xxxxR U T HxxxT H R Ú DxxxL E V Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Ruth, Ruthie

              AGE 16

              BIRTHDAY 1 July 2046

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 11in, Cedar wood, Hippogriff talon core, rigid with a smooth texture

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Undetermined

              FACECLAIM Picrew until further notice [x]

              LANGUAGES Icelandic, English, basic Hebrew and BSL

        xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
            ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

            HOUSE Ravenclaw

            YEAR Sixth

            BEST LESSONS

            WORST LESSONS

            HONORS Honors Recieved

            SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Art Club, Adventure's Club, Astronomy Club

            CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Paranormal investigator

            DREAM JOB To live in a library. Or the moon.

        xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            ◊ PERSISTANT Ruth likes figuring out the truth for herself and is very dogged in her approach to it. If she can't find answers she considers satisfactory then she will dig deeper and deeper and until she does. Before or after exhaustion is not really important.
            ◊ SKITTISH Despite her rather large and supportive family, she's still shy and wary around new people and will usually stand or hide behind a nearby family member until she concluded the new person was not an issue.
            ◊ PARANOID Not as violent as it used to be but Ruth still practices vigilance. Every new person is a potential threat until proven otherwise, every call is a scam, every puppy is secretly a kidnapping *****, etc.etc. Her siblings help her unwind now and again but sometimes she's still right.
            ◊ PERCEPTIVE Due to her paranoia, Ruth makes sure she’s nearly always one step ahead of anything so she never gets surprised and thus can’t become nervous. It’s very hard to hide something from her whether it be a secret or a hidden snack.
            ◊ RESOURCEFUL Since she’s afraid of nearly everyone and asking for help is nearly always out the question, Ruth has gotten very good at figuring out stuff for herself. If she can’t find it, fix it, or reconfigure it, it was obviously not meant to be.
            ◊ HONEST Ruth hates lies. She hates being lied to as well but she especially hates saying one. If and whenever at all possibly, she will tell the truth (or at the very least what she believes it is).

                Stuffed animals
                Strawberry anything

                Loud noises
                Getting scared
                Chocolate milk
                Traffic sounds

                Making sure she’s not being spied on


                Her paranoia
                Large crowds

                Being stolen by the government
                Being called on in class

        xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            CHILDHOOD Ruth was born to her parents Avila and Hrodger Hoefler. Her mother was a historian at a small museum and her father was a wizard who secretly worked in misinformation. He never told his wife what he was but had plans to if his daughter showed any inclination towards magic. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t get the chance as nearly a year after his daughter’s birth he would be in muggle London during a magical fiasco and bitten by a runespoor. By the time he could apparate to St. Mungos it was too late for him and he succumbed to the venomous bite. Avila was told the appropriate lie made by magical authorities and while suspicious, was too busy grieving to really question it. However, when Ruth began showing signs of magic, Avila’s grip on reality began to slide. She began believing it was because of her daughter’s gifts that her husband was somehow killed and that Someone was always watching them, waiting for them to slip so they could kill her as well. And she would tell this to her young daughter enforcing strict codes of conduct upon the girl to constantly be vigilant and to trust no one. Some days were nice than others with the mother teaching her young daughter Norse legends, her specialty at the museum, and helping her with reading. When Avila didn’t show up to work for two weeks without call or notice, police were sent to her home where they found black out curtains over every window, a filthy Ruth scrounging what she could from the pantry and a rambling Avila in the living room painting different sigils on the floor. Ruth was effectively taken from her care and placed at Wool’s who she believed worked for the All Knowing Thing her mother always talked about. In the year she was there she refused to talk to or interact with anyone until a girl her age came in. It took a while, but Ruth eventually warmed up to Everly enough to actually befriend her.

            Before her second year full year at the orphanage, Ruth and Evie were approached by a very weird couple who wished to adopt. She thought they were going to for a baby but instead they wanted the both of them. It's weird suddenly having a new family but she supposes a very happy weird. She not only became closer to Evie (her unofficially official twin now) but also her newest older brother, and older cousins. Even her uncles! She especially liked sitting with her uncles Kenny or Rhys in silence while they all read or sketched, it made her heart feel cozy.

            When the time came for their Hogwarts letters, Ruth was more nervous than she originally thought and before she realized it, she had gathered a veritable nest of sweaters from basically everyone she was close to in her family. Evie also decided to collect some comfort and set her sights on Simon's comfy hats (a very good choice in her opinion) and after some help from Kai she managed to swipe her hoard. She's really hoping it'll be enough but she's also very happy she's not going alone; afterall she's got her twin!

            SCHOOL YEARS
                ◊ FIRST YEAR Starting a new school was scary and even though she had Everly with her and she was going to be with her big brother and older cousins, it still felt like she was going to a whole different planet! In order to prepare, she made a stash of just about everyone's sweater or jacket she'd "borrowed" so when she missed them she would have something. When she arrived at the school she was sorted into Ravenclaw with her brother and sister which was good since she wasn't sure how she'd make it in a whole different house. School itself wasn't that much different than before-even with magic!-and she even managed to have a little bit of fun!
                ◊ SECOND YEAR Nothing really happened this year. Ruth joined some more clubs, leveled up her cleric and learned that yes, plants do bite back.
                ◊ THIRD YEAR Ruth joined a bunch of electives-even ones without her sister-and while she was a bit disappointed in how limited the paranormal class was, she was very much enjoying alchemy and runes. She spent the year either with her clubs or cheering on her sister in quidditch (when also not berating her because OF ALL THE DANGEROUS THINGS TO CHOOSE?!?!??)
                ◊ FOURTH YEAR Was basically the same as before excluding the sadness of her tiefling taking critical damage in the last part of their tabletop game.
                ◊ FIFTH YEAR Ruth wasn't surprised Evie had been made prefect and was thankful for it. Just because she was now comfortable occasionally speaking up around others didn't mean she wanted to. Especially on an official capacity. Ick. She helped in clubs in between studying for her OWL's and mentally prepare herself for her little sister joining school. If she gave half this anxiety to Kai when she and Evie joined she was definitely sending him a candy basket.
                ◊ SIXTH YEAR Information
                ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Information

            POST GRADUATION Information

        xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                Parents - Phineas and Catheryn Levy Avila and Hrodger Hoefler
                Siblings: Malakai and Everly Levy
                Grandparents: Micah and Abagail Levy, Ciaran and Nirav Blake-Chahal
                Uncles: Kenneth Blake, Rhys Blake, Gideon Reid
                Aunts: Jojo Blake and Erszi Levy
                Cousins: Lilian and Abigail Cody, Reginald Blake, Simon Blake

                Best Friend - Everly Levy
                Malakai Levy

            ENEMIES The Government
            PETS A pygmy puff named Pyxis


        UPDATED 5/6/2024

        ■ Age, year, school years

        PENDED BY 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 09/30/2022
        ACCEPTED BY ♥ Steffy ♥ 12/12/22
        RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY (do not touch this)