



FACECLAIM Scarlett Estevez

AGE Eleven

BIRTHDAY March 16th, 2041



WAND 13 inch maple with dragon heartstring. Just barely pliable and has a very simply decorated shaft.

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

YEAR First

HOUSE Hufflepuff



AMBITIOUS If she can help it, Wyn likes to be the best at what she does. She can get frustrated if she doesn't rise quickly to the top, especially if she ends up hovering too close to the bottom. Success is validation to her, and both recognition and reward for such success fulfills her in a way nothing else can. Though she does not always have a clear goal, when she does find one, she will do what it takes to meet it.
KIND The limit to her ambition is the welfare of others. While she will do a lot to succeed, she draws the line at harming or taking advantage of others. She is, for the most part, respectful, generous, and caring. She also craves friendship, and gets validation from having made someone's day or having brought a smile to a friend. She will stand up to those to do injustices or who trample upon others.
IDEALISTIC Wyn has a very clear vision of how she wants her world to be, and works hard to make that vision a reality. She is unaccepting of contradictory opinions. While to be happy and successful she will have to learn flexibility, she has yet to develop the ability to bite her tongue.
DECISIVE Time should not be wasted coming to a decision, at least not according to Wynnie. She acts quickly, and is often the first to take a leap that others might need a little time to prepare for. She tries, but visibly fails, to be patient when waiting for others to make up their minds. Not quite a leader, she is the equivalent of the first penguin to jump in the water as others look on for predators.
RESOURCEFUL Wyn will recognize and use all the tools at her disposal to solve problems. She learned this skill very quickly when her mother walked out and she needed to help provide for herself and her defeated, resigned father. She will apply this skill not only for her own gain, but in the service of others if they come to her for aid. If you ever see Wyn hesitate, it's really just that she is pausing to take stock of the resources around her.
UNINHIBITED In the name of open communication, Wyn is very clear and forward about her thoughts, feelings, and desires. The only exception is things that are obviously unkind or harmful, though these have been known to slip through the cracks. Without a filter, she carries on without suppressing her personality in the slightest.

■ Cooking
■ The changing of seasons
■ Journaling
■ Psychology
■ Cottagecore aesthetic
■ Surprises

■ Waiting
■ Disrespect
■ Not being immediately successful
■ Fast food or anything lazily cooked
■ Repetitive music or music with simple lyrics- anything without craft

■ Quick-thinking
■ Determination

■ Impatience
■ Inflexibility

■ That she won't find a calling or a purpose in life


EARLY CHILDHOOD Wyn's early childhood was mostly pleasant. Her parents, while they didn't seem to care deeply about each other, cared deeply about her. At least, that's what she thought. Her mother, a muggle from Iceland, would take her on all sorts of excursions: camping, skiing, travelling. She always made sure Wyn was well-taken care of, and that she did her best in every situation. Wyn's father also spent a lot of time with her. He was a pureblood wizard, but had a great interest in muggle pastimes. He instilled within her an appreciation of mechanics, astronomy, and the outdoors. They would work on cars together and build telescopes that they would take stargazing. Wyn did well in school and loved her family. For some reason Wyn did not understand, her mother went through a change when she was around ten years old. She became unhappy and unproductive, ceasing her previously impeccable care of her daughter. She also became cold and distant. Eventually, she left, and Wyn's father did not adjust very well. He was a good man, Wyn knew, but life and its circumstances had made him resigned and uninvolved. This was around the time Wyn discovered her passion for cooking. Her father tried his best, but made a lot of easy pasta and simple breakfast food and it eventually became unbearable. Wyn took over, developing a culinary expertise and a habit of cooking whenever stressed or anxious. When she got good at it, her dad began to come back a little. She would feed him, and somehow it seemed to nourish his soul too. He was a little more warm and a little more present, and they worked together as they both got older. Wyn was very nervous to leave him on his own as she prepared to go away for school, but they both knew it was necessary; Wyn needed school to become a successful member of society and Adan needed his daughter to be happy in spite of his losses.



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