x👻xPEPIJNxxxCOENxxxTER AVESTx🥜xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

NICKNAMES Pep, Pip, Peppin, Pippin, Squirrel-Man!
AGE 12
BIRTHDAY July 21st, 2044 -- Cancer
LANGUAGES English, Dutch, Welsh Gaelic, Squirrel (err… according to him anyways)

BLOOD STATUS pureblood
WAND Charred spruce with thestral hair core, 12¼ inches, brittle. Spiraled and varnished with ash. [x]
PATRONUS Gray Squirrel (Not yet learned)

FACECLAIM Chandler Cantebury > Iwan Rheon
HEIGHT 5 ft 0 in (152 cm)
WEIGHT 100 lbs (45 kg)
APPEARANCE light scratches from his squirrels

xxx👻SCHOOL AND CAREER🥜xxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Previously homeschooled.
YEAR second
HOUSE Gryffindor

■ Culinary Club
■ Dueling Club

■ Herbology
■ #

■ Transfiguration
■ History
■ #

DREAM JOB Celebrity Chef. Or a Squirrel trainer

EPICUREAN Pepijn loves all things food related. Eating food. Smelling food. Making food. Critiquing food. Photographing food. Decorating food. The entire process and matter of edible matter is of deep appreciation for Pip. He doesn’t even have a particular aversion to rotten food, since then it becomes something that ghosts can enjoy, and nourishes the earth. Beyond food, Pip has an appreciation for the simple luxuries of life, and takes an epicurean philosophy towards existence: minimize suffering and maximize pleasure in as simple, sustainable, and humble means as possible.

SQUIRRELY Pepijn is particularly shy around strangers, and clings to Lysander whenever they go out. But after a while of hiding where he knows it’s safe, Pip’s curiosity brings him around. He’s always curious about things going on around him, and he’ll spiral back to things that frustrated, frightened, or stumped him before. If he just understood it more, maybe it would be less scary, he thinks. (As he will find, this is not always the case, but it doesn’t stop him from trying.)

PIPING Curious and easily excitable, Pepijn isn’t particularly logical or sensible, but he is always willing to be a little reckless at least twice. From “Good morning, birds are singing, squirrels are chittering!” to “Time to hibernate! Goodnight!” Pip reacts animatedly to everything around him. He is also easily entertained at home: between making and snacking on foods, playing the marimba, painting, taking walks in the woods around their house, and training his squirrels, there has always been much to do for an easily distracted lad. When in doubt: “Mix and Match, Flavor Twist!”

FLAKY Given his parents are ghosts, Pepijn operates very much on his own timetable and clock, as there wasn’t much they could do to actually enforce he do anything at a particular time other than nagging. He doesn’t intentionally try to be late or forget things, but aside from food and squirrels, he generally has the attention span of a squirrel.

AGED At first glance, everything seems to scare or startle Pip: darkness, bright lights, loud music, bugs, long shadows, clowns, crowds, you name it. But when it comes down to serious takes like facing death and philosophical truma, Pepijn has always displayed a surreal sense of calm and acceptance. Not stoicism, but acceptance: “Sometimes we are the hawk that eats the squirrel. Sometimes we are the squirrel that is eaten. Such is the way of life.” This, in addition to his complex thoughts about life and living, gives Pip a slightly more complex and mature flavor than might be expected.

■ Food. Snacking. Cooking. If it has to do with food, Pip will be interested
■ Training Squirrels
■ Taking walks -- in the forest, in a gallery, around a kitchen. Just walking around, admiring the surroundings, and soaking up the ambiance. Sometimes he'll paint.

■ FOOD. Food art. Flavors. Peanuts are particularly versatile. Pip always smells distinctly of pine and peanut butter.
■ Squirrels
■ Tea sets and handkerchiefs
■ Forest walks (and picnics)
■ Always having his parents around to talk to.

■ Excessiveness. Hedonism is wasteful. Sustainable is what Pip is looking for.
■ Windows. Floor-length windows are troll walls and why in the world can’t he walk through walls???
■ Creepy things in the forest
■ Sudden noises.
■ His parents are literally haunting him and boy can they be naggy.

■ Proactive -- If Pip wants to learn something, he’ll go out and learn it without much pushing.
■ Independent -- Pip doesn’t need too much supervision.

■ Very sheltered -- Pip is quite ignorant of muggle things, or really just anything outside of his scope of existence.
■ Time management.

■ Pip has a recurring dream where he is walking through the forests surrounding the Ter Avest castle and stumbles upon something interesting. It’s a different thing each time--a magical pool or clearing, a creature, a person, an object--, but his favorite is when he stumbles upon Lysander’s significant other and befriends them. Pip firmly believes he will be best friends with his brother’s significant other one day. After all, how could someone Zander chose be less than wonderful?
■ Be safe, healthy, and happy always.

■ Losing Zander. His brother has always been there to tuck him in, and even if they go a whole day doing their own thing, Pip has always been assured that nothing can divide them for long.
■ Being removed from home. The Ter Avest Castle is his home, and Pip would rather die (and become a ghost) than cede the property. He doesn’t want new parents, and he doesn’t want a new home. This is home, and if the MCPS try to take him away, it will be over his dead body.

👻🥜EARLY CHILDHOOD Pepijn Coen Ter Avest was born just ten months after his older brother, Lysander Aloynius Ter Avest. The Ter Avest family was an ancient wizarding family from the Netherlands, but some thirty years ago, their parents moved to Wales to oversee investments in this part of the world. Traditional and strongly isolationist, the Ter Avest family avoided contact with muggles. They maintained contacts in a few pureblood wizarding communities, but even there had a reputation of gracious but aloof.

When the boys were seven, a fire killed their parents and damaged part of the castle. Luckily, their parents returned as ghosts. Unwilling to leave home, the boys staged an elaborate plan where they attended functions, pretending their parents were still alive: “Oh yes, Papa is just busy, but he asked me to stop by if there’s anything I can do to help.”; “We are responsible kids! Our parents said we were responsible enough to pick up groceries.”; “Mama is sick and can’t be at this month’s luncheon, but here are some cakes we made together.”

After a while though, magical child protective services discovered the deception and sent people to collect the children. They were met with fierce resistance by the kids themselves: finally, with reassurances and the cooperation from the Ter Avest elf and their ghostly parents, the children were allowed to remain, with a mcps agent that checked in occasionally.

Pepijn, or Pip, was a curious and carefree child. He never carried the solemn responsibility of upholding the family business or fortune, instead more preoccupied with training his squirrels and tasting delicious food. He took long walks in the forests surrounding their home, usually accompanied by the protective ghost of a parent, but always managed to eventually find his way home.

👻🥜SCHOOL YEARS👻FIRST YEAR After a cheerful sorting feast, Pep was distraught to be sorted into a different house from Zander-- his first night at Hogwarts, he and his roommate Logan wandered around looking for Hufflepuff before being taken in at 4am by Basil, a kindly house elf who fed them. That night, they had a grand party in the Gryffindor tower where Pep met a bunch of friendly faces. With the assurance that he could still hang out with Zander every other moment of the day, Pep gradually became more comfortable with Hogwarts. After winter break, Logan surprised Pepijn with the gift of a stuffed squirrel, earning him the titles of "Best Not-Brother Friend" and "Friend of Squirrels".



Parents , ghost (pureblood); ghost, (pureblood)
Brother Lysander Aloynius Ter Avest,
Elf Ghilan'nain,
Pets The Van Eekhoorn or Van Acorn line of squirrels. Includes Carnation, Cauliflower, Papaya, Pumpkin, Grape, and Kiwi van Acorn. Crisp Van Acorn, a stuffed squirrel gifted to him by Logan. Kiwi and Crisp will accompany him to Hogwarts.

Best Friend: Zander <3
Best Non-Zander Friend: Logan Strife
Friends His Year: Samuel "Sammie" Bardsdale
Older Friends: Harmony "Pirate Lady"
Aindrias, Mattie "Dueling Captain" Harper, Taylor "Dog Dresser" Olson, Jessica "Food Lady" Quimby-Winthrop, Lochi "Food Dude" Bardsdale

■ Anyone in Culinary Club or Dueling Club
■ Most of squirrelkind.

CREATED August 2021
UPDATED 27 May 2022
■ Year 1 update
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)

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