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Reply Open/Private Canon IC RP
[PRP] Springtime Pondering [Rigel x Evangaline]

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Shy Wife

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 10:24 am
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Rigel often wandered off while Evangaline slept, keen on that moment of quiet respite to collect his thoughts and ponder life. He loved her--more than anything, actually--, but that brief flicker of peace offered him the chance to look upon his life and decipher if he needed to adjust his plans and goals for the betterment of himself and others. Fine-tune them, if you will. He had spent so long living through life with fury at the tip of his tongue, traversing through rain and sun as if the world had personally wronged him. He never wanted to go back to that. Never wanted to be the person he was before he met her -- Evangaline; his light, his life. He wanted to be the better person he had become under her love, and that meant conscious effort had to be put forth to analyze his current life.

So, every morning he wandered for just the right about of time until he believed she'd begin waking, returning to her side in tandem with the rising sun. This time was no different, and he returned as dutifully as he always had, slinking against her and wrapping his larger frame against hers. Except, it was different, for he had come to a conclusion he had never thought he'd land upon in his younger days.

His walk that earlier morning hadn't been any different than usual. Spring had begun to leap forth and bud the beginnings of small flowers, announcing the departure of a harsh winter and the arrival of a gentle spring. Rigel liked those transitionary months especially, as it always reminded him to appreciate the gentler side of the seasons. Spring was life, and with it breathed a soft sigh of relief.

It was no different, and yet...

Yet there he was, still reeling from the thought that led her back to Evangaline with such haste. Still processing what he desperately wished to spill, but she had barely woken. He couldn't bombard her with such a thing! Not so early! He wished to, though, biting back at the inside of his cheeks while he nosed against her jaw and breathed a welcoming 'good morning' under his breath. He hoped she'd waken fully soon.

"Evangaline, my star," he hummed, forcing the impatience from his tone and instead drawing a leg over her. "Did you sleep well?"

He hoped the answer was a resounding yes, for he had not. He had tossed and turned, kept up by an anxious nibbling that felt slightly quelled after his realization that morning. Was it bothering him this entire time? And he had not known? The mind was truly a terrifying thing.

"I laid out breakfast in your favorite spot. I thought we could enjoy it outside for once, with winter having been sent back to whence it came." His tone held a formal edge, as it always did, but his face offered the warm and growing smile he reserved just for her.

Deities, he loved her. More than the moon and the stars and all their wonders.

Wordcount: 510
PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2022 4:35 am
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Evangaline knew of Rigel leaving her side while she slept. Either from stirring awake around the time he would return from wherever he roamed to, or from the nights she woke up to think herself- not seeing him anywhere in sight. When she first noticed this happening, she did wonder where he would go and what he was up to but the more it happened, the less she worried. As long as he returned unharmed, that was all that mattered.

The nights she couldn’t sleep, she didn’t venture off, but she always found herself gazing up into the sky- blue eyes darting from one star to the next. A lot of things ran through her mind, probably the reason for the lack of sleep. Some were of her father, wondering what new knowledge he was gaining. Others were of her siblings, curious of how they were faring and if they were also following the path of knowledge. Most of the time though, her wandering mind would drift to her beloved Rigel.

When she first met him, that sneer that graced his lips had honestly scared her. If it wasn’t for her sheer curiosity about his wings, then later his horn, she probably would never had come up to speak to him. As she reminisced, she probably bombarded him with so many questions it was always amazing how he didn’t drive her away. But some how, the two bonded. She learned so many new things from Rigel, and he grew to smile more.

Over the years, Evangaline stuck close by her mate. While he was her sun, her moon, her everything… the young mare couldn’t help but feel like something was missing. She had no clue what it could be, but there was just a nagging, hollow sensation in the back of her mind. It was this that mostly had her waking up at night, trying to figure out what it was. All this knowledge and wisdom she has acquired, and she couldn’t come up with a solution.

Perhaps it was something to address to Rigel about? But… how would she even put it into words?

Fortunately, this night wasn’t one of those that roused her from her sleep early, though it still didn’t keep the issue from weighing on her mind. Feeling a bump, then hearing an all too wonderful voice coo a good morning to her, those thoughts subsided for the meantime- eyelids fluttering open. Evangaline hummed, slowly lifting her head to focus bright blue eyes upon her love then greeting him with a warm smile. ”Rigel, my love. My sleep was quite sound, yes.” For once, but he did not need to know of her restless nights… especially since it seemed he had his own.

Slowly, she grew more alert while she awakens but wasn’t quick to move away from him. In fact, she even shifts to lean and press herself further against his larger frame- burying her face into his neck in an affectionate nuzzle while he spoke. ”Hm? Have you now? That is much to sweet of you, you know you shouldn’t have. You spoil me.” She cooed, head tilting to press her cheek to his.

Word count: 530



Floppy Sex Symbol


Shy Wife

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 1:15 pm
Rigel contently nodded, nuzzling against her cheek with a low hum. "Hardly spoiling; it's what you deserve." He wings fluttered and he contemplated just how he got so lucky to end up with his star in the first place. He hadn't deserved her, honestly; he had been a grumpy jackass who hardly left a good impression, but she had kept showing up. Kept bumping into him despite how much of a jerk he had been.

Deities, he was blessed.
He also was nervous.

He still had to talk to her, and while he truly did want her to eat first and have a moment to herself he also felt himself practically vibrating with his nerves. Did it show? He hoped not, but he also wasn't aware of the faint tell-tale buzz of his wings and the anxious chewing motion he displayed. No, he wasn't the most aware stallion there was, at least not when it came to himself.

He waited for her to collect herself and follow him to breakfast, parking himself neatly at the edge of his make-shift picnic. He had used one of his many cloaks as the padding, placing various foods she and he enjoyed in neat arrangements for the two of them. Perfect.

"What did you plan for today?" Was that a hitch in his voice? Noooo, not at all. Rigel internally grimaced, quickly stumbling over his words for anything to repair the bridge between his nerves and his intentions. "It's a lazy day for me, so if you'd like company let me know. I'd gladly tag along."

Wordcount: 262
PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 9:26 pm
Evangaline looked up to her love, then promptly rolled her eyes playfully at him. “I don’t know about deserving it, but thank you Love.” Her head tilted, pressing the most affectionate kiss to his cheek. Every time she looked at Rigel, she was always amazed how he managed to tolerate her. So while she would never deny that she liked the princess treatment, she’s just surprised by it every time.

He was amazing. Any mare would be lucky to have him… if they could get past the shell. Either way, Evangaline slowly got up with a stretch of her wings and followed her Rigel to where he set up their breakfast.

Along the way, those attentive eyes took notice of small ticks he seemed to be making. Primarily, those beautiful wings of his seemingly vibrating. Was he excited about their meal? Was he worried about something? Nervous? She wasn’t sure the reason, but could tell something was up with him. Her curiosity made her want to just assault him with questions, but she refrained, not wanting to fluster him so early in the morning.

After reaching the location their breakfast was spread out, she drags her gaze over all the food he had gathered- a warm smile spreading over her face. He is so much sweeter than he lets on. “It looks so wonderful.” She chimes, carefully dropping down beside his cloak. Evangaline couldn’t help but take a small nibble of some dandelions already, nickering happily with her tail swishing behind her.

Rigel’s shift in his voice got her attention immediately, her head tilting as she looked to him. “Not really sure yet. I was thinking about just roaming until something new catches my attention and study it. I definitely wouldn’t mind if you came along.” She paused, mulling something over. “Before that and before breakfast though, is there something on your mind, my love?”

Word count: 315  


Floppy Sex Symbol


Shy Wife

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 10:34 pm
Agree to disagree — alright. He could do that. She deserved the most he could offer, and then some, but he wasn’t the kind to argue with his true love. No, he was more the kind to spoil, evident by the spread between them, and shower her in compliments until she grew sick of it. Compliments he meant whole heartedly, too.

What he wasn’t prepared for, however, was for her to call him out. He snapped his head up and shook his head briefly, pausing as he realized it was too late — she knew. Of course she did. He sighed heavily, nodding softly.

"I wanted to wait for you to finish eating, but I guess I was showing it more on my face than I thought.” He sighed, giving in. "Star, do you— when you think of the future, do you see it as just us together, or with a… larger family?”

Wordcount: 151
PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 11:03 pm
It might be fun to tease Rigel about him spoiling her, but Evangaline would never really stop him from doing so. If it kept that wonderful smile on his face, she would do anything in her power and accept all his praise to do so. As far as all the compliments, she would never get sick of them… flustered maybe, but not sick and tired of them.

With more nibbles of some of the treats, her attention always returned to him. Part of her felt that he wasn’t going to answer her, that he would be stubborn and either deny it, or push it off. So when he paused, while she was patient, she was expecting he was just trying to think of his excuse. Maybe something about her beauty? There were a lot of choices he could make. “More like showing it in your wings, than your face.”

Still, she listened intently, eating as she did while he spoke his mind. The question though made Evangaline pause this time, chewing and swallowing what she had taken a bite of so she could reply without anything in the way. The pause seemed to go for a few minutes, her blue eyes darting back and forth in her thought- then gazes back to him. “Hmm… I’m not sure. If I can be honest, something has been waking me up from time to time, but I could never place it. Like… something was missing. I actually never thought that it could be something like family though.”

Word count: 254  


Floppy Sex Symbol


Shy Wife

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 11:23 pm
For a moment he wondered if she would reject the question, worrying away that he might offend her or, worse, frighten her. But— no, she seemed… what was it? Open? ……Interested?

He swallowed nervously, nodding faintly. She was his partner; his other half. He could do this.

"I have been thinking about it lately, and I think I’m—” This could change everything, but as he felt himself about to mention it he felt excited. Excited for the opportunities it could lead to. Excited for the inspiration of spring and it’s blessing of life.

"I want to be a father, with you. With- Well, to our children, of course, that we have…. together….” He was rambling, but… "Is that something you’d ever want, too?”

Wordcount: 124
PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 12:01 am
It was more uncertainty, than being open or interested at the thought. Not that she was against the idea either… just wasn’t sure it was the right time for it. Foals were a big responsibility, especially for the two who… she feels… just started their relationship rather recently. At the same time, the idea of little hooves skipping and prancing about them- just eager minds ready to learn and be taught, made her heart flutter.

The breakfast went forgotten for a moment. Right now, this question was the forefront of her mind while she gazes to Rigel. With every word, she listened and hung on every word. The more he spoke of wanting children, the more that feeling she had nagged her more- heart racing eagerly.

“Oh, my love!” Much like him, her wings started to flutter and flap in her excitement. “Children. They’re a big step, but I would love and be honored to have them with you!”

Word count: 159  


Floppy Sex Symbol


Shy Wife

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 12:15 am
He was fool, clearly— she was just as excited as he had been. He watched her wings, his own buzzing quickly for a moment as his heart leapt. She agreed! She agreed! For a second his brain flashed a quick image of them together, right beside foals that look just like them. Their family…. their future together. He knew it would take time, but it was a future they agreed to find themselves upon someday.


”O-of course we can take our time, but— I’m glad. Truly.” He regarded her warmly, finally taking a small bite of his food now that the nerves had turned into an elated energy, perfect for indulging in a meal with his beloved.

"I never thought I could be this happy, star,” he murmured towards her, softly leaning forward to gently tap his forehead against hers. "Sometimes I can’t believe I found you, or that you’re here. Having a family with you would be a dream— we would be great together.”

Wordcount: 166
PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 12:43 am
A warm, but excited smile soon formed on her face. Not only for the prospect of foals of their own, but just watching his wings buzz about once again- much like her own fluttering ones. They seemed to match the butterflies she had in her stomach. She couldn’t help but be nervous. From the stories her father told about her, she was quite the hooves full for him… she could only imagine what her and Rigel’s offspring would be like. Would they be just as grumpy as he was? Would they ask never ending questions? Or… hopefully, would they be somewhere in between? The possibilities were endless, and she will never know until they actually arrive.

“I’m glad as well. Thank you for asking me love, otherwise I surely would have been plagued by that empty feeling every night.” She nickered lightly, digging into the meal once more now that the weight was off her shoulders. Even then, she still shifted to lean against his side- her rock, her support… she’ll be leaning against him more when the time comes.

Evangaline had a small forlorn moment when he said that to her, just picturing him never happy made her feel terrible. It was quickly washed away the moment his forehead pressed to hers, her tail swishing over the grass happily back and forth- bumping her forehead back to his. “Honestly, my love, I’m still so surprised that you accepted me into your life. I know my insistent quest for knowledge and answers can be grating, to even the most patient of horses. But you still loved me all the same. When we are ready, we’ll be giving that love to small ones. I almost cannot wait.”

Word count: 286  


Floppy Sex Symbol


Shy Wife

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 10:16 am
Her? Grating? His head shook and he scowled, although not at her— at the very thought of any considering her annoying in any regard. The pursuit of knowledge was an admirable one, and a journey he knew well. He had found her during his own expeditions to understand and chart the stars, after all. Perhaps her curiosity was another reason he has been drawn to her and found her irresistible in the first place. They had something in common.

He regarded her fondly, pressing lightly into her in return. Their children would likely be as equally curious as the two of them, although he wondered what subject in particular they’d be drawn to. Whoever they became he would be proud of the lives they would create together, even if they ended up with little interest in the pursuit of education.

”Grating isn’t the word I would choose, love. Clever is a better one. Beautiful, too.” Ah yes, always an opportunity could be found to pepper in more compliments.

His stomach rumbled and he laughed, eying the meal he had hardly touched. He felt better now that he had gotten off his chest his feelings and hopes. Planning could happen at another time; he was just glad to know she felt the same. Right now, though, he wished to welcome spring with her. To enjoy the picnic he had spread and tag alongside her during the day, and perhaps end the evening by taking her to the firefly lit waterfall he so loved, now that it was finally warm enough for the sparkling bugs to return. Today would be a good day.

Every day with her would be a good day.

Wordcount: 280
Open/Private Canon IC RP

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