
AGE 14
BIRTHDAY September 3rd, 2044 -- Virgo
LANGUAGES British Sign Language, English (fluent). Italian, [language club languages 2055-2058] (basic)

BLOOD STATUS pureblood
WAND Alder wood and galena powder core. 10 inches, surprisingly squishy. Carved, sanded, and finished thrice over. [x]
PATRONUS parrot (not learned yet)

FACECLAIM William Franklyn-Miller
HEIGHT 5 ft 5 in (165 cm)
WEIGHT 112 lbs (50 kg)

xxx🦜SCHOOL AND CAREER🎹xxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
YEAR fourth
HOUSE Ravenclaw

■ Language club
■ Art of the Sword
■ Order of the Stick (yr 2+, only occasionally)
■ Music Club (yr 3+, only occasionally)

■ Music
■ Potions
■ History

■ Charms
■ Healing

DREAM JOB Composer? Student? (Can you be paid to go to school forever?)

ANALYTICAL Aurais loves to get into how things work. He has a sharp mind for systems and processes, and the more gorey detail he can get, the better. He thinks in terms of not what is but what could be or might be. He loves overthinking theoretical or hypothetical situations, and loves diving into the logistics of things. How to make fantasy things happen or translating an idea into an actionable project is an area of fascination. Actually making or doing things…is less exciting.

AMBITIOUS Aurais always has at least three creative projects on his plate at any time and somehow still stumbles into more. Even if he’s focused and working, he just runs into some new interesting thing or has a new idea and bam, new project to do. Unfortunately, while he’s great at the planning, analysis, and reporting phases he’s not as great at doing things and thus often has a lot of incomplete or partial projects that are “stuck”. Aurais has often tried to take on too much, burns out, and gets upset and miserable because of it, then cheers himself up by taking on even more things. It’s a problem. He knows this. He still does it.

MEDITATIVE Perhaps it comes from eating particularly slowly due to trouble swallowing, or expressing emotions being particularly hard, but Aurais moves through life at a turtle’s pace, always thinking and thinking some more before actually doing something, if anything, about things. The only times he rushes are to get through a book faster to the interesting part, when he’s trying to write everything down, or during a fast piano piece. His mind is either zeroed in absolutely focused, or wandering a half-dozen directions at once.

CHEEKY Aurais generally tries to get along with others and tries to get others to get along. He believes everyone can be kind, even in criticism, and tries to be supportive and polite if nothing else. He does have a spontaneous and playful side though, and his sense of humor is apparent to people who read his writing or sign language. For someone who is silent, Aurais does not fade into the background.

GROUNDED As much as Aurais enjoys creative possibilities and projects, he likes things that are doable and within his wheelhouse. He’s more sensible and reasonable than floaty, and his idle daydreaming time is usually spent thinking of how to work on one of these projects. His ideas should be built off of something, not just dangling off nowhere, and even when he’s writing fanfiction, he needs it to be firmly grounded in some form of canon or system of rules; out-of-character is a terrible insult unless it’s done with meaningful purpose!

■ Analyzing stories and writing about them (He has a blog of reviews!)
■ Playing piano
■ Taking pictures and scrapbooking

■ Coffee, Drinks, Soup.
■ Science fiction/ Science fantasy
■ Book stores, Antique stores, Hipster cafes, Arcades-- just being around town.
■ Psychological horror films “Fiction isn’t scary. It’s not real. Real life is scary.”
■ Post it notes and fancy pens

■ Nothing turns him off faster than “You need to drop something”.
■ Stealing/ Having an idea stolen -- He gets inspiration from people and wants to work with other people on his projects, so he’s happy to share ideas, but also partially fears someone taking over or stealing the ideas he’s working with.
■ Basically anything critical of his aphonia. “Are you upset? / “If you practiced more you could talk” / “Isn’t there some kind of spell or potion?” / “Eat faster”
■ Deadlines or time limits
■ Politics. Talking about politics. Politics change all the time but nothing gets done. It’s the worst.

■ Accepting and resilient. Tries to believe in the best of everyone.
■ Remarkably good memory

■ Time management
■ Perfectionist who doesn’t know when to say no.

■ Aurais has a dream where he eats the words off of books and eats the memories out of people.
■ Maybe travel the world.

■ Forgetting and losing thoughts.
■ Not having the energy or creative drive to do things that make him happy. He’s felt that before. He doesn’t want it to happen again.

🦜🎹EARLY CHILDHOOD Cato Aurelius and Audenzia de Luca moved to England from Italy in 2043, after Audenzia’s father had died, leaving her his entire fortune. They bought a luxurious flat in a well-to-do part of London, where Audenzia tried her hand at various investments and businesses, all which seemed to fall short. The couple also had a passion for antiques, which they collected and hoarded. They had 3 children in 5 years: Valerius Cato, Aurais Flint, and Serafina Lucia.

When Aurais was very young, he stumbled upon a cursed antique radio amongst the horde of things in their attic. He recovered, but had irreversible larynx damage and anarthria-- damage to the nerves that control speech. Having squandered their fortune, Cato and Audenzia reached out to family back in Italy to fund his recovery. With therapy, Aurais was eventually able to eat and swallow, but it remained hard for him to move his mouth and jaw, and impossible to make more than a meaningless raspy noise. Finally, they bought him Astyth, an African gray parrot that would be trained to act as a voice for him.

Between the haze of the sickness and the years of constant therapy, Aurais doesn’t really remember having a voice, and has taken the experience mostly as just who he is. He expresses himself fine enough through a combination of Astyth, sign language, and piano. He enjoys following Valerius to the library, although he is mostly there to admire the woodwork and reference craftsmen journals. He has only recently in the last few years had enough energy to really run around, and has channeled this energy into excited to explore and learn everything he can. He has started taking to assembling everything--from his fanfictions to story analyses (also known as his list of shipping fodder) to family photos and wood shaving samples and Astyth's loose feathers-- into zine- style scrapbooks.

🦜🎹SCHOOL YEARS🦜FIRST YEAR Aurais spent his first year mostly just acclimating to Hogwarts: he was excited to see everything, and got into photography as a way of keeping record of all the cool things he saw. His first time at the Music and Art clubs were quite overwhelming and chose to practice the piano instead when the music club was not meeting and do art on his own. He did though, find exercise in Fencing and fun in Language clubs. Outside of classes and clubs, Aurais mostly hung out with Valerius, or worked on his Flintzine projects.

🎹SECOND YEAR Serafina joined the elder two Aurelius children at Hogswarts this year, and Aurais was eager to show her around--in the process, she introduced him to a bunch of students in her year. He was dragged to her Order of the Stick LARP club a couple times, but happy to know Logan from Art of the Sword there. With Fina's encouragement and company, Aurais made a point to attend at least one meeting of every club he could, to at least see what else was there. In the end he decided to just stick with fencing and language, but he did enjoy the exploration.

While in the music room near the end of the year, he met Simon Layne, a fellow mute, who encouraged him to go to Music club and gave him some advice for mute spellcasting.

🦜THIRD YEAR Between electives and his young friends, Aurais was very busy. He ran into his classmate Lucian Valentine early in the year and the two started hanging out more--and even more following Winter Break when he realized Lucian had gone through the trouble of learning to sign for him. He became closer friends with Fina's group of kids and close with Annalise Watson.

In Spring he had the opportunity to play Quidditch for the first time--Aurais enjoyed flying but firmly decided after that that he was staying off the bludger pitch.



Parents Audenzia Speranza de Luca, investor (pureblood); Cato Aurelius, executive assistant (pureblood)
Siblings Valerius Cato Aurelius, Ravenclaw scholar; Serafina # Aurelius, young heiress
Pet/ Voicebox Astyth (African gray parrot)

Friend he occasionally gets to smooth/ Maybe just a bit more than friends (hopefully?) The incredibly sensitive and wonderful Annalise Watson
Best Friend: Lucian Valentine
Older: Diego Correa-Luney (NPC), Logan Strife, Annalise Watson, #Val friends
"Elementals group": Tamhas Ghobhainn, Barbara Luney, Aedan MacInnes, Giovanni Nardovino, William Thomas

CREATED 6 June 2020
UPDATED 19 May 2023
■ Yr 3 update
■ Peacemaker > Cheeky. Personality reworded to account for the more cheeky way I've been playing him. Some of the text was moved to Dislikes > Stealing/ Having an idea stolen (replaced cleaning)
■ (recent update)

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