
NICKNAMES Echo Aleck (by classmates)
GENDER female
SEXUAL ORIENTATION (closet) bisexual, leans strongly towards women
AGE 17
BIRTHDAY July 26th, 2042 -- Leo
LANGUAGES English, Welsh

BLOOD STATUS halfblood (although presumed muggleborn)
WAND Ash wood with sphinx hair core, 11 ¾ inches, unbending. Gradient shaft with a swirly handle. [x]
PATRONUS Bear (barely able to conjure)

FACECLAIM anime pics XD
Brown hair, light brown eyes

HEIGHT 5 ft 7 in (170 cm)
WEIGHT 120 lbs (54 kg)
APPEARANCE both ears pierced. Hair is longer in front than back. Dark splinch lines on the left side of her neck.

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
YEAR seventh
HOUSE Slytherin

■ Art
■ Daily Dragon -- managing editor
■ Quidditch seeker (yr 5+) reserve
■ Order of the Stick

Astronomy - O
Charms - O
Defence Against the Dark Arts - E
Herbology - O
History of Magic - O
Potions - O
Transfiguration - O

Alchemy - O
Arithmancy - O
Art - E
Mythology - E
Study of Ancient Runes - O
Wandlore Studies - O


Other Electives

Exam thread
Advanced Flying: (year 2, 3) Proficient.
Apparition: (year 6) Adequate at short range, but unable to apparate outside of line of sight. She has a splinch mark on her neck from her attempts to o her

DREAM JOB Designer and manager for Wellbelove Design

CONDESCENDING Echo Angharad enjoys being right, being current, and being exact. She enjoys showing off and showing people up. While polite and dignified in company, Echo enjoys pointing out people’s mistakes and getting the attention for being right, thinly veiling her disdain behind helpful concern.

METICULOUS Whether from catching details other miss or just being picky with her tastes, Echo Angharad has an eye for detail that she applied to all of her work, from math to sewing to makeup. While Echo wishes she had the creative genius and fashionable eye of her siblings, Echo has always been more adept at collecting data and crunching numbers. Her work is always thoroughly researched and precise.

SEDULOUS Echo Angharad prides herself on always being up to date -- on the latest trends, gossip, or research --and this informedness comes from diligent habits: early to rise, always studying or observing, always reading and listening. Echo studies voraciously and puts all her studies to use in her own work, but also to point out the faults of others. Her studious habits have gained her an appreciation for even the smallest of details or the purposes of any disciplines. Nothing, however disgusting, is beneath her knowing, even if it is beneath her doing. This diligence carries over to her skincare and hygiene rituals, and to her keeping up with clothing styles,, makeup, and particularly, perfumes

INDEPENDENT Aside from her siblings and momma, Echo Angharad has never had a consistent friend. She has decided she doesn’t care to-- other than her family, people are either beneath her or against her. If she must do a group project she prefers working with Harlynn, who knows how to play to her strengths, or Milan, who she is closest with. Like any of her siblings she’s quick to defend her family, but Echo also likes to pretend she doesn’t need help and is perfectly confident and content on her own.

CONVENTIONAL While Echo Angharad has always tried to come up with original or creative ideas , she often resorts to simply copying a sample and recreating things with small modifications or adjustments-- “seamless improvements” -- rather than pioneering anything particularly new. Although she doesn’t quite have an original eye, Echo Angharad enjoys learning about materials and budgets and studies diligently to identify trends and their historical inspirations. While she can paint fairly adeptly, she struggles to translate her visions to the page. As loathe as she is to admit it, Echo relies on Milan’s discerning eye for her own appearance and his artistic talent for translating her thoughts.

■ Organizing and collecting information
■ Studying fashions and makeup trends
■ Skin and hair care

■ Attention
■ Her siblings
■ Numbers, diagrams, flow charts
■ Scents-- shampoos, perfumes, and candles
■ Chocolate and coffee

■ Her own designs
■ Dirtiness in general
■ Lack of structure/ organization.
■ Pity
■ Pigeons. Most birds. Anything poopy

■ Perceptive and clever
■ Studious and disciplined about her habits..

■ Has a very hard time creating original things/ translating a vision from her head
■ Doesn’t get close to people for fear they’ll leave her anyways
■ Hedonist -- Echo is currently just chasing whatever feels good (including studying) with little regard for long-term consequences.

■ Receiving awards and acclaims for her own original designs
■ Echo has a recurring daydream where she’s being interviewed and asked to explain her genius for some great thing she accomplished, whether it’s a homework assignment or a makeup project.

■ Irrelevance -- Echo has always been on top of things and hates to imagine being in a situation where she’s imperfect or can’t live up to her own expectations.
■ Blood
■ Her siblings or momma leaving her.

★✩EARLY CHILDHOOD Echo Angharad Wellbelove is the second daughter of muggleborn fashion designer and icon Charlotte Wellbelove’s artificially inseminated quadruplets. Along with her siblings Harlynn, Milan, and Yaretzi, Echo Angharad attended a prestigious private school in Cardiff, Wales. Due to their mother’s job in fashion, all of the quadruplets were raised with knowledge of tailoring and clothes design.

Echo was a gifted student from the start, and her studiousness ensured she constantly maintained perfect or at least high marks at everything she set her hand at. Her grades, particularly science and math, were a matter of pride, and she applied her diligent habits to studying fashion and makeup trends and studying perfumes. Early on she made a few friends but eventually grew distant as they found new groups and other friends, likely turned off by Echo constantly correcting them. Generally, Echo thought most people in her class were stupid and stifling; she preferred to work alone or with her siblings, who were the only ones who could possibly bring out or match her ability.

At home, Echo hated the endless turnover of nannies meant to watch over them. The nanny was always a new face who didn’t understand how special the quadruplets were but had their own bossy ideas. Even worse, they would leave in a few weeks or months at most. Eventually, Echo wrote them off and stopped bothering to even remember their names. When she was in second grade, Echo came home upset from summer camp to find the nanny in her room. Her anger turned the water to ice and shattered the small tank, cutting herself, the nanny, and killing Iekeliene, her goldfish. The nanny had just been trying to help clean the tank, but Echo made sure the nanny was sacked that night. Later that summer, she won Iekeliene II, a betta fish, from a school trivia contest.

Otherwise, Echo loved life at home. Aside from that one incident, Echo’s early magic was mostly subtle: little tweaks to make her hair straight or making sure her workstation was always clean and neat. Echo worked with her siblings or studied alone, and Momma taught them about fashions and magic theory, both which Echo Angharad applied her usual studiousness and curiosity towards.

Echo Angharad partially looked forward to Hogwarts--she couldn’t wait to do her own magic and learn more about magic--but she also dreaded leaving her momma and their luxurious life at home.

FIRST YEAR Echo was heartbroken to be separated from Milan at the Sorting and refused to partake in the Sorting feast in silent rebellion aside from sipping her chocolate milk. She joined the Art Club and Quidditch with her siblings, and the Daily Dragon with Milan. However, at the Daily Dragon she was paired up with Taylor Olson, a rival of the Wellbeloves, and positively frustrated with the pairing. Towards the end of the year, her fish Iekeliene died at a ripe old age, leaving Echo mourning for a week or so. She aced her exams, and at the end of the year stumbled upon and charmed by Landon Shah, an older student looking for flowers for his sick sister.

SECOND YEAR was going to be fantastic. Echo and Milan's fashion column had been approved in the Daily Dragon, and Echo was of course at the top of her classes as usual. In April, Echo was paired with Dominik Knapp for a potions project. Their disagreements--and Echo's snide remarks--were met with Chadwick Knapp confronting her one afternoon and accidentally cutting her hair. Echo screamed and ran to the White Tomb in a panic. When she ended up missing herbology, Yari found her. Yari helped her not repair but restyle her hair into something unique. It formed a better recognition and acceptance of each other's strengths, and tightened their bond. Echo stuck as much as possible to herself and her quadruplets afterwards anyways, aside from working on her Daily Dragon Assignments with Taylor Olson.

THIRD YEAR Echo started her third year with 8 electives (plus Advanced Quidditch) on top of taking on her usual clubs and managing editor for the Daily Dragon. It quickly proved a stressful schedule-- just before the winter break, Echo freaked out about an Arithmancy exam and wrote a cheat sheet. She ended up acing the exam without using it, but the sheet was caught and Yari was given detention for it. Then in spring, she received her first E for her Law final. As Echo nearly broke down from the workload and panic, Taylor of all people swooped in, covering for the fashion article that Echo should have done.

Over the summer, she and Taylor covered the Arts Festival-- particularly the panel both their mums featured in, and maybe came to a kind of peace.

FOURTH YEAR With Milan in a teenage brooding mood, Echo found herself more isolated from her quadruplets than she was used to and spent much of her free time hanging around with Landon Shah again-- then the year was punctuated when she confronted Landon about their relationship and was harshly informed that he had simply been using her as an entertainment. The betrayal broke her heart. From it though, she surprisingly grew closer to Daphne, who called her out on not letting others see how hard she worked to achieve her grades.

FIFTH YEAR Feeling defeated by her lack of socialization now that Landon was out of the picture, being passed over for prefect and various other leadership opportunities, and feeling like a failure at being seeker, Echo now sank all her effort into her schoolwork. She became even more insistent that she do all the bonus problems in classes and read extra readings. At the end of the year, Echo liked to think that her efforts helped Slytherin win the House Cup.

As she poured her effort into academics, she found any semblance of design creativity dried up. Instead, she helped Milan with his line of designs, both of their spiralling and sinking their emotions into work.

Over the summer, Yari's boyfriend and Milan's best friend exploded himself in an animagus transformation gone wrong. Echo stuck with them, taking care of her siblings as best she could--until her OWL grades came back with 3 Es. She threw a fit and abandoned her usual rigor.

SIXTH YEAR Echo was burnt out and beyond caring. She still attended and studied for classes, but no longer treated every extra credit question as mandatory, no longer holed herself up to study. As long as Echo knew Milan and Yari were safely drowning their grief in their work, Echo started ditching Art Club and other things, electing to spend her time at the White Tomb. During one of these escapades, Syd Barrett found her. Echo found the affection and admiration she craved from Syd .and together they explored hallucinogenic drugs together and started a friends-with-benefits kind of relationship.

In Winter, Yari attempted suicide-- Echo walked into the room as Daphne took Yari to the Hospital Wing. From then, Yari was sent home to recover. In Spring, Milan fell down the Grand Staircase and was confined to the Hospital Wing for much of the year afterwards. Even her attempts to help her quadruplets had epically failed.

Apparation was a consistent thorn in her side throughout the year, and the first time she tried stretching beyond a nearby line of sight, she splinched her neck, traumatizing herself from apparaition in the process. Even Quidditch continued to frustrate her: Echo still wasn't doing well as seeker, and when she was assigned captain of one of the teams during a Pick-up game, her team was annihilated by her old enemy, Dominik Knapp.



Mother Charlotte Wellbelove, Fashion designer (muggleborn)
Siblings Harlynn Alexandria Wellbelove, reasonable boss; Milan Amias Wellbelove, artistic partner; Yaretzi Rose Wellbelove, scatterbrained creative
Pets Iekeliene II (her betta fish, [x]), Iekeliene (goldfish)

Syd Barrett
Best Friend: Milan Amais Wellbelove
Daphne Greensborough, annoying roommate; Taylor Olson, fashion rival and Daily Dragon partner
Order of the Stick members: Pietro Donati; Elaina Lovette, older student club leaders; Aurais and Serafina Aurelius, Nora Jayne Dashwood, Narine Pritchard, Logan Strife, Karah Thomas

Chadwick and Dominik Knapp, the haircutters
Landon Shah, charming older student
Angier Zheng, oblivious boy who broke Milan's heart, seduced Yari, and then had the gall to die, breaking Yari's heart.
■ The various nannies

CREATED January 2021
UPDATED 05 May 2023
■ Yr 6 update
■ Weakness: Added Hedonist to Weaknesses because of her current arc.
■ (recent update)

PENDED BY ❝Yukitty❞ 5/2/2021
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