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Feel the fresh Spring breeze on his fur. Shikoba felt great after that long snooze over the winter. Even more so with the knowledge that his stock of food was still in good order in case a heavy storm made him duck back into it. Or if he woke in the middle of the night and wanted a snack, there was plenty still within reach. It was even more comforting to know nothing had happened while he was away. Not that he was a busy nose or anything, but change wasn't really his cup of tea. He didn't want to know that, in his prolonged absence, something dramatic had gone down and he'd be surfacing to chaos and have to help fix things. No, he didn't mind getting down to work helping Ni'awtu with her herb mixing but he really didn't want to be too active so soon after his re-entry into the world.

Well. Nothing but a harsh winter. Far as he could see, it hadn't done any lasting damage on anything or anyone. Everything was just as it had been the last time he emerged. As it had been for many years now. Shikoba enjoyed the predictability of his life and had no wishes for it to be disturbed.

Some ways away and slowly coming closer into hearing range was another mouse. A brightly colored one that was very easy to see in the grass. Too bright and easily spotted, in fact, for she was running for her life from an advancing hawk that was coming ever closer, claws outstretched to snatch her up in an instance. Elowen was running out of breath and slowing down, but she tried her best to duck and weave around obstacles, hoping to slow the bird enough that she'd be able to stumble upon a hole or something to hide under.

What she did find was something else. A quick glance back was all it took for her to collide with something furry, knocking the two of them down a hole in the ground. Panicked, she scrambled to her feet, retreating further into the darkness of the burrow, not registering that another was down there with her.

Shikoba was none too happy that his rest and relaxation had been interrupted. Didn't matter the reason for it. Before he could administer a tongue lashing to the other mouse, a shriek came from outside. Every prey animal instinct in his body reacted instantly, flinging him into the same corner as the female mouse. They made themselves as small as they could, huddling together as if for warmth until the threat left. Once he was sure it was safe, Shikoba released himself from the ball of fur he had helped create as if it had never happened.

"I hope that bird forgets where my home is. It's far too much work digging these burrows out," he mumbled to himself, going up to the entrance to check for any shadows that looked vaguely birdlike.

"Oh. Oh. I am very sorry, really I am." Elowen wrung her hands in nervousness, rocking a little on her hind legs, her blue eyes wandering around the burrow. Refusing to look at the dark mouse whose life she may have severely inconvenienced. "I was not watching where I was going. Oh. Oh!" Releasing her hands, she cupped her face, now looking at him. He looked so mad. She couldn't take the look on his face, but he was standing in the entrance of the burrow. She couldn't get out, couldn't quickly run away from this awful, embarrassing mess she had made. What could she do? Sneak away when he wasn't looking, look for an exit? There must be an emergency one somewhere. All burrows had one, usually three. Depending on the population living in them. She had seen no signs of any when she was looking around.

"Clearly." Shikoba watched her make a spectacle of herself. What was she doing? He scratched at an itch on one ear, barely paying attention to her. "Since nothing seems to be really damaged, I guess it's fine. Just a few touchups around the entra--"

"Oh! I can help with that!" Elowen rushed forward and he leaned back a bit, so that their noses didn't touch. She barely noticed. This was an opportunity to make amends for what she had done. If she didn't do something to make it up to him, this would plague her for the rest of her days. She couldn't bear the guilt. "Please let me help."

Shikoba was taken aback by the frenzied look in her eyes. He was leaning back so far he was in danger of falling over. The only thing keeping him up was one paw on the wall behind him. Crazy mice, all of them.

Clearing his throat, he pushed himself back up straight, using his other paw to gently tip her back away from him. Personal space was clearly not something she understood. "I really do not need help. But you may stay here until you feel safe to leave."

The bright mouse opened her mouth to protest, but shut it quickly when he gave her a warning look. Okay. Don't help. But surely there was something she could do to make it up to him. Maybe if she looked around outside, she could find something to give him? Once the coast was clear, that was. Elowen never left the scene of a disaster caused by her own two paws without doing something to help. Never!

She nodded, backing away to give him some space. Secretly plotting in her head what to do.