User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.They had stopped to rest for the night, but something in the back of Cedric's mind had kept him from a truly peaceful slumber. He stood atop a small hill, overlooking the valley, as he took in the sight and the scent around him. Springtime blossoms had such a uniquely beautiful smell to them, and with the rain came the pollen and the beauty in the air. Even at night, with the rest of the world asleep, the scent of the trees and the flowers that surrounded the hilltop did not stop to slumber. In fact, over the years, Cedric found that the fireflies and moonlight that cast overhead, lead to a different smell than that of the bees and the sun in the daylight - the world did not stop buzzing just because the creatures that lived it took rest.

Casting a glance to his left, he watched his mate's peaceful, slumbering body stir just ever so slightly, and he wondered if she had felt him get up; he wondered if in her dreamland, she knew he wasn't with her for the moment. Normally the pair, whenever on one of Vivienne's travels to find the next great adventure, would stop and rest for a night or two, and they'd be so exhausted from their travels that they'd sleep all through the day, and all through the night - but now, Cedric couldn't find himself capable of getting that proper rest. Something had been bothering him, and so now he stood watch as she slept, most likely dreaming of saving the world. That was the thing about this mare - she was always out to save those in need, always putting others above herself, and yet...she hardly ever stopped to take care of herself. Cedric had been a nomad most of his young adult life, traveling from herd to herd just chatting up all of the pretty mares, and getting to know the lands around him. He had been friends with anyone who was able to breathe, and it was a fine and wonderful life, but he had always put the needs of his own heart above the friendships and comradery he had made over the years. His heart wasn't designed to be tied down to one thing, and so he'd pack up and leave every so often, looking for the next great thing. But Vivienne? She looked for the downtrodden, the broken, the hurt.

Much like he was, at one point. Broken.

Vivienne's journey in life was to be a healer, and so the needs of other's was always in the forefront of her mind. When they first met, Cedric barely saw glimpses of her before she promised him to see him again someday, taking off in search of the next injured soul.

And then one day, he asked if he could join her. He wasn't a healer, and he was more savvy with his words and his charm than he was anything else, but he wanted to see her in action. So the pair had traveled together, charming their way through the Soquili lands with both charisma and healer's magic (it's what he called her horn). It was a grand, wonderful time, and soon the seasons started to change around them, still traveling day by day, hour by hour, in search of anyone who needed their help. Cedric had noted to her once, that the winter snow had driven everyone inside, and so there wasn't much 'healing' to do when there wasn't anything to get hurt doing, so the pair took it easy on themselves during the cold seasons. However, now that it was warming up, and the sun was out far later than it had been in recent months, more buzzing - more activity - and more faces could be seen from all angles. Creatures of all shapes and sizes were bustling and hustling, and Vivienne and Cedric were once again in their element.

Which brought back tonight - one of the warmest night's in a long time, and after a month of rain, Cedric felt it well deserved that the sun had been angry today. He sniffed the warm air of the nightfall, taking in once again the scent of the dew starting to form. In a few days time, the pair would be in a different part of the lands, meeting new faces, but for now.....peace.

Adventure was just around the corner.