Name: Christina Sparks

Nick Name: Controlled Chaos

Ht/Wt: 5'9"/145 lbs

Hometown: Sin City

Entrance Music: Comin' For You - Knee High Fox

Entrance Moves: As the music of Knee High Fox hits the speakers, the lights in the arena go green, pink, and blue. Out from the back, Christina Sparks runs. She smiles wide at the crowd before racing to one end of the stage and doing slide on her knees where she stays for a moment while jamming to her own theme song. She gets up and does the same to the other end. She gets up and makes her way down to the ring, doing air guitar and headbanging enough that it threatens to throw the bandana holding her hair as well as her shades off of her head. At the bottom of the ramp, she stops, looks to the crowd before throwing her hands in the air with the rock horns raised. Then she dashes forth, slides under the bottom rope and gets up. She stomps around the ring, thrashing her head and playing her air guitar. After a lap around the inside of the ring, moves to the center and again throws up the horns as her music dies down and her opponent starts to enter.

Appearance: In the ring, she wears a black bra underneath a white tank top with the words Controlled Chaos written the front of it in black sharpie. And a winking smiley with it's tongue out drawn on the back. She also wears tattered black jeans with holes in the knees and random patches sewn here and there to cover other holes. One her feet she wears combat boots. On her hands are typically fingerless gloves. And finally on the top of her head is a bandana.

As she is walking to the ring and when she is backstage, she can be seen wearing black shades and a denim vest decorated in patches of punk bands and sayings.

Physically she is rather rale with long hair that is dyed a dark crimson. Her fingernails are painted black. Her eyes are a golden brown color. She has a lean and muscular physique.

Common Moves: Superkick, Running Senton, Springboard Leg Drop, Diving Crossbody, Springboard Clothesline, Suplex, Chop Block, Mounted Punches

Signature Moves: Diving Headbutt, Corner Knee Strike into Running Bulldog

Finisher: Swanton Bomb, Rope Hung Diving Leg Drop

Gimmick: Chaotic Rebel Punk with a heart of gold

Alignment: Face

Match Type Expertise: Ladder Match

Match Type Weakness: Submission

Weapon Expertise: Pool Cue

Division: Women's