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[PLOT] The Next Chapter [FINISHED]

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Aged Genius

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 1:31 pm
Time was passing slowly, yet altogether too quickly, as the days continued and the young couple grew, both as individuals and together. Wellspring had met his girlfriend's family some time ago - what a mix of reactions! - and Aurelia'd likely never meet his. That was for the best. Once he'd survived the initial wariness and awkwardness, the family at least seemed to be opening up to him. Considering the proportion of time he often spent with her landside versus back in the Spring had decidedly and continued to shift to the former, this was certainly important.

Still though, they'd yet to have a real discussion about their intentions. Their future. It was something put off via microexpressions and unsaid words. He had thoughts, but he never voiced them, wary of saying something to upset the balance they had going on.

For the present, he was helping her gather some driftwood to lay out to dry and become firewood for the family.

The breeze that blew through was soft, gently caressing the her long locks that softly shifted as she bent down for another piece of wood. She looked like in her own world as she bounced along, but if someone had a keen eye and time they'd note how she didn't wander to far from her companion. Always within a stones throw. So that way as soon as her arms were full of wood she immediately bounded back towards the sprite.

"Well~spring~!" The wolf girl sang so sweetly, her eyes bright as she flashed a toothy smile. "I bet I got more wood than you!" Her tone was teasing, but laced with warmth. The casual banter of a solid relationship. Finally she had won after all her hard work. After that fateful Venus Day he at last stopped flatly rejecting her. She didn't need to threaten or literally drag him out of the water for dates, and the relationship actually became a relationship. Who said persistence didn't pay? He met her family, they spent long days together, she was almost certain he was smitten with her by now. Everything was going well.

Well. Mostly.

Come on. Aren't I so cute? I'm adorable. Tell me you love me. You can do it. She mentally screamed even as she beamed at him.

Wellspring offered a small smile and a wave as Aurelia returned over, then glanced back down at his armful of wood then back to her with a small laugh. "Yeah, I think you have me beat. Must be the power of fingers." What may have once come off as self-pitying now had the clear tone of a joke. It was a wonder what a little self-improvement could do to a person.

That said, he didn't miss how cute she was in the midafternoon sun - the way it touched her skin was always a sight to behold.

Not that he felt it needed to be expressed outright for her to know.

Shifting the weight of the wood in his arms, he moved a touch closer to her before beginning to walk back to her family's home. "Think this is enough for your family? There's plenty of time to come back if we need to."

At his light joke she giggled, feeling warmth bloom in her chest. Her attempt at praise had failed, but how could she feel disappointment when he was so lovely? The past months had done wonders for the sprite, as he showed parts of himself he used to only let her glimpse of.

She wanted his love, but how could she not love him?

"I do have you beat there as well. Call it an unfair advantage." She slipped in beside him as they turned course back towards her home. "I'm sure it'll be fine. They still have some so it's just a top off."

As an amethyst eye flicked beside her to look at him, her grin moved into a smirk. "You know your claw is pretty 'handy' though. I've always liked it." Aurelia effortlessly flirted, not looking the least bit shy. "And you always catch great fish." She fondly remembered the first time he caught her fresh fish. It had been one of the best meals she ever had. "So when we get back and put this away, would you like to play a game? Or...take a walk?" She did love walks.

Wellspring nodded. Something like needing firewood for fuel was something he'd never had to worry about - not in the Tree, nor the Spring - so it was a resource he'd previously taken for granted. Seeing how much one could go through between heating, cooking, and repairs... why, it'd been a shock! Helping out was the least he could do to try and stay on her family's good side. He'd hate to cause another family rift...

No, no. Stop that. He mentally berated himself as his thoughts started to grow negative and return to his faun family. He'd committed to his current choices. He wasn't going back. There was no purpose in dwelling on it.

He glanced over with a raised brow, then smirked slightly. "I'd normally say a walk... but what sort of game did you have in mind?"

She would have been happy with a walk. Truly. She loved walks.

But suddenly there was a glint in her eyes. Yes. She could use this to her advantage. See their relationship was going well. Mostly. But at some point a wall popped up. A line that wasn't crossed. They had been intimate before. They had a very strong connection. So it was almost surprising they had been going in circles for a while now. "Oh there's this fun game with some cups and stones. Goal is to throw those stones into the cups at a distance. Loser has to eat some sour berries. Winner gets a wish granted." Her tail began to sway back and forth subtly.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 1:32 pm
Oh Earthmother, from that glint in her eyes, it seemed he'd walked into her trap. Wouldn't be the first time, and far be it from being the last time. "Interesting... I've never played something like that before. Those odds sounds awfully different... And you're sure it's fun?" Not that he didn't believe her, buuuuuut... It did sound a bit boring.

He continued with her until they'd placed the wood with the rest of it before leaning against the wall of her family's place, wings tucked firmly against his back, and he gave his arms a solid stretch. "So, where to for this game of yours?"

Aurelia's eyes crinkled as she smiled ear to ear, her head tilting slightly at his question. "It's as fun as you make it. You get what you put in." After all it wasn't the game that was the point. It was the prize. Not that he'd know until it was too late.

As they reached home, she happily placed her wood down amongst the pile before skipping towards the door. "I'll be right back with the fixings. Don't move!" Then with a flick of the tail she disappeared inside.

Like a ombre tornado she tore through the kitchen, grabbing an armful of cups and a bowl of berries. Quickly dumping out the bigger, riper ones into another bowl to leave the small tart ones behind as the 'punishment'. With full arms again, she rushed back out. "Okay! Follow me behind the house!" Her tail swished behind her in large sweeps. Swish swish swish.

Wellspring offered a wave as she dashed inside and had closed his eyes for a moments rest when the sounds of the home very clearly (and seemingly violently) was tore through posthaste. Holy... She was normally fast, but geeze. This was something else. He stretched his neck to look over at the door when she bolted right back out and to the back.

"Coming, coming!" Even manual labor hadn't been enough to tamper that energy. Woof. Wellspring moved at a light jog to hurry on up after her and see what needed help with. "So you needed stones and cups, right? Want me to get some stones while you set up?"

One of Aurelia's best traits was her vibrant energy. It was also one of her worst traits, but she'd vehemently deny that. She paused to scope out the best positions as Wellspring reached her. "Yes, that would be great actually! Thanks honey." She glanced at her arms full of stuff before leaning over and planting a peck on his cheek. "Thanks as well for helping with the wood." She spoke genuinely, suddenly feeling a little bashful for a moment. But true to nature, as that wasn't a feeling she normally dwelled in she quickly turned back to the task at hand. Softly padding over to set down her cups. One went on a large boulder, another on the ground. Another still balanced on a tree branch. The bowl of berries was place back towards the house at the 'starting' place.

Wellspring's cheeks reddened and he glanced away at the kiss before promptly turning around to complete his task. He then raised a hand as he scurried off and called back, a slight crack to his tone, "Yeah, no worries." It was kind of hard to believe he'd been -such- an a** prior to their going steady. Those bad habits still popped up on occasion, but less and less frequently. He looked around to pick up a small collection of stones and, once something like 10 had been collected, he returned.

"This enough?" He looked around and raised a brow. "Sheesh, you put some of these in some really wild places."

She stifled a giggle at his warm blush, pretending not to have noticed it and the crack in his voice. It was so cute how he got flustered at something so small even when they had done... everything. So even when he was cold to her, it was what she kept coming back for more.

As she came back after setting up her cups, she nodded with a look at his collection of stones. "Yes, those will do nicely. And this has to be a challenge, that's half the fun!" Another toothy grin, her tail swishing behind her. "You can set them by the berry bowl. SO the game is pretty simple. First one to 25 points win, and we'll take turns with throws. If the pae who goes 1st gets the 25 first, the 2nd pae gets 1 more throw in a save to get over what the 1st pae got. And the different cups have different point values. Make sense?"


Aged Genius


Aged Genius

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 2:01 pm
Wellspring went ahead and set the rocks down by the berry bowl while retorting back, "Just don't get mad at me if you lose - won't be my fault they're in strange spots." Were those -really- sour? Yuck... He crossed his arms as he listened to her explanation, then looked around to see little indicators to show the 'value' of each of their targets. They seemed to vary between 1 and 5, with 1 being easy shots and 5 being freaking awkward af.

He nodded. "Makes as much sense as anything." Then gestured forward. "Ladies first."

"But all the more sweet when I win." The wolf confidently replied as she picked up a rock. After all, this was her home turf and a game she made up. How could she lose?

Fixing her gaze onto one of the cups in the tree, she lifted her arm and gave it a throw.

The stone launched from her hand. Thunk!

And hit the tree instead. "Oops."

Wellspring smirked - seeing her miss like that made him want to show off... just a bit, of course. It couldn't be helped - what sort of man -didnt- want to show off in front of their lover?

He picked up a rock and glanced over at one of the ones marked with a '5' sitting... actually, how the hell had it -not- fallen over already? Whatever.

With a flick of the wrist, he sent the rock soaring... AND HIT.

"You sure you're going to win when I've got newbie's luck?" 5/25.

The irony of her immediately losing the first shot after boasting was not lost on her. But before she could think of something to say to save face, Wellspring threw an expert shot with amazing accuracy.

"WOW!" Aurelia exclaimed with a clap, momentarily forgetting it was bad for him to get a hit. "What a great first shot, I - ." She suddenly paused as she realized she was cheering her competition. "I...am totally going to get it this time. The games just getting started!" Aurelia picked up another rock. This time she aimed for a slightly easier target of '3'. With a deep breath, she let the stone fly again. HIT! "Aha! See I'm not so bad." 3/25

"Oh, were you just teasing me then?" He needled before going to toss another, only for it to bounce off the side. Well that sucked! 5/25

After such a great throw, the fact that he missed the following one both surprised and emboldened her. Aurelia grinned from ear to ear. "Maybe I was!" After boasting she didn't want to make a fool of herself again by missing, so chose an even easier target of '2'. Another hit! "And would you look at that, 5 and 5." 5/25
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 2:02 pm
Aaaaaaaand, another miss. Wellspring tried not to visibly pout, but it might have been obvious he was a little dismayed. Really? Was he a one-and-done sort of guy? Don't answer that...

"Guess it really was beginner's luck, huh?" 5/25

Another miss! She could take the lead! She was about to boast again when she saw his little pout. The Wilwarin quickly shut her trap as she rethought what to say. It felt good to win, but it didn't feel good to see him sad! "As I said before though, the games just getting started." She chose to say instead, daintily picking up a rock. Focusing on a cup on a rock, she pulled her arm back and threw it forward - albeit with less gusto then before.

It didn't even make it to the rock. Miss. "What? That should have made it!" She gasped in indignation. She made the last 2 throws easy! 5/25

Wellspring, feeling significantly less confident at this moment, decided '********' and flicked one towards a cup in a tree marked with a four. And by some stroke of something, it went in. Naisu. "It feels like this is more luck that skill if I'm being honest..." 9/25

"Luck? Hmph!" She spun on her heel sharply as if rejecting her miss entirely, a hand reach up to flick a strand of hair out of her face. "Sounds like someone's making up an excuse already in case they lose. I'll show you luck." Aurelia grabbed another rock. Without much thought, she chucked it at the first cup she saw. '3' "Aha! Pure skill right there." Her tail swished in excitement, her emotions as always an easy read. 8/25

Wellspring shrugged. "More like I'm giving you an out when you lose. But okay then. Guess you can just be salty with it then." A flick of the wrist, and down into an easy 2. 11/25

With Wellsprings next throw, 10 pebbles were used up. She didn't expect them to be so bad at the game! "Just a moment, need to reset!" She quickly jogged over to the treeline and plucked up the rocks in the cups and the ones close to the targets. The one that hit the tree she didn't immediately see but she didn't dwell on it long, as there were other small rocks naturally that she snagged while there.

As she walked back to drop off the pebbles, she ducked her head slightly so she'd look up at him through her eyelashes. "I guess if I lose and are salty, you'll just have to comfort me." She then in one smooth motion turned and threw at another '3', as that's what she seemed to be a sweet spot. Hit 11/25


Aged Genius


Aged Genius

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 2:56 pm
"Oh, thanks for grabbing those - I wasn't keeping track." He offered as she went to go retrieve their pebbles. He'd have been content to just leave it there, but, he was winning, so that was probably a bad look.

And she'd caught up while he was musing.

Couldn't let her getting all smug at him. After picking up a stone, he smirked and copied her by throwing it into the same cup. Nice. 14/25

Her tail happily swayed at his thanks, looking like a praised pup. She did a good job! Was he having fun? She was having fun. She had actually entirely forgotten the whole hidden plan behind the game.

As he sunk his next shot -stealing her cup! How crafty!- she had to step up her game. He was always a little ahead of her and he was #2 throw so he would totally win this game. She aimed for a '5' that was half hidden behind a bush. Come on little rock She sent the rock at an arc. To her surprise, it went in! 16/25

Yeah, Wellspring was -acutely- aware of the way her tail was wagging and how it was wagging and the way her hips just ever-so-slightly moved with it.... Oh shoot, was it his turn? s**t s**t s**t. He tried to aim high, but ended up low. Oh dammit. Now he was behind. 14/25

He missed! She was ahead! Finally she made up some ground. Trying to strike while it was hot, she aimed for that cup in a tree again. Only she fell short, but somehow landed in the cup in front on the ground. 1 point. Totally meant that. Totally. 17/25

Wellspring threw again, but sneezed as he was about to! Fuu--- Clearly that didn't go in. She was carefully pulling ahead now... 14/25

Now she had a vendetta with this tree cup. She almost didn't take note of Wellsprings miss - she only had eyes for this Tree cup. She grabbed another pebble and threw it at it.

And it landed in the 1 point cup. WHAT?! 18/25
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 3:01 pm
Thankfully she didn't notice, but that wasn't enough to stifle the sniffles. Another sneeze, another miss. 14/25

FINE forget you tree cup. She gave it another glare. You win this time. The 2nd sneeze however was not missed. Aurelia turned her head to the sprite. "Are you alright honey?" She tossed her rock into a random close cup, 2 points. 20/25

Wellspring rubbed his nose, but that didn't quite seem to fully stifle it. "I should be fii-ah...." A final sneeze, but by Earthmother's tits, this time the rock bounced off and ended up in some wild location. A 5-point location. Crazy! And like that, he'd almost caught up. 19/25

It was a close game. Too close. She decided to focus on the high pointers. She landed a 4 pointer. 24/25.

Then Wellspring missed. She could do this! All she had to do was land any cup and he couldn't even do a save throw.

That Tree cup. Yes. She was going to risk losing for that tree cup. She took her pebble in hand and turned to face it, eyes narrowing. It was going down. She griped it tight, pulled back, and threw with all her might.

HIT 5 POINTS! "HA! Take that you tree!!" 29/25

Was it allergy season or what? Good lord. Wellspring rubbed his nose and waited a few moments before sighing - guess that little sneezing fit was finished. Shame it'd only cost him the game.

Still, she didn't really need to do him like that and finish it off with a max-point throw. Show off. Boo!

"Nice shot." He offered with a thumbs up before going to start collecting the cups with his good hand. "I'll admit, that was more fun than I'd expected."

At his compliment she spun on her heel to look back at him, looking even happier at his comment then the face that she won over the tree. "Thank you! I knew I could get that cup!" Only then as he started collecting cups instead of shooting did she realize she won. So caught up in her victory against the tree. "I'm glad you had fun. I was a little worried when you said it was boring. But really all that matters to me is spending time with you..." Ah was she laying it on too thick? Well she did need to set the mood. Now that the adrenaline of the game was dying down she was recalling the reason for it in the first place.

"Soooo...let's put away the cups and then you can have your delicious tart berries." A wide grin.


Aged Genius


Aged Genius

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 4:31 pm
Although her sweet nothings would have normally turned his ears red, her quick follow-up stilted ensuing conversation. Wellspring paused what he was doing to turn back around and visibly grimace at Aurelia. "I thought you were just joking to up the ante - I'm not actually eating underripe berries."

It was a little surprising to get pushback, as Wellspring had become much more accommodating in their relationship over the months.

Well. If he was going to revert to his stubborn ways, she would just have to follow suit wouldn't she?

"They're not too far from ripeness to be of any harm, else mom wouldn't have them in the kitchen. You participating in the game was agreement to it's terms." The wolf girl cocked her hip out as she crossed her arms, one eyebrow lifting. "A man doesn't go back on his word. You're not going back on your word are you?" She would be so inclined to laugh it off another time. But if he wasn't going to eat a few slightly unripe berries there was no way he was going to agree to her wish.

He returned soon enough with the cups in his arms, still making a face. "Just cause it isn't poisonous doesn't mean I want to eat it - I wouldn't have actually made you do so if I'd won. It's just gross. Aren't we adult enough not to need to make a punishment out of losing." He just really didn't want to eat sour berries - he honestly wasn't a fan of sour things in general.


Right. I was stupid for thinking anything different.

A flash of hurt spread across her face as she straightened from her cocked hip. "Then I guess that's that." She spoke quietly. Stupid wolf. Stupid childish wolf. How could you think you could change anything? She outstretched her arms to take back the cups so to take them back inside.

Wellspring was at least observant enough to realize her mood had changed. Even a dumbass (like him) would have - she wasn't particularly subtle about it. He frowned. "It's just some berries... Why're you upset about that?" Meanwhile he handed over the cups, a bit confused about what he'd done wrong. It was just a game - not a big deal.

Just some berries. He was right and so wrong. "It's the...it's the principal..." She murmured, feeling frustration bubble to the surface. "I just. I thought." You know how he is. This wasn't what she had planned for at all. "Forget it. I'm just a dumb childish wolf." As her eyes started to shine with moisture she ducked into the house with her cups.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 4:32 pm
Wellspring just blinked. Wait, what was even happening. He thought they were having fun! Weren't they? His anxiety shot up as she ran back inside and he stood there alone for a moment. Was she... Was she really getting this upset because he didn't want to do the punishment? It wasn't even that big a deal.

After a moment's delay he followed behind her. "Hey! I didn't call you that!"

As he followed in behind her, the girl still continued to the kitchen. "No but I am!" Putting the cups into the washing basin as hot tears spilled over her cheeks. "I-I-I've been so patient Wellspring. I thought. I thought this time. This time for sure." She put her hands to her eyes as if to physically stop the tears. She had to stop or she was going to cross that line. That line she couldn't cross for fear of him running away. "You won't even eat some berries to make me happy, how could I ask you to make a home with me?"

And now Wellspring was panicking - how the heck had not wanting to eat berries led to a full-blown meltdown?! It'd been so long since he'd seen her this kind of upset, it was really throwing him for a loop. He raised his arms in front of him awkwardly, not quite moving closer to try and physically comfort her or anything nor moving further away to give her more space. "How at all is that related to berries? I'm so lost right now. I thought we were just playing a game, why are you crying now?"

Wasn't it obvious now? She shook her head. "Of course not. I was going to suggest moving in together as a prize. I had it all planned out. But. But. But you ruined the mood, you mood ruiner!" It wasn't really about the berries. It wasn't about the game. It honestly wasn't even how he implied she was a child. She was frustrated at giving 90% and him not meeting her that last 10%.

She chased and chased and chased and he never called her pet names. Never really flirted. She made a whole game for them, why couldn't he at least be a good sport for it? Instead he insulted it as boring, complained for half of it, and then sullenly rejected the punishment. "No, I'm being oversensitive. I'm sorry." She was frustrated and hurt, but she didn't want to undo their progress. She grabbed a nearby kitchen cloth to rub against her face. Now the mood was really ruined. She was never going to try to be clever again.

Wellspring gawked as she verbally berated him. "How was -I- supposed to know that?! I can't read minds. Couldn't you have -just- asked without the whole premise of it being some kind of special prize?" The nuance of what he'd just suggested was lost on him as he continued. "What would you have done anyways if I'd won other than gagged on some gross berries?" Surely there had to have been a future where that could have happened.

He took a couple steps closer. "C'mon, don't cry over this."

She peered up at him over the rag, her eyebrows raised in a 'are you serious' look. "Ask you directly? Do I have to remind you the tricks I had to pull to date me? That I threatened to search a whole lake because you avoided me? Or the time you tried to run after sleeping with me? If I had just asked you back then to date me instead of playing tricks we wouldn't have gone anywhere." She knew because she had literally asked him out before and he said no. Aurelia tossed the rag back onto the counter. "I know that you don't run like that anymore. But this is really important to me. To us. It would break my heart if you ran again." As for what she would have done if he won or gagged on the berries...she gave a small pout. "If you had won or gagged I woulda just came up with a new trick some other day to ask. You know I'm persistent." He was coming closer. Was he going to give her a hug? She could use a hug.


Aged Genius


Aged Genius

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 4:33 pm
"I mean... you're not wrong..." Wellspring was getting palpably more uncomfortable and awkward with this situation that he wasn't sure how to handle. "...but I wouldn't still be coming here if I didn't care for you... you know?" He could have quite literally just shut himself in the Spring or the Tree, and that would have been that. He was floundering (haha fish pun) while trying to figure out how to calm her down when everything he was saying seemed to just rile her up.

She felt her face warm in a blush at the admission. He very seldom talked about his feelings, and even though they were somewhat arguing it still have her butterflies. "I-I know! I know. I know you've liked me for a long time, even when you ran. That's why I didn't leave you alone. I'm just. Not sure how to handle things like this now. I used to strong arm you, but that didn't go so well today..."

He stopped walking towards her, so she took a few steps forward, closing the gap little by little. "If...you want me be direct I can do that. Can you just promise me you won't run away when I am? You can meet me where I'm at in your time, just don't run away." No one liked when their lover had one foot out the door. Maybe all this time he had both feet in, but due to their precarious start up she felt insecure.

She reached a hand out, seeking his non-clawed one. "To start over before the berry fiasco; I want to live with you. Doesn't need to be right away. But maybe we can start looking at where we'd go?"

Aurelia's blush quite quickly caused one of his own to spread about his cheeks, and he felt like he'd said some incredibly embarrassing things in the past second. God was he awkward. Was -this- awkward. "I've been trying... working... to get better at that. I promise. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon... Er... Metaphorically-speaking. But isn't it simpler to just speak outright rather than playing tricks and getting upset when they fail?" He was ultimately agreeing with her and nodded.

He let her take his hand, which he gripped lightly in return, and nodded again. "I... think I'm ready to start thinking about it. If you are."

Aurelia honestly was a little surprised that he actually did promise. She had feared he would give himself an easy out, as he had done so many times before. She felt like a little light had been shown on previously dark corner in her heart. Time would ultimately tell, but Wellspring didn't lie to her, and along with his actions showing he was trying she would believe him.

"If you want to talk simpler, you coulda just eaten the berries." She sourly pouted, still a bit childish. "But direct it is. We'll see how it goes." She offered a small smile, masking the slight disappointment. Thinking about it could last years, it wasn't actively making a plan. Though like much of their relationship, it was a half step forward. Progress was progress, and she did say she would wait for him. "Yeah, let's."
:[ The Fifth Age ]:

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