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Soquili Era

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Tags: soquili, horses, breedable pets, pet horses, familiars 

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{I/T} Rise of the Wind Serpents- closed

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:49 pm

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Zo is watching you.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:58 pm


3/30/21- Still trying to hash out the history/culture. <3 Suggestions welcome. We have a discord chat! Ping or DM me if you'd like to be added.
12/7/20- Setting up herd thread begins!



PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:07 pm


Several decades ago, a herd of strange beasts lived in a land long forgotten. Two tribes, looking very similar, lived together in an uneasy peace. They lived in the desert and ruled with an iron hoof. While to outsiders they presented a united front, within their own ranks was strife. Both factions had their own deity they revered, and felt it was superior to the others.

It started with minor skirmishes between rivals, then families, and clans. Eventually it broke out into full scale war as each side tried to dominate the other. Many were killed. Whole families were wiped out, or only a few survivors were left. Yet the war continued on for years.

The war blinded them to the rising danger within their home. Calamity struck. The ground violently shook, ripping the desert apart. The tribes were shattered and broken as they fled their desert home in scattered groups. For many years these tiny remaining fragments traveled and searched for a new place to call home.

Some eventually found their way to a land called Soquili.

Many years passed. Others from the tribes, in due course, began to find their way to the Soquili lands. These lone stragglers slowly began to find each other in the vastness of the land. A small group of mares found each other and banded together to try to rebuild what had been lost.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:10 pm


Purist- The herd values the traits of Wind Serpents/Noxious Reavers over others. Their numbers are super tiny, and it is feared that their bloodlines will be lost should too many impures be allowed.
Hunting- Hunting is a necessity of the herd. While hunting is an accepted practice, it is severely frowned upon to kill a sentient creature. Another soquili, a two-legger, or an animal that shows the properties of intelligence (a familiar) should not be considered a food item.
Familiars- Familiars are accepted, though predatory or useful ones are favored over others. Others while accepted may cause some weird looks to be given.
Foal Sitters- While the herd doesn't actually have any nannies, the foals are kept in a secure location with a number of guards to watch over them. Number of guards depends upon how many foals are there, and guards will be rotated in and out of watch.
Deity- What was once thought to be two separate deities, has been revealed to actually be one, but with two heads. One head is female, one head is male.



PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:16 pm


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Territory: Deep within a dense, dark jungle and amid the over-grown ruins of some by-gone civilization, a new dangerous creature prowls. The Wind Serpents have found an ideal home crawling through the dense undergrowth of the balmy weather of the jungle. The ruins provide adequate shelter from the frequent rainstorms.

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Alpha's Den- where the Alpha sleeps
Protector's Den- where the Protector sleeps

User Image
The Foal Den and Circle- where young foals sleep during the night and play during the day, watched by their protectors

Main Dens- where the majority of the herd sleeps

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The main pathway among the ruins.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:21 pm

Ranks and Members

Alpha (1/1)
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Protector/ Head Guard (0/1)

Head Hunter/Gatherer (0/1)

Priest (Male) (0/1)

Priest (Female) (0/1)

Herbalists (0/1)

Guards (unlimited)

Hunter/Gatherer (unlimited)

Foals (unlimited)



PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:33 pm

Post 7
PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:46 pm

In The Works....

Don't have a qualified member, but plan to custom one? This is where they go!



PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:59 pm

Joining Codes

For Applicants
Right now we are only accepting applications for Wind Serpents/Noxious Reavers.

[size=20][color=green]I'M A WIND SERPENT! COUNT ME IN![/color][/size]
[b]Desired Rank:[/b]
[b]For Restricted Ranks:[/b] (Why do they fit this rank? Why are they applying?)
[b]Personality:[/b] (Can be brief)
[b]History:[/b] (Can be brief)
PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 9:11 pm

Post 10


Abe no Mizuki

Lonely Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 4:32 pm

Name: Vyk'zlade
Image: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Desired Rank: Head Hunter/Gatherer
For Restricted Ranks: She's learned ways to set up traps to get the most fish and is currently working on an idea for a "farm" for fish, since it's the only meat she can eat w/o getting sick.
Personality: She can be cold, cunning, and snarky as hell, but mostly when she's hangry.
History: Bit of a blank slate; she's mostly nomadic but sticks to areas with fish. Has a fling with a Kelpie, so she's not as prejudiced as her old herd once was (she was a foal at the time of the sundering).

Name: Dar'astrix
Image: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Desired Rank: Priest (Male)
For Restricted Ranks: Dar was raised by his uncle who was a priest in the herd that once was before the division caused the downfall and learned how to follow both deities, but one night Dar had a vision where the deities came to him as not two, but one with two heads, saying they've chosen him to help reunite their scattered children and lead them to the truth.
Personality: Blank slate; just got him so I'm still learning.
History: Blank slate; just got him so still figuring it out. I do know that Dar was raised by his uncle who was a priest in the herd before the sundering, but when the sundering took place, fled with his uncle into the night. They got separated and Dar hasn't seen his uncle since, but hopes he's okay.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 4:35 pm

Inari Miko

Wrong thread lol. Linked to the actual herd thread in the top post. I'll get them added, just repost there. ^_^


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