Today's my birthday, y'all!

... ******** I'm old.

*ahem* well, as they say:
"Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional."

In other news, I'm kind of annoyed...
A new item dropped in the GCshop and it sold out within minutes. MINUTES I say!
I usually log in during the afternoon when new stuff shows up,
but it being my birthday and all, I didn't even think to log in until late in the evening.

I didn't even get the chance to debate if I should buy one!
Like wow, y'all are thirsty!?
In case you were wondering, it's the Bless This Comet Mess item User Image

For some reason there aren't even any for sale in the MP...
Normally, when a limited item sells out immediately, there are a bunch in the MP ('cuz supply and demand)
So either people REALLY liked this item and are keeping 'em all for themselves,
or some glitch in the system happened..? There have been server issues as of late.
Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me either way.

Well, if one does finally show up in the MP
(and no doubt for some exorbitant price)
I'll just have to save up for it. *shrug*