The echoing sound of Lunar's laughter could be heard as the red-headed male laid in the center of a ring. A hand rested over his eyes as his laughter echoed out. The laughter would be replaced with a more darker toned voice as the ring would fade away with Lunar in it.

"Six will visit, followed by the crumbling of time Itself. Before the coming of Shangri-La, a Dark Carnival will sweep across the land, as a shadow, plagued with destruction. A parade of freaks, jugglers, and death. This wretched nightmare is led by six faces. Two faces had once existed and disappeared ... Until now. One face has resurfaced after months of chaos and torment, blood and sacrifice. He walks among us as a shadow, void of light, powered by your own darkness, strengthened by your own wickedry. A horrid reflection of your very own deep desires cast and reflected back upon yourself.." The voice spoke out with the sound of fallen rain soon taking over. The voice that echoed out would be placed by a more familiar one, the voice of Lunar, himself.

A reflection in the mirror as the Eclipse stared on with eyes deadly voiced in a smile with pure intent of future actions. "What is ... Power? How does one describe Power? A force of one's strength? The amount of money in one's pocket?" he asked as a chuckle left him with his head tilting down. Some small taps could be heard which may be the Eclipse tapping at something with his foot. "Power exists in so many forms, so many limitless ways. Power exists ... I... exist..." he spoke out as his head lifted up. For a brief moment, the screen would flicker for moxcy to show up but it'll revert back to the Eclipse that stood there, staring. "Time... it's ticking away for the unworthy, the corrupt... And we'll be there to collect when the clock stops. Brothers and Sisters gather around for the Necromaster as for when the clock stops, the true power of the Blood Moon will wash over us. The true power of what Lunar is! It'll be the arrival of The Great....!" a pause with the mirror shattering and Moxcy remaining in place. The face would alter and take form into an outline of a new shape before revealing, a wicked figure with a crow and wand.

"Milenko....Milenko.....Milenko...." the words would repeat before the screen shatters, followed with one last laugh and silence.