Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 6:09 pm
Partnered + 500 wc each! Let's do this!
Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 6:17 pm
With hair comprised partially of fire, Azahar had that she had known heat. She was generally surrounded by an omnipresent warm glow, which was especially nice to bask in in the cold winters and cool autumn and springtime rains. But the temperatures blazing down from the ball of fire in the sky... Those were another thing all together. And her own hair was making her sweat.
She had been walking along the edge of a shady forest for a while, taking a break from the sunnier area of her family's herd lands. Attempting to fan herself with her wings, Azahar sought out a stream and flopped down beside it, hoping the running water might bring her a breeze. Little bits of her hair gently sizzled when they got near the water, but nothing really happened. Enjoying the shade on her skin (what little she could detect) and the sound of running water, Azahar took a deep breath and let her eyes close...
WC: 162
Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 6:18 pm
Honestly it was a pity Menthe couldn't find ice, but the mare wasn't too upset as the sun above shone it's insistant summer rays upon the land around the mare, Menthe calmly and patiently stepping here and there as she moved her tea stores, gathering choice herbs and ingredients into a small, impossibly small selection of bags with a careful movement, before sealing them and lifting them into a jar of water before covering the opening. It was a hot one to be certain, but Menthe au Chocolat was rarely one to let the environ,ent bother her. The sun could be wonderful, and today, the mare was making some jars of sun tea. It meant not heating her living space, and fresh tea -- everyone won. One jar had been placed our three hours prior, and Menthe was planning to dreaw it inside as she carefully began to carry the new jar into a sunny space outside. She smiled, and looked about cheerily, taking in the area to see if anyone might be passing, possibly thirsty. Far be it from her to deny anyone a drink, warm or not, on a hot day! Especially not when the mare had plenty to offer, and some nice rosehips for tea or nibbling. She smiled, and then stretched a moment. At least all of this hard work would be worth it!
WC-229 Words
Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 6:32 pm
Azahar blinked herself awake, listening to the clinking and gentle sloshing of water in a container nearby. It was distinct from the sound of the tinkling stream, and while she was loathe to leave her comfy spot of cool moss on the forest floor, her curiosity always got the better of her. Lurching to her feet, Azahar went to find the source of the soft noises.
She didn't have to wander too far to locate them - just through a stand of trees, near a clearing, a majestic mare stood, methodically doing something with the jars Azahar had heard. Azahar unobtrusively watched for a moment while the mare skillfully attended to the jars... doing what, Azahar had no idea. But the water was a beautiful amber color that Azahar had never seen before, and it made her even more fascinated.
Clearing her throat softly, Azahar stepped forward. "Excuse me, miss," she said carefully, very aware that this mare was larger than her, despite her ethereal appearance. "May I ask you what you're doing? It looks very purposeful." Azahar gave the mare a smile for good measure, hoping she wouldn't mind the intrusion.
WC: 191
Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 6:47 pm
Menthe raised her head and promptl;y beamed warmly at the smaller mare kindly, pausing from her work to face hjer properly, and bowed, kneeling on her forelegs and touching her horn to the grouind in a polite greeting. "Ah, hello." Menthe greeted. Her voice was kind and welcoming, warm, and friendly, the mare rising as slowly as she knelt before gesturing. "It was a warm enough day I thought to make a spot of sun tea. Are you thirsty? I have a batch already done, and some things for tea snacks." Menthe was polite, mindful her guest might be nervous and as such moved slowly and methodically, trying to show she meant no harm. And a guest was a guest -- Menthe would be disappointed if she wasn't a good hostess. 131 Words
Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 5:46 pm
Azahar blinked at the mare's warm welcome, then looked down at the amber-filled jar she indicated. Sun tea? While Azahar knew of tea, she thought the closest she had probably come to the real thing was herb- or flower-infused water from her family's garden. Her grandfather might know something about teas, but she wasn't sure. "I am thirsty," she said, "and I love snacks." Moving a little closer, Azahar's wide, curious eyes took in the mare's setup.
"This seems like a very lovely home," Azahar said, giving the mare a timid smile. She didn't usually feel nervous, and she wasn't sure she did... But this mare was so incredibly polite! Azahar almost couldn't believe it. "My name is Azahar. Thank you for inviting me to drink and dine with you!"
Carefully folding her wings, Azahar shook her head just a little, too - trying to get everything as out of the way as possible.
WC: 153
Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 6:05 pm
The warm smile never left Menthe's face, the mare disappearing momentarily to fetch the lifght kinds of things that tasted best for tea; in this instanvce, Menthe gathered several rose hips and lavender, some berries and other light flavors before bringing them out, and the mare set them out on a carefully planned display -- after all, tea was Menthe's business as she made sure to pour the sun tea for them both and then, at last, reached, plucking a jar of honey with a hjoneycomb inside to sweeten the tea itself if desired, smiling as she lowered her head respectfully. "My name is Menthe au Chocolate," She greeted with a soft, warm voice. "It's lovely to meet you, Azahar. You may call me Menthe, if you find it easier." She was honestly just delighted to have company, especially on such a sunny day. She only turned away a moment to nudge the jar needing to brew into more direct light before returning to her guest, the smile remaining. "Do you live nearby?" She asked kindly. 175 Words
Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 7:08 pm
"It's nice to meet you, too, Menthe!" Azahar said, eyes wide as the jars the tea came in. Azahar's eyes were glued to Menthe as the mare set everything up perfectly. The jar of honey looked particularly appetizing, but Azahar checked herself before her impulses could ruin this lovely affair. "I live with my family in a grove nearby," Azahar said. "The air felt a bit still there this morning, so I took a walk. The heat has been near unbearable without air movement or true shade." Looking down at the tea she had been served, perfectly plated with some snacks as well, Azahar asked, "What should one expect from the ideal tea experience?" WC: 114
Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 7:17 pm
"Oh, nearby then!" Mentha beamed as she settled to her own tea, settling herself smoothly with a bright smile -- it had briefly faded for focus, but it returned for conversation. "Yes, it has been hot here too. But I found the sun perfect for slow-brewing tea, and it means no need for a fire." She chuckled, not at her guest, but to herself. Azahar was delightful coimpany, and the mare was happy to answer. "I find tea is best with good flavor in the tea, the kind that compliments. I've made mine a little open this time to different complimentary snacks -- chamomile, lavender, and rose, actually! -- but a good tea also included pleasant conversation or presentation. It's -- tea is what I like to offer, actually! It's lovely getting to know others when you roam... Though honestly, summer's too hot most days for it. Please, feel free to sweeten the tea with honey if you like. It can be lovely wqith a tiny bit of tea, too." pn[164 Words
Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 7:53 pm
Azahar nodded along, not really familiar but happy to listen to Menthe's musings. Carefully plucking the instrument from the honey bowl that looked like some kind of wand, Azahar held it over her bowl of tea until she was satisfied with the amount that slowly swirled to the bottom. She put it back carefully, trying not to disrupt the honeycomb. Then, with much anticipation, she slurped a little bit of her tea. It tasted like leaves, with light sweetening from the honey and the other herbs that might be in there. Maybe... maybe this was something for more mature tastebuds. Or... maybe she didn't add enough honey? Continuing to nod, Azahar reached for the honey wand again, hoping that Menthe wouldn't think she added too much. But how much was too much? Seeing the sugary substance pool in the bowl, she put the honey wand back, and tried the tea again. Mmmm, much better now. "My apologies, but it appears I like some tea with my honey," said Azahar sheepishly. WC: 170
Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 8:04 pm
Menthe wasn't offended, actually. Sun Tea could be very strong if it was left too long and Menthe strongly suspected that was possible; the mare sipping at her own bowl neatly and thoughtfully, head tilting. "You might be right with this batch, actually." Menthe was more than willing to admit. "Sun Tea can risk being over-steeped if one isn't careful. I may have waiterd too long for this. No worries! That's what honey is for!" Because in Menthe's book 'too much' was when the honey was tea flavored and less a drink thasn a snack. Besiders, everyone had tastes and Menthe knew hers might not be the same as others. Instead she hummed, taking another sip. "Definitely best I didn't add mint to it, however..." She mused/. " "Mint might not have brewed well, and that's not good." Every herb had it's particulars and strong tea wiuth mint sometimes didn't go right. 152 Words
Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 4:28 pm
Azahar inhaled with relief as Menthe seemed to have no problem at all with the amount of sweetener she had used. Sipping the only-slightly-warm liquid, which she found to be very refreshing now, Azahar nodded along. This was such a lovely way to pass the time on such a hot day: in the shade, with a beverage that could purportedly hydrate her, with a wonderful new friend. Azahar tried a couple of the flower snacks and smiled with delight.
The time passed quickly with Menthe's company as Azahar learned bits and bobs about tea, brewing, flavors, and more. The hottest part of the day came and went, and before Azahar knew it, she realized it was time to head home!
As she made her farewells to Menthe, Azahar did a little bow of her head and flared out and lowered her wings. "Thank you so much for your hospitality and company! I'd love to meet up again soon. You'll definitely be welcome if you happen to stop by my family's home." With one more Azahar turned and plodded off back the way she had come, reveling in the cool(er) evening air.