The camera pans into the training room, Bison slugging a Wavemaster. Each thunderous punch seemed to rock it back harder, the water inside the base of the striking target sloshing around loudly. The sounds of the impacts echoed in the room from of weights and pads.

With a bellowing roar, Bison slammed his massive fist into the target, knocking it clean over as the water started leaking onto the floor. The Caribbean Colossus wiped his brow with the towel around his shoulders as his voice over comes in.

"What makes me The Alpha Male?"
All Hail! The Alpha Male!

"Is it numbers in the Wins column?"
and the winner of this match is...Bison!

"No... because I have lost matches as well as won them"

The footage moves to the title match where Drako Damone succesfully retained, then moved to Bisons EWA debut against Chrono.

"Is it my size?"
Cole: standing at 7 feet 350 pounds!

"No.... because I'm not the only giant in the business..."
Clips of Bison facing off against Chrono, Mr Sex, and teaming with Thangor.

"What makes me....the Alpha Male? Is it.... my power? The raw strength that sends grown men flying and crumpled to the ground? Is it the power I have accomplish feats of strength no other wrestler has accomplished?"

Footage goes to the times Bison has lifted the steel cage walls and weaponized them.

"...partially...but it is not the full equation."

JR: Bison is an absolute monster!
King: he truly lives up to the title The Alpha Male

"What makes me the Alpha Male is not only my power... it is my dominance. A dominance that doesn't exist on scorecards. My dominance lies in the heaps of bodies I leave behind. It rests in the fearful and wary eyes of men when they look down the ramp. It is felt every time my music hits"
I torture you~

"Win or lose, there is not one opponent I face who leaves the ring the same after having faced me. It is not only what I can do, but what I choose to do. How I do it. It doesnt come from the pinfall, it doesnt come from submission holds. My dominance is not based from beating you, its because I choose to hurt you. My dominance is the power to hurt you, and the sadism to enioy every second. It is the knowledge everyone holds that I will hurt you, and nothing will save you from me."
towering, overpowering everybody. Just to put it simple theres no way that you can stop me!

Clips of Bison driving Queen Oni and Trent into the mat, smashing Boom in the head with a shovel, crushing the cage wall down on his opponents, and slamming down Dean.
I'm just a sucker for pain!

"I am an unstoppable force of nature"

"I am Dominance personified..."

"I am Bison... and I am The Alpha Male. So when you see me coming, know that when the bell rings...everyone will end up on their knees...and all with Hail the Alpha Male"