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SEXUAL ORIENTATION He thinks he's straight, because "That's just the default, isn't it?". He's actually Bi.
AGE 15
BIRTHDAY May 31, 2044
SIGN Gemini ♊
LANGUAGES English, Irish

HEIGHT 5 ft 9 in.
BUILD Tall, lean, and solid. He's developed abs since his 6.5" growth spurt going into fifth year.
A splattering of freckles across his back and arms

WAND 13 inches, Dogwood with Fwooper Feather, supple with a bent shaft
PATRONUS Chestnut Stallion (not yet learned)


ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Impatient are we?
Well I'll not keep you, my boy
I think you're quite well suited for

YEAR Fifth

Astronomy ~
Charms ~
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~
Herbology ~
History of Magic ~
Potions ~
Transfiguration ~
Elective ~

Astronomy ~
Charms ~
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~
Herbology ~
History of Magic ~
Potions ~
Transfiguration ~
Elective ~

Quidditch: Chaser (2055 - )
Order of the Stick (2055 - )
Art of the Sword (2056 - )

Care of Magical Creatures


DREAM JOB Professional Quidditch Player


CHIVALROUS Logan’s been known to tease others, but it’s really all in good fun. His parents taught him to always respect others, from the elders to women to his fellow men-at-arms, whatever that meant. Playful teasing is one thing, but he won’t stand for cruelty. Logan will be the first to stand up for another, but is willing to take a step back if it’s for the sake of someone maintaining their pride and honor.

ACTIVE There’s nothing better than getting that body moving out in the fresh air! Full of energy to burn, Logan always seems to be out and about. Lazing around on the couch all day just isn’t for him. It’s important to get involved and experience life! Sports, community, nature, anything. In Logan’s book if you don’t doze off the moment you hit the sheets, the day was wasted.

DENSE Sometimes Logan just doesn’t get “it”, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Why is his classmate suddenly mad at him, when all he did was tell a really good joke? Beats him. Why are those two suddenly avoiding each other? Don’t they walk to Charms together every morning? Not a clue! Logan just doesn’t understand why people can’t be direct with each other and tell it like it is. The world would be so much better without all the beating around the bushes.

HANDS-ON How are you supposed to learn anything unless you do it yourself? Logan is a very hands-on type of guy, in and out of the classroom. He can’t stand bookwork and lives for those practical lessons where he can whip out the wand and show off what he can do. Why read about magical creatures when you can go out and find them? Why focus on theoreticals, when you can go out and do something that actually matters?

OBSTINATE Once Logan’s decided on something, good luck changing his mind. He is headstrong and unyielding to his beliefs and willing to stand up for what he believes in. While his determination is helpful in pushing him to reach his goals, it can just as often get him into trouble, such as when he’s pushing himself too hard and won’t listen to reason.

NAIVE Logan has a tendency to take people at face value. He believes that on the whole, people are honest, and he would much rather trust someone and be wrong than be a skeptic that’s suspicious of everyone. He’s quick to get invested in peoples’ stories, particularly the spooky ones that give him the heebie-jeebies, though in the case of ghosts he’s always relieved to hear when a tale was all in good fun. Despite his want to believe in others and his tendency for things to fly over his head, Logan is not by any means dumb. He believes in what he sees, and if he sees he’s been hurt by a trick, good luck fooling him twice.

Football and Quidditch
Guitar practice
Parties, concerts, festivals, etc.
Trying new skills/hobbies

Studying, homework, anything that isn't hands-on
Disrespecting others
Chocolate covered fruits - especially raisins
Shellfish, since it's tried to kill him no less than three times
Scary stories; he gets way too into them

High stamina

Has a tendency to put his foot in his mouth
Easily freaked out by old superstitions and ghost stories

To live life to the fullest
To be a pro Quidditch player

Ghosts freak him out. Specifically poltergeists.
Being caught with his pants down - literally. Feels indecent and embarrassing, plus he'd have to challenge whoever stole his pants to a duel for his honor!


EARLY CHILDHOOD Logan was born to the happy little family of Finnegan and Morna Strife. His mum worked as an obliviator, while his dad often spooked him with stories from his dangerous work in the ministry’s Poltergeist Unit. Though he was primarily with his parents, occasionally their work would pull them away, leaving Logan with his Nana Biddy in the little town of Doolin. He loved his visits with Nana. Everyone in town seemed to know each other, there was live music in the pubs, and plenty of room to run and play. Logan especially enjoyed helping out at the local ranch herding the sheep with Talula the sheltie, where the owner–Mr. O’Hannigan–was a close family friend from Grandad’s auror days. Mr. O’Hannigan and Nana told him all sorts of stories about the magic community, and made the funniest excuses on the rare occasions when a stray spell from Logan would accidentally set off, but his favorite was the Quidditch. They took him to his first game at 6, and he’s been in love with the sport ever since, wanting nothing more than to fly on a broom of his own and chase after the snitch to the crowd’s cheering. In the meantime, he settled for begging Mr. O’Hannigan to teach him how to play the guitar as well as he did.

It seemed like Nana Biddy was getting sick. She always had a cough, but as the years passed it seemed to worsen. It seemed like each time Logan saw her she became more and more tired. One day after school, fresh into grade four, his mum announced the family would be moving from Limerick to Doolin full-time so they could look after Nana Biddy. Logan couldn’t have been happier, until he received his Hogwarts letter on his eleventh birthday. His family couldn’t have been prouder they said, but he was raring to prove them wrong!

FIRST YEAR Logan had a ton of fun his first year! The very first night, one of his dorm mates, Pepijn, was upset at being separated from his brother. Logan shared snacks with him and helped him feel better. They ended up sneaking out from Gryffindor house to find Hufflepuff, only to get horribly lost navigating the stairs. They eventually made it to the kitchen, got snacks from the house elves, and managed to make it back before the sun was up. They may not have found Hufflepuff house, but the two became close friends in the process. Logan joined the Quidditch team with hopes to play, and wasn't deterred when he was placed in the reserves. He was determined to prove his worth and play a match eventually. The Order of the Stick was exciting as well, even if there might have been more talking than action some meetings. Logan took on the role of a thief! Over the winter, Logan found a toy squirrel at a shop in his hometown and brought it back for Pep as a present. A lot of practice time in Defense Against the Dark Arts was spent bickering back and forth with Annalise Watson. She got irritated when she couldn't get a spell right, and every time Logan offered to help, she shut him down. Rude.

SECOND YEAR Logan joined the fencing club and befriended a fellow newbie--a mute first year from Ravenclaw named Aurais with a parrot called Astyth. He went through classes as normal, and spent plenty of time with his best buddy Pepijn. He kept his post as reserve for the Quidditch team to his disappointment, but he understood why Captain Harmony made the call. Maybe next year would be his year.

THIRD YEAR Logan's cousin Barbara Luney joined him at Hogwarts this year, joining him and her other cousin (on her Dad's side), Diego, in Gryffindor! While he was happy to have her and brimming with house pride, he'd have been lying if he said there wasn't a small part of him that was hoping she'd have been sorted to Hufflepuff. The initial feeling of reluctance was short lived, however, as the two quickly found their groove living in the same dormitory and playing for the same Quidditch team. Though he was still a reserve, that didn't stop him from giving each and every practice everything he had!

Beyond that, his focus was primarily on clubs and staying afloat in his classes. His swordsmanship was getting better by the day, and their LARP run this year was fantastic. Over Christmas, he helped his neighbors around town and played with the local sheep. It was only a few short weeks after getting back to Hogwarts that Logan received a letter from his mum telling him he was going to have a baby sibling! Logan was elated by the news, ecstatic about having a little brother or sister to dote on.

On the morning of August 27th, Lorna went into early labor. She barely made it out with her life, and Darragh? Though he breathed, he was so small. He was just so small. The Strifes kept their hopes high, but no one could say for sure whether or not his baby brother was going to survive.

FOURTH YEAR Normally Logan looked forward to returning to school each year, but with his Mum in a sorry state and his baby brother so small and helpless, his goodbye to his Pop at the station was one full of tears, reassurances, and hugs. It would be days before his mother was released from the hospital, and weeks for Darragh if he even made it out at all. He did his best to remain in high spirits for their sakes. After a month Logan was finally able to rest easy after receiving word from his Ma that Darragh was coming home and he would get to meet him properly over Christmas. In the meantime, there was plenty to do at school. Logan was first string on the Quidditch team this year, after all!

In March Galen brought up a Quidditch scrimmage match between all the houses. Logan was so pumped! He drew stones for the purple team with Echo, Galen, and his cousin Babs, and managed to land Seeker. What was thought to be a simple, fun match on a rainy day turned into the complete and utter decimation of his team by the hands of Dominik and Zack Knapp. Boy was Logan glad Zack was normally on his team! Galen went down, then Logan himself. When he came to it was to the pain of cracked ribs and spasms in his abdomen from a bludger to the stomach. Brianna was taken down while he was out, just as Nora claimed victory for the Black Team by catching the snitch. He threw up. It was still fun while it lasted, and everyone would manage to (physically) recover in time for the next official match. If you asked Logan, the worst of it was laying in the hospital wing listening to Galen flirting with his crush, Nora. Oof. Galen was such a great guy, too. There was no way Logan ever stood a chance against him. Maybe it was time to let go of his first puppy love.

FIFTH YEAR (what happened your character's fifth year of school; this section will be added in after their fifth year is completed)
SIXTH YEAR (what happened your character's sixth year of school; this section will be added in after their sixth year is completed)
SEVENTH YEAR (what happened your character's seventh year of school; this section will be added in after their seventh year is completed)



Parents Finnegan Strife, poltergeist unit (halfblood); Lorna Strife, obliviator (halfblood)
Brother Darragh Strife, tiny tot (halfblood)
Grandparents Ruarc Macaulay, auror (halfblood, deceased) ; Bridget “Biddy” Macaulay, retired from the office of misinformation (halfblood)
Paternal Aunt Iona Strife, waitress (halfblood squib)
Cousin Barbara Luney, 3rd year Gryffindor (halfblood)

BEST FRIEND Pepijn Ter Avest
Sean O'Hannigan (NPC), Talula the Sheltie (NPC), people of Doolin
He considers everyone in his classes and clubs a friend until proven otherwise.

KIND OF ANNOYING Annalise Watson



xxxFUN FACTSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ALLERGIES Shellfish (anaphylaxis)
HOBBIES Running, Football, volunteering around Doolin, sheep herding
INSTRUMENTS PLAYED Guitar, working on the Lute
PRIZED POSSESSION A hand-me-down acoustic guitar from Sean O'Hannigan

FAVORITE FOOD Colcannon and champ, apple cake
FAVORITE COLOR Crimson and Evergreen

MAIN THEME "Hall of Fame"
Year 1: Hall of Fame
Year 2: High Hopes

Year 3: -
Year 4: -
Year 5: -
Year 6: -
Year 7: -


UPDATED 5/21/23

Updated up to fifth year.
(recent update)
(recent update)

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