



FACECLAIM Leonardo DiCaprio at the age of...

AGE Seventeen

BIRTHDAY February 11, 2045



WAND Pliable 10¾ inch Aspen Phoenix Feathers with a Bent Shaft
Aspen: Often an accomplished duellist, or destined to be so, for the aspen wand is one of those particularly suited to martial magic.
Phoenix Feathers: Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike. Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalise, and their allegiance is usually hard won.
Bent Shaft: Quirky and Entertaining.
Pliable: Transfiguration. Easy-going but strong willed.

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

YEAR Seventh

HOUSE Hufflepuff

DREAM JOB Museum Owner


MAGNANIMOUS Benjamin is usually very generous and forgiving, even when he is wronged. It doesn't take much for him to drop everything he is doing and help others with whatever they need, whether it be a friend or acquaintance.
FLEXIBLE Benjamin isn't strict with plans. He is ready and able to change in order to adapt to different circumstances. Plans changing do not bother him as he figures he can always move things around and reschedule. Perhaps this is one reason why he is able to drop what he is doing if someone needs him.
BIG-THINKING Benjamin is very much future oriented. He is always on the lookout for possibilities, jumps onto opportunities, and comes up with ideas and solutions to problems. He is willing to take big risks because he sees the chance to win bigger. However, his risky behaviour does get him into his fair share of trouble.
DRIVING Once Benjamin has his eyes set on a goal, he will do whatever it takes to achieve that goal (unless of course, someone needs him). He is very quick to take action, but can come across as arrogant when he does so.
STRONG-WILLED Benjamin does not give up easily as he is very determined to reach his goal when he sets his mind on something.
BLUNT Unlike his brother, Benjamin does not sugar coat his advice or opinions for the sake of feeling like he is being respectful. He does not hold back, whether sharing his opinion, defending a friend, or discussing his views.

■ Dark green
■ Turtles
■ Art
■ Movie posters
■ History

■ Basketball
■ Rap music
■ Coffee
■ Grapes
■ Baths

■ Generosity
■ Adaptability

■ Riskiness
■ Hurting others' feelings

■ Bears


EARLY CHILDHOOD Benjamin was born in 2045 and is the youngest child of Miles and Willow Olson. Miles is a Mediwizard at St. Mungo's Hospital while Willow is a clothing designer, who uses magic to bring her creations to life. He lived a relatively normal life in a muggle neighbourhood and attended muggle school with his older siblings Taylor and Mason although both of his parents were wizards. Growing up, Ben loved watching films and would often watch them alone as his siblings weren't as interested in them as he was. Benjamin's sister Taylor was the first of three kids whose magic kicked in.

(2053 - 2054) Taylor went off to Hogwarts, which left Mason to try and hang out with Ben even more. Ben was glad that his brother was more interested in watching movies with him now that their sister wasn't around during the school year.

(2054 - 2055) On December 29th, Benjamin's grandparents Wolfgang and Barbara had died in a tragic fire at Eliam Winchester's 122nd birthday.

(2055 - 2056) While his siblings were away for school, Benjamin had spent much of his time at art, history, and art history museums.

SCHOOL YEARS (2056 - 2057) Benjamin was sorted into Hufflepuff and signed up for Quidditch and the Art club.

(2057 - 2058 ) Benjamin continued with his participation in Quidditch and the Art club, but he had also joined the Drama club.

(2058 - 2059) Benjamin signed up for the Quidditch scrimmage, hoping he'd get to be the leader of his team. However, he had ended up pulling the rock that placed him as a Reserve, which he felt very bummed out about. When Galen fell off his broomstick, however, Ben stepped in as the chaser.

(2059 - 2060) Benjamin was pumped for Mason as he had been chosen as the Quidditch Vice Captain, and was especially pumped as he had figured his odds of being chosen as Vice Captain once Nora graduated only increased. So, he spent the year convincing his brother to choose him as his Vice Captain in a couple of years. After winter holidays, Nora and Galen had started dating, so Ben lost interest in her and moved onto his new crush: Skyla Byrnes. He wished her luck during their game against Gryffindor, and from there, had seized every opportunity to talk to her. At the end of the year, Taylor had graduated.

(2060 - 2061) While back to school shopping in Diagon Alley, Ben had ran into Skyla at Quality Quidditch Supplies. While at school, he had asked her on a date, to which she agreed. Afterward, he had asked her to be his girlfriend, to which she declined for now, but agreed to it if they were both single once he had turned seventeen. Thus, the countdown began. On his way to the library, he had heard a loud commotion on the staircase. Leaning over the railing revealed that Skyla had taken a tumble. Benjamin rushed to her aid, helping her up and picking up her books. She had also been on her way to the library, so he accompanied her. The rest of the year, he had mainly spent studying and kissing up to Mason in order to increase his chances of being chosen as the quidditch team's Vice Captain the following year.

(2061 - 2062) Mason had chosen Ben to be his Quidditch Vice Captain. Throughout the year, Skyla met up with Benjamin on Hogsmeade weekends for lunch dates, and on his 17th birthday, the two had officially begun dating.


■ Father: Miles Olson
■ Mother: Willow Olson
■ Grandparents: Leonard Olson & Laura Olson, Wolfgang Roberts (†) & Barbara Roberts (†)
■ Sister: Taylor Olson
■ Brother: Mason Olson
■ Aunt: Kira Olson → Declan Olson

■ Nora Dashwood

■ Girlfriend: Skyla Byrnes


■ Art Club Members (2056 - 2063)
■ Quidditch Players (2056 - 2063)
■ Hufflepuff Students (2056 - 2063)
■ Drama Club Members (2057 - 2063)
■ Hogwarts Graduates (2063)

■ Turtle: Leonardo


UPDATED 08/16/2024

■ Updated bio

PENDED BY 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 05/31/2022
ACCEPTED BY 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 07/27/2022