



FACECLAIM Violet Hicks at the age of...

Elizabeth Gillies at the age of...

AGE Eighteen

BIRTHDAY July 22, 2042



WAND Inflexible 9 inch Spruce Leprechaun Hair with a Decorated Shaft
Spruce: Requires a firm hand, because it often appears to have its own ideas about what magic it ought to be called upon to produce. However, when a spruce wand meets its match - a bold spell-caster with a good sense of humour - it becomes a superb helper, intensely loyal to their owners and capable of producing particularly flamboyant and dramatic effects.
Leprechaun Hair: Temperamental to the Non-Irish. Luck and Money charms.
Decorated: Image/beauty minded, usually ambitious.
Inflexible: Hexes and Curses. Willful disposition and doesn't back down.

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


HOUSE Gryffindor

Astronomy ~ O
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ T
History of Magic ~ T
Potions ~ E
Transfiguration ~ E
Alchemy ~ O
Arithmancy ~ O
Art ~ O
Care of Magical Creatures ~ P
Cursebreaking ~ O
Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ A
Healing ~ A
Muggle Studies ~ O
Music ~ P
Study of Ancient Runes ~ A
Wandless Magic ~ D
Wizard Law ~ D

Astronomy ~ EE
Charms ~ O
Defence Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Potions ~ EE
Transfiguration~ A
Alchemy ~ EE
Arithmancy ~ O
Art ~ EE
Cursebreaking ~ EE
Ghoul & Ghost Studies ~ P
Muggle Studies ~ O
Study of Ancient Runes ~ A

DREAM JOB Fashion Photographer

CURRENT OCCUPATION Daily Prophet Photographer *pending


EBULLIENT Taylor is lively and full of enthusiasm, even about the smallest of things. That includes being enthusiastic and supportive towards the people around her, whether it is her family and friends or classmates and strangers. She enjoys everyday life and finds little things to get excited about.
CLEAN Taylor keeps her room spotless and her belongings organized. She pays close attention to her hygiene and is easily grossed out.
GLAMOROUS Not only is Taylor a clean person, but she puts a lot of care into her looks as well, and that includes what clothing she wears. She tends to dress more elegantly than others and leads a more interesting dramatic life.
WILLFUL Taylor wants to do what she wants to do, and she doesn't care what anyone thinks. Although it isn't her intention to be disobedient, she does come off rather headstrong and stubborn. However, she also has a strong sense of knowing when she needs to do something, even if she doesn't particularly want to do it.
DISRUPTIVE Taylor would rather joke around than work. She enjoys talking and socializing with her friends during class, and is therefore usually moved to sit alone. However, even when alone, she finds ways to prevent her teachers from continuing on with the lesson at the pace they hope to get through. Taylor tends to cause trouble and get herself involved in others' business, leading a very dramatic life.
SCRUPULOUS Although Taylor gets herself involved in others' affairs, she tries to do what she thinks is right and moral. Her intention is never to hurt anyone, especially those that she loves. However, things don't always work out that way.

■ Socializing
■ Clothes
■ Photography
■ Llamas
■ Dogs in costume

■ Messes and dirt
■ Pie
■ Coffee
■ Beaches
■ Kiwi

■ Finding the good in everyday life
■ Cleanliness

■ Paying attention in class
■ Getting herself sucked into drama

■ Getting stuck in an elevator


EARLY CHILDHOOD Taylor was born in 2042 and is the eldest child of Miles and Willow Olson. Miles is a Mediwizard at St. Mungo's Hospital while Willow is a clothing designer, who uses her magic to bring her creations to life. Taylor's brother Mason was born in 2044, and her brother Benjamin followed less than a year later in 2045. She lived a relatively normal life in a muggle neighbourhood and attended muggle school although both of her parents were wizards. Her powers started to kick in at around the age of nine, which was exciting because that meant she would be attending Hogwarts in a couple of years. When her parents had asked her what kind of pet she'd like to bring to Hogwarts with her, she had decided on a bunny. So, her mother had taken her to pick out her very own pet and had helped come up with the name Ivy. She told Taylor that if she was ever missing her while at Hogwarts, that she could hug her bunny tight as both Willow and Ivy's names represented trees.

SCHOOL YEARS (2053 - 2054) Taylor was sorted into Gryffindor, which she was happy about as none of the Wellbelove quadruplets were sorted into her house. Their mother was a competitor with Taylor's own mother in the fashion industry, so she was relieved that they hadn't bothered her too much. Instead, they focused their energy on Daphne, more than likely as she was their dorm-mate. Taylor joined the Dueling Club, the Daily Dragon, and the Art Club. Unfortunately for her, she was paired with Echo Wellbelove for a project for the Daily Dragon, and the two bickered nonstop.

(2054 - 2055) Hogwarts had hosted the Deep Sea Horrors Masquerade for Halloween, which Taylor attended with Daphne and Dominik. The girls had gone on the Black Lake Ride together. At one point in the night, she and Milan had come across each other, both dressed nicely, and the two had formed a sort of frenemy relationship where they'd judge others' outfits together, but then they'd gossip about each other behind their backs. Taylor was finally able to participate in the Dueling Club, including the Dueling match that she had against the quiet older boy, Simon, during the club's final meeting. Earlier in the year, on her way to the Art Club, she had come across Kai being bullied an older kid named Caesar. That was the first time that she had ever heard any noise come out of Simon, let alone yelling. Prior to that moment, she didn't even think he could speak. A crowd had then formed around the boys, so Taylor stayed back to not only eavesdrop, but to usher the others away while Galen and Kai tried to bring Simon back to reality as it seemed as though he had gone into some sort of a panic. On December 29th, Taylor's grandparents Wolfgang and Barbara had died in a tragic fire at Eliam Winchester's 122nd birthday. Afterwards, Taylor and her mother hadn't spoken as often as before as her mother was driving her crazy with all the stress and mourning. Towards the end of the year, Taylor was partnered yet again with Echo for the Daily Dragon to cover an array of club finals, including the Quidditch finals. Obviously, they did not get along as they worked together, except for when discussing fashion and styles.

(2055 - 2056) Taylor enjoyed watching Mason get sorted into Hufflepuff, but she started the year off rather annoyed and a tad bit worried at the fact that Milan Wellbelove was promoted to Editor in Chief, and even more at the fact that he had named his sister Echo as the Managing Editor. Consequently, she thought she'd be the butt of a cruel joke that was this club. Unexpectedly, Milan named her as the Managing Photography Editor and assigned her to the Fashion Column with himself and his sister, claiming that they all needed the experience. Although the three of them continued to butt heads, the club took a turn for the better. Nonetheless, Taylor felt bad for Daphne, who seemed to actually be the butt of Milan's jokes when it came to figuring out where to place everyone.

(2056 - 2057) Taylor and Echo were partnered to work together a the Art Festival to create a column for the Daily Dragon about festival outfits. The worst part of working together, however, was that both girls had showed up wearing pretty much the exact same outfit in front of Michelle Davisson. Once school started, Benjamin was sorted into Hufflepuff and Taylor was crowned the Vice Captain of the Dueling Club. In the wintertime, Galen had asked Taylor out on a date. The two went to Madam Puddifoot's but inevitably decided to stay friends instead.

(2057 - 2058 ) Taylor had found out that Dominik was penpals with a wizard boy in Switzerland named Erin. She, Daphne and Dom took advantage of his residence and had him send them chocolate.

(2058 - 2059) The Wellbeloves had their fair share of issues this year. Taylor took over the Art Club captainship halfway through the year because Yaretzi had tried to commit suicide, and was sent away after the fact. Taylor had also been recruited to help moderate the Daily Dragon for the last third of the year as Milan ended up in the hospital wing. Echo had started unofficially dating Syd, which drove Taylor mad whenever she saw them making out. The couple had also started experimenting with drugs, so Taylor also began dabbling a little bit into drugs with them.

(2059 - 2060) Taylor stopped doing drugs with Echo and Syd, and really hated that she was dating him so much so that she and Milan started bonding more over their hatred of the sixth year. Over winter holidays, Taylor had kissed a boy for New Year's, but she could only think about Echo the entire time. Upon returning to Hogwarts, Taylor had eaten some trail mix, not realizing that anyone in the Daily Dragon was allergic to peanuts and had accidentally set Milan's reaction up. In a panic, she had blamed Syd for it and stuck to her guns, actively spreading the rumour to make sure no one tried to trace it back to her. While reacting to the peanuts, Milan had gotten sweaty and ripped off his shirt, revealing his abs. In that moment, Taylor had become very attracted to Milan, despite his high, squeaky voice (but he almost died so she let is slide). Later in the year, Echo had admitted that she was pregnant with Syd's child. In an attempt to move on, Taylor and Milan had secretly began hooking up.


■ Father: Miles Olson
■ Mother: Willow Olson
■ Grandparents: Leonard Olson & Laura Olson, Wolfgang Roberts (†) & Barbara Roberts (†)
■ Brother: Mason Olson
■ Brother: Benjamin Olson
■ Aunt: Kira Olson → Declan Olson

■ Daphne Greensborough
■ Milan Wellbelove
■ Echo Wellbelove
■ Dominik Knapp
■ Artemisia League
■ Booker Sanderson-Cobb


■ Syd Barrett

■ Harlynn Wellbelove
■ Yaretzi Wellbelove
■ Simon Blake
■ Malakai Levy
■ Galen Saylor
■ Calliope Whitethorne
■ Chadwick Knapp
■ Finley Archer
■ Simon Blake
■ Matilda Harper
■ Eden Harper
■ Elaina Lovette
■ Daily Dragon Members (2053 - 2060)
■ Dueling Club Members (2053 - 2060)
■ Art Club Members (2053 - 2060)
■ Hogwarts Graduates (2060)

■ Bunny: Ivy