sounded faintly familiar, like an old story her mother used to tell her before the pup would drift off to sleep. A pang of sorrow resounded in her tiny body before blue eyes looked back at her keeper, a snort escaping the tiny snout.

"You can't see everything!" Haunter barked, only partially believing her retort. She very much believed the stars were eyes watching them. Felt the chill down her spine at times.

Just like the spirits of the forest around them. Protecting and guarding them in their own ways.

"I wish I could see them again." She murmured, ears falling before the pup sought comfort from her keeper, rubbing her little head along Oath's leg.

"Is it time to leave this place?" A pause, followed by, yet another innocent question. "Will we find another place to call home?"

In death, everything returned to the land save for the spirit, which went to the heavens to join the rest. Oath attempted to show sympathy, though, and gently nosed at the pup. “One day we will return to them. For now, they must live on in our memories and our hearts.”

Or be doomed to be haunted for their days. Maybe there wasn’t much of a difference either way.

“We need to find a place to lay down first,” Oath said, lifting her head to look forward. It wasn’t quite avoiding the second question so much as putting it off. Easy to do when survival wasn’t guaranteed. “Unless you found something while running amok?” she asked with a glance.

Haunter closed her eyes for a moment, allowing herself to accept that yes, one day she would be reunited with her family. Feeling Oath's gentle nose against her fur, the black pup wiggled away and gave her tiny form a mighty shake. As if that would rid her of all the doubts and sorrow for the evening. She did not want to disappoint her family if she was to one day return to them!

Until then...

Her little tail fluff wagged frantically back and forth. "Oh! Oh! I did! It was... um..." She twisted around in a circle, feeling a light breeze tease her senses. "This way!" And like usual, Haunter took off without bothering to look around. She was a black shadow, racing along the ground. A phantom to pop up and scare the daylight out of those he crossed her path.

"C'mon, Oath! There's a hollow we can use just over-" Her sentence was interrupted by that puppy ability to get distracted in seconds. A hare raced in front of her and the instinct to chase was in full gear. Haunter barked and growled, chasing the terrified snack. Oh, wouldn't her keeper just be delighted if she caught them a meal? Well, okay. Even Haunter could admit it wasn't very much for a pup and an adult berserker. But it was the thought that would count, right?

Muscles straining as she pushed herself to be faster, the little berserker pup lunged at her prey. There was a sound as eerie as any Haunter herself could make. Then... silence. Which was broken almost immediately by the excited yips and dancing as Haunter stood proudly with her catch.

"Good, then--my lady!" she called after the quickly fleeing form, breaking after her at a jog. Oathkeeper had many eyes painted on her, but she wasn't mystical: Haunter still blended well into the night, for better or for worse, and no amount of legend could help her. Oath sighed to herself.

And then Haunter zigzagged out of her immediate vision, following a blur. She smelled a hare and turned instinctively to follow after them, restraining from herself from overtaking the princess. No, her attention was on their surroundings once again, her nostrils flared to catch any sign that someone else was intent upon the prey. It seemed they were alone in the pursuit, but you could never be sure in these strange lowlands...Oath's hackles stiffened at the howl, but before she could formulate terrible possibilities, the princess stood back up with her catch.

"So, you have been listening," she said with dry warmth. "Good instincts. Will you be so kind as to lead me without running away this time?"

There was a rare bit of affection that entered Haunter's eyes. She was happy to have made Oath proud! Maybe, in the stars that watched over them, her mother was proud too? The black pup nodded her head, setting her catch down at her paws. "I did! And I've gotten better!" Her little tail wagged enthusiastically.

Feeling a little sheepish at having gotten side-tracked once more, Haunter picked up her rabbit kill and looked around. There had been a deep thicket of a thorny bush she'd seen. With a little bit of digging, she'd been able to squeeze into it. Though, she hadn't really considered if Oath would fit or not. But that wasn't currently on her mind. All her focus was on remembering where it had been... not too far. That's why she'd been on the little hill.

"Dis way!" Haunter tried to say around the rabbit. With a little bounce to her step, the berserker pup lead the way, sniffing the air here and there. She almost started to panic, thinking she'd lost it when... there!

"Oath! See? I found shelter!" Is what she attempted to say. It probably was more garbled then that. Having found their shelter, Haunter darted ahead to find her hole. And, with the swiftness of a small body, she slipped through the hole and into the thicket.

Oath remembered to smile in time for the pup to see it. Even though it was a small one, it was large for someone like her. "You are."

Following Haunter through the thorny bush was no big issue to the berserker, who pushed through it in true stoic fashion and was careful where she stepped. She shook herself clean before continuing, which was thankfully easier now that the princess had to carry her kill. Although she seemed a little confused...Just when Oathkeeper was about to ask if something was amiss, Haunter darted into a hole she barely saw in the darkness. Her guardian sniffed at it curiously, pawing away at its entrance until she could more comfortably fit her bulk through.

"If nothing else, someone would have to work at getting in," Oath remarked as she shook herself for the second time. Her stomach growled, but she wanted to give the shelter a once over before she left to hunt.

Haunter could almost forget the sorrow when she was pleasing her keeper like so. And she felt proud of herself for being able to catch her own food! True, there were some days when the smaller berserker pup wasn't able to catch anything. But tonight, she'd been able to and that was all that mattered. Live in the moment. That was what she had learned.

The pup circled around a spot a few times before she plopped herself down, rabbit between her paws. She blinked blue eyes up at Oath. "I can eat it?" She asked in her puppy innocence.

Or maybe she was supposed to share it? That was what they did sometimes. Although Haunter was pretty sure Oath went without eating more often than she did. Which made her sad because Oath was so strong and it was important for them to eat! And... her tummy growled, making Haunter's ears droop a little in embarrassment. She was very hungry.

"Will we stay here for long?" She asked in the awkward silence that followed an audible grumbling tummy.

Oathkeeper gestured for Haunter to eat. "I'll find something," she assured her. "Your kill, your meal, from now on." It would be the first of many. Haunter was getting bigger now--relatively, as she was petite for their species--and she had to keep honing her hunting skills. It'd be a great opportunity for Oath to scout ahead as well while foraging.

Looking over her shoulder back at the thorny bush of a barrier, Oath considered. It was time to bed down for the night, and at least the princess would have something in her stomach. "This seems as good a place as any to rest," she decided after a moment, turning back to Haunter. "Stay alert while I hunt. And please don't go out again tonight. Can you promise me?"

The beserker pup nodded her head, little tail wagging in anticipation of her meal. She dug in, sinking her fangs in to the warm flesh and feeling a sense of calm come over her. Eating was easy. She didn't have to think too hard how to rip and chew her food. It gave her a small break from the thoughts that plagued her mind to frequently.

Gnawing at the leg of her kill, Haunter froze as Oath spoke. Had she done something wrong? Was she supposed to have offered part of her kill again? But her keeper was speaking to her. Haunter glanced around the shelter she found them. She was proud of herself! Not only had she found them a place to sleep, but she'd caught her own kill and Oath was pleased with her and-

"I won't go anywhere. Promise." She promised, tail wagging as she yawned before working on her meal once more. Then paused. "You'll be back, right?" She waited until she got an affirmative from her keeper before the young berserker pup let herself focus on her night's meal. And then sleep.