
User Image
PRONUNCIATION AY-dən ee-VAN-dər mak-IN-is
NICKNAMES Dannyboy (Barbara Luney)
AGE 13
BIRTHDAY November 28, 2045
SIGN Sagittarius ♐
LANGUAGES English, Scottish Gaelic
VOICE Griffin Puatu

FACECLAIM Hiiro Amagi (Anime)
HEIGHT 5 ft 1.5 in.
BUILD Strong and Healthy
Left ear piercing

WAND 9 ¼ inches, Hornbeam w/ Dragon Heartstring, Inflexible with a Smooth Shaft
PATRONUS Doe (unable to cast)


ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Much to learn, more life to live
Your fire is best tempered in the deep.
Yes, you’ll make true friends in

YEAR Third

Astronomy ~
Charms ~
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~
Herbology ~
History of Magic ~
Potions ~
Transfiguration ~
Elective ~

Astronomy ~
Charms ~
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~
Herbology ~
History of Magic ~
Potions ~
Transfiguration ~
Elective ~

Art Club
Creature Appreciation Club
Quidditch: Co-Announcer

Ancient Runes
Care of Magical Creatures


DREAM JOB Master Blacksmith
CURRENT OCCUPATION Student, Apprentice Blacksmith


TACITURN Aedan isn’t shy by any means, but he knows he can come off as reserved and distant. He’s friendly enough that if asked to spend time with someone he would go out of polite obligation, but he doesn’t open up to others easily. He isn’t the type of person to let his emotions get the best of him. If he’s in a tight spot, his naturally calm demeanor will help him to quickly and naturally find a solution to the task at hand. This emotional control sometimes goes too far, however. Aedan struggles when he needs to put his feelings into words. He feels them, but articulating the tugs of his heartstrings into words at times seems insurmountable. It’s much easier to face problems that he can actually see and touch. Concepts, like matters of the heart? Not so much. If I got stranded out in the woods… Well, that’s simple. I’d look for shelter first, then water. Where there’s water, there will be animals to hunt. While I hunt, I’ll find twigs to make a fire to cook and stay warm. But if I was locked in an empty room? I… Don’t know. I don’t know what I’d do. I’d probably go mad inside an hour.

CARING Just because Aedan has difficulty voicing his feelings doesn’t mean he doesn’t care. Where he can’t express in words, he’ll express in actions or facts. If he cares about someone, he’ll remember everything there is to know from their favorite song to their greatest fear. If their friend wants to do something dangerous he’ll never say, I’m afraid you’ll get hurt. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you. Rather, he’d grab their hand and point out the facts to convince them to make a safe decision. It’s clearly dangerous. You could slip and crack your skull, and what then? I certainly can’t heal you. Don’t be an idiot.

DEPENDABLE Aedan is not always the person with the plan, but he is the person with the map. Once there is a goal set, he always knows what steps need to be done in order to reach the finish line. Though he comes across as confident in his actions, he doesn’t feel that is necessarily the case. Confidence has nothing to do with it–it’s simply understanding that hesitation will get you nowhere. If you keep moving, you’ll eventually get where you need to be. It’s just a matter of fact. But for those that don’t seem to grasp that concept, it’s not a problem. Aedan doesn’t mind taking their hand and patiently guiding the way. He’ll always be there for those that need him.

ACTIVE From early in the day, Aedan is up and about. A fulfilling day means being up and out, doing things, practicing skills, and learning–all of which involve being up and off his butt. Notably, Aedan isn’t a restless kind of active; he loves the slow moments of a hike, standing over the horizon for a whole half hour listening to the birds sing their sunset symphony, or quietly standing around listening to a musician busking on the side of the street as he sketches out the scene in front of him. He just likes to be up and doing something.

PASSIONATE When there’s a project Aedan cares about, he puts his whole being into it–his blood, sweat, and tears. Heart, body, and mind. He is driven with an unwavering focus, and as a result, he can get so absorbed in what he’s doing that he loses all track of time and won’t come up for air until he’s finished the task at hand and is satisfied with the results. After all, anything worth doing ought to be done right, even if it means a skipped meal or night of rest.

RESOURCEFUL Aedan spends a lot of time in the untamed nature of the Trossachs and doesn’t much like carrying giant packs of equipment. He can make do for the most part with his bow and arrows, a rope, a few carabiners, his knife, and a water bottle. Though he’s usually one for following the rules, when it comes to survival, it’s a whole other game. You need to be able to improvise with what you have. He was always impressed by how people manage to jerry-rig things with limited materials, and aspires to achieve that level of craftiness, but he won’t tolerate seeing anything left half-done for the sake of calling it “good enough.” It should still be done right, or what’s the point when it all comes tumbling down?

Archery. There’s nothing more satisfying than hitting your mark.
Art. He has a notepad he keeps in his back pocket. He draws what he sees–scenery, animals, people. Anything that stands out and interests him.
Photos. Aedan doesn’t have many photos of his life or people in his life. He has the occasional one or two, and he doesn’t like carrying a heavy camera around on walks, but he loves the beautiful photographs people can take and the memories that are captured within them. Still, he gets why people don’t like posing for them. Candids are much more genuine.
Anything warm: Bread fresh from the oven, wool blankets, freshly brewed tea, a warm shoulder to lean against… When Aedan finally stops moving, he finds himself getting cold easily.
Good shoes and warm socks. Aedan knows a quality hiking boot when he sees one and understands just how much of a difference it makes when hiking for miles.

Being talked down to. Usually by adults treating him like a little kid. And then they have the nerve to demand his respect? Not in this life.
Crying. He never knows how to react when people cry in front of him.
Crowds. Too many people make him anxious and a little claustrophobic. He doesn’t get this problem with trees. Dense forest does not make him claustrophobic.
Mushrooms. Just because he knows which ones are safe to forage doesn’t mean he wants to eat them. They taste like mold, but somehow, they’re okay if it’s in a stew.
Anything excessively sweet. Not to say he hates sweets as a whole, but anything filled to the brim with sugar and artificial sweeteners just tastes like chemicals to him. It can’t be good for the body. What’s with all the “Birthday Cake” flavored stuff, anyway? Gross. Who’s really out here eating Birthday Cake flavored yogurt?!

Has a sharp eye. The first to notice the ruffle of leaves when something’s lurking in the brush. After a little training, will be able to spot shoddy craftsmanship from a mile away.
Patience. Able to keep a cool head under pressure and doesn’t let his emotions get the best of him.

Will compare himself to others to gauge how he is doing.
Sometimes he’ll get so absorbed in what he’s doing, he’ll completely ignore everything around him. Once he’s focused he won’t stop a task until it’s done, and it has to be done right.

To be so good at archery that he can shoot an arrow through another arrow to land a bullseye.
To be independant and less of a burden on his brother.

To be all alone–not on a day to day basis. He can go wandering by himself and be relied on to come home and take care of himself. It’s being alone in the world without a home to go home to, being alone without knowing someone out there wants him, that’s what gets him.
Claustrophobia. To be constrained and feel trapped in a tight space is suffocating. Anything that can limit the senses gives him this uneasy feeling: Packed crowds, dense fog, heavy storms, a locked room… Aedan needs to have space to breathe and room to think, or he won’t know how to cope.


EARLY CHILDHOOD Aedan’s mother was ill. He didn’t know with what–it was just a fact of life as far back as he could remember. The sky was blue, the grass was green, and Sorcha MacInnes was unwell. His father, Ewan, loved Sorcha more than life itself. His dedication might have been admirable, if not for the fact he neglected his son as a result. Thankfully, like Rowan before him, Aedan was born a wizard. His magic manifested early, making easy work of levitating his stuffed dragon and his sippy cup to him when his dad forgot them. Truth be told, Ewan never had any interest in children. But Sorcha loved them, and because he loved Sorcha, he agreed to have a family together. It was just Aedan, his parents, and Rowan, his older brother.

Rowan wasn’t around much, being fourteen years Aedan’s senior. Most of the time he was away at boarding school, and when he was home? Well, he made himself scarce. Rowan had his own life to lead after all. Aedan never thought much of it, but he did appreciate the times Rowan would stick around and look after him. He often looked worried or frustrated, and bickered with Ewan for not paying little Aedan any attention.
One of Aedan’s earliest memories was with Rowan, giggling together at the sound of his voice cracking. He took medicine like their mother, but this medicine made Rowan’s voice deeper and look less and less dainty with each month. He seemed happier.

Though Sorcha was sick and often bedridden, she tried her best to be there for her son. She would often read him stories in bed, ranging from old fairy tales to facts about the animals that lived around Loch Lomond. Though she was a nurse before her illness forced her to quit, she loved studying the local fauna. Spending more time with Sorcha than anyone else in the house, Aedan naturally adopted her softer accent, while his father and brother spoke a heavier dialect. While Sorcha was kind and patient and supportive about her sons’ lives and their magic, Ewan was less-so. It’s not to say he didn’t try, but he had trouble wrapping his head around what he didn’t understand. Soon enough, Rowan graduated school by the skin of his teeth. He never had a true knack for magic, which was perfectly fine by him. He moved out and took up a post as a ranger in the Trossachs National Park. He wasn’t around very much after–not that he was that much to begin with–and when he was, he was bickering with their father over being away from home too long.

As the years passed, Sorcha’s condition would fluctuate. Once Aedan was six, he went camping for the first time with Ewan and Rowan. His father gifted him an old hunting knife that belonged to his own father. Aedan thought it a little strange at the time, considering he wasn’t allowed to remove it from its leather sheath. What he was given next was much more appreciated: a worn wooden bow, a little large for his size, but one he could grow into. A hand-me-down from Rowan. Ewan was a former scout, well-versed in archery, camping, and survival tactics. He spent the whole morning teaching Aedan to shoot, and when he managed to hit his first bullseye, it was the first time he had ever heard the words “That’s my boy!”. From that day forward, Aedan spent any extra time he had learning to use his bow. When his mother’s condition declined there were no camping trips or sessions with his father, but Rowan set up targets for him and helped him to hone his skills when he visited. Sometimes, Rowan would even take him to his post for the weekend. Aedan loved nothing more than exploring the woods of the Trossachs. As long as he stayed within view of the watch tower and answered his walkie-talkie when Rowan called, the 7-year-old got to adventure as much as he pleased. Responsible? No. Fun? Absolutely… Until Aedan was so focused on drawing a sleeping fox that he didn’t hear his brother call for him. Rowan gave him an earful after.

In January of 2054, just barely 8-years-old, Aedan’s mother succumbed to her illness. Ewan was inconsolable, wishing to be left alone. Aedan didn’t have the words. His heart ached, and in his own time he grieved, but there was still so much to do. Life went on. Aedan missed his mother, of course, but he still had school to attend. He still needed to eat, and to study. Still needed to practice his archery, or he might get rusty. Was that a bad thing, taking things step-by-step? While Aedan moved forward, his father seemed to stay firmly planted where he was. Wasn’t continuing on what he was supposed to do? If it was, why did he suddenly feel like he had lost two parents that day instead of one? Rowan told him he was doing the right thing. With time, their dad would come back to his senses. It was harder for him, after all. The boys had lost their mother; but Ewan had lost his other half. It sounded awful. Aedan wondered how painful it must have felt.

Months passed, and Ewan was never the same. Still, he seemed to put in some effort. He was quiet, and always seemed to be staring off into space, but he was there, more than he ever had been. Yet it seemed he was slipping. Sometimes, he would be talking about Rowan and refer to him as “she”, or “your sister”. Aedan always corrected him. After all, it was obvious to him Rowan was his brother. He had always been a man–and a pretty decent one, not that Aedan had much to judge off of outside his father and his teachers. Not to mention, Rowan would get upset when he heard. He couldn’t blame him–Aedan didn’t think he’d very much like to be called a girl either. Ewan would sometimes snap at them. He hated to be corrected, but he would always break the tense silences after by correcting himself.

In June of the same year, Ewan took the boys camping in the Trossachs. It was like a breath of fresh air–literally. Finally, it seemed like some sense of normalcy was coming back. Rowan and Ewan were getting along famously, and they promised him they would all work on their shooting during the trip. Ewan told the boys to hunt for firewood while he set up the tent, and once he was done, he’d be heading down to fish. Sure enough when Rowan and Aedan returned, the tent was up and their father was gone. Rowan griped, noting that the rope was missing to secure the stakes, and the two set down the hill towards the loch.

Aedan heard the creak of straining rope before he saw him. Rowan screamed at him not to look, covering his eyes with a hand as he shoved him back into the grass. Twigs snapped under Rowan’s boots as he ran around the side of the great oak. Aedan looked up, and a limp silhouette blocked the Summer Sun’s shining rays. He wanted to scream, to cry, to ask him why, but nothing came out. All he could do was stare, thinking this was wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Rowan yelled for his knife, snapping him out of it, and Aedan ran to them. With the hunting knife his father gave him, Rowan cut the rope. The body landed in the dirt with a thud, the life it held long gone. There was nothing they could do. Ewan didn’t even leave a note. No goodbye, no closure, only questions and the hollow feeling of grief and abandonment.

After the funeral, Rowan moved back into their childhood home. He couldn’t very well have a child stay with him in the watch tower–he’d simply have to commute. Aedan couldn’t help but feel guilty; he knew Rowan was happier where he was, and who would want to raise their baby brother, anyway? But they were all the other had left in this world, Rowan said, and so they’d have to stick together. It was the best thing that could have happened to their relationship, really. It wasn’t easy. Rowan and Aedan were opposites, yet alike in so many ways, that they inevitably clashed. Often. But the love was there. Aedan did the best he could so as not to add to his brother’s newfound burden, and Rowan did his best balancing the roles of sibling and parent. When being home grew to be too much–which was often–the brothers took to the forest. As the years passed, Aedan felt like he knew the forests of Loch Lomond like the back of his hand.

On Aedan’s 11th birthday he received his Hogwarts acceptance letter. Rowan said it was to be celebrated, so what did Aedan want to do? He wanted to pierce his ears like his brother. Rowan did it himself, distracting Aedan with stories of his own Hogwarts days. Somehow he managed to lose the other earring, but that was okay. Aedan thought just the one was cool enough. Though he’d grown fond of his life with his brother, Aedan found himself looking forward to the upcoming school year. He could get out on his own and Rowan… Could get back to his life without him, at least for a while.

FIRST YEAR To his complete and utter surprise, Aedan found himself making some friends right away. There was his roommate, Will. Then there was
Gio, who he often studied with in the library. There was a boy a year above him, Aurais, with a pet parrot. And then there was Tamhas Ghobhainn, who as it turned out, lived in his town. Their whole lives were spent a whole ten minute hike away, only to finally meet hours away from home. Aedan couldn't quite explain it, but there was something about Tam that made him want to look out for him--and it wasn't the leg.

By December, it had been well over a month without any word from Rowan, sparking concern from the youngst MacInnes. He wasn't sure what he was in for when he got back from the train, but it wasn't that Rowan would forget to show up. It wasn't a huge deal. Aedan was perfectly capable of taking the floo home on his own, except... It was locked. Something was definitely wrong. He was figuring how long it would take to hike home by foot when Tamhas fortunately caught sight of him and offered a ride home with him and his dad. Aonghus Ghobhainn was a beast of a man, but seemed to be more of a gentle giant. He offered to take Aedan the entire way home, but Aedan decided to cut through the woods between their homes instead, preferring to lessen his burden on them as much as possible. When he returned home, it was to discover someone else lived there. Rowan left. He actually left him. The only thing remaining was Aedan's bow that he had forgotten in the shed the morning he left for Hogwarts.

There was no time for grieving. Aedan was fully prepared to survive in the wild, but Mr. Ghobhainn happened upon him in the dark and brought him back. Aedan agreed only to stay until the morning, when he would be better prepared for what was awaiting him, but time flew faster than he expected and before he knew it, Mr. Ghobhainn had cleverly kept him the whole break. He'd just have to wait until the Summer to go off on his own.

Of course that never panned out, either.

Upon returning for the Summer, Mr. Ghobhainn changed out Tam's single bed for a bunk bed. The two were in cahoots and had every intention of keeping Aedan with them! He didn't have the heart to deny them. After all, it was the first time Aedan felt like he truly belonged somewhere. Mr. Ghobhainn even asked to adopt him, but Aedan rejected that offer, preferring to stay a MacInnes despite everything. Instead, he asked to become his apprentice. From that day forward, Aedan would live with Tam and Master Aonghus. He would learn everything about smithing that he could, and he would make his new family proud.

SECOND YEAR Now that he was an apprentice, Aedan had to do everything he could to make Master Aonghus proud. He would be a model student and diligent in his work. Anything so that his master wouldn't regret his decision to keep him. Erikk Knapp, who also aimed for the top of their class, seemed to take Aedan's hard work as a challenge. Thus a strange academic rivalry was born.

The Creature Appreciation Club was founded this year, and Aedan and Will joined as some of the first members. When Aedan wasn't busy with academics or club activities, he spent his time with his friends: Tam, Will, Gio, Aurais, and sometimes Barbara and Erikk. Towards the end of the year, Aedan ignored his friends attempts to get him to chill out from his final exam studies. Only Tam had convinced him to join him in the music room under the guise he could study in there while he and their friends played music, but of course it had been a trick. On the way to the room Tam had changed it from studying in the music room to play music today, study together tomorrow. He wasn't even a little annoyed like he'd have been if it were anyone else. Did that make Aedan weak to Tam? Absolutely. Did he mind? Not really.

THIRD YEAR (what happened your character's third year of school; this section will be added in after their third year is completed)
FOURTH YEAR (what happened your character's fourth year of school; this section will be added in after their fourth year is completed)
FIFTH YEAR (what happened your character's fifth year of school; this section will be added in after their fifth year is completed)
SIXTH YEAR (what happened your character's sixth year of school; this section will be added in after their sixth year is completed)
SEVENTH YEAR (what happened your character's seventh year of school; this section will be added in after their seventh year is completed)



Guardian/Master Aonghus Ghobhainn, Blacksmith (Muggle)
Basically his brother, right? Tamhas Ghobhainn, Third Year Hufflepuff (Muggleborn?)
Brother Rowan MacInnes, Park Ranger (Halfblood, Former Hufflepuff)
Parents Sorcha MacInnes, former Nurse (Halfblood Squib); Ewan MacInnes, Outdoor Goods Store Manager (Muggle)

Best friends Tamhas Ghobhainn, William Thomas, Giovanni Nardovino, Aurais Aurelius
Barbara Luney, Serafina Aurelius

RIVAL Erikk Knapp


xxxFUN FACTSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ALLERGIES Pollen, but it doesn’t really affect him unless it’s a high pollen count. It usually causes him to catch a spring cold.
HOBBIES Archery, Camping, Drawing
INSTRUMENTS PLAYED None. He can sing decently, but not well enough to ever quit his day job.
PRIZED POSSESSION His bow and his hunting knife. The bow was a hand-me-down from Rowan, and the knife a gift from his father the first time they went camping.

FAVORITE FOOD Fresh baked bread and stew
FAVORITE CANDY Soft caramels
FAVORITE COLOR Browns, Greens, Oranges
FAVORITE ANIMAL Birds - It doesn’t matter what kind. He’s fascinated by the carefree lives they lead. Must be nice.

MAIN THEME "Hated by Life Itself" - William Stetson
"I Lie to Me" - As It Is
"Hated Person Song" - Oktavia
"Daylily" - Movements
"Spring Thief" - Rachie
"Dandelion" - Ruth B.
"Hate by Life Itself" - William Stetson

*Link to full playlist: [Here]

**Disclaimer: Voice section of profile is non-canon as guild does not do voiceclaims. This is only listed for fun in case anyone was curious how I imagine a character's voice. That is all. ♥
**2nd Disclaimer: Okay so like in the video I linked with the voice examples it's basically just 1 and 3 that I'm referencing but honestly just youtube Martin from Rune Factory 5 and that's his voice that's the one that's my boy okay? Okay, ily, bye. ♥♥

UPDATED 5/21/23

Updated for 2059-60 school year.
(recent update)
(recent update)

PENDED BY 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 10/01/2022
ACCEPTED BY ♥ Steffy ♥ 12/12/22
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