Breakfast with a dragonet was an interesting experience for Haveli. It was almost like everything she ate tasted like blood due to not quite being able to pull apart from Sathanaseth's eating as well, and she found that by the time a few months had passed she'd likely have lost weight due to a lack of appetite. It wasn't a bad thing entirely since she'd probably start bulking up now that she was a rider, but for the time being it just made meals very hit or miss. It was difficult to want to eat any form of pottage when it all tasted like iron after all.

This morning was a bit better than most as she'd made the choice to wait a bit after feeding her lifemate, the taste of metal on her tongue almost gone when it came time for klah and a few other breakfast staples. Perhaps she'd seen some of her fellow weyrlings in there attempting to start their days as well?
