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“You’re entertaining little ones today, please be mindful….” Lucian’s words fell on deaf ears for Odette as she looked out at the young spawn of the herd before her. In exchange for the safety of numbers of the herd they came across, she had offered her services as a storyteller. She could feel his worried gaze on her, as if desperation alone could dictate how she told her story. By now she hoped he would have realized that she mainly came up with them on the spot, but Lucian was never known to be observant. However seeing their big, innocent eyes excited for a story caused for pause. She knew a fairytale or two, right? They weren’t her forte, but maybe she could make it work.

“So once upon a time lived a beautiful young mare, really the prettiest of her herd. Kind of like you,” Odette started, gesturing to a filly in the front. She saw the filly preen and the jealous and curious glances that shifted her way. “Her name was Cindy. She lived a very unfortunate life however, mother was eaten by Kalonas, kind of like that one over there…” She nodded to her brother and laughed softly at the whispered murmurs and shifting of the foals slightly away from him. She lifted her eyes to meet his angry gaze. “And then her father fell in love with someone else, and to everyone else it seemed perfect. Cindy’s new mother had 2 daughters of her own, so it was like a complete family. But no one knew how they were just downright mean. They neglected poor Cindy, gave her rotten apples to eat, never played with her, never treated her right. While Cindy was young her father disappeared without a trace, and she was left in the care of her evil family. Poor, poor Cindy.”

Odette walked slowly back and forth, emphasizing the pitiful situation her heroine was in by dramatically shaking her head. “Cindy often heard from her evil sisters and those in her herd about being saved by true love, being saved by someone princely. Cindy was told over and over again by her evil mother that she was unlovable and that was why her dear father left. But let me tell you all right now, no one is unlovable, no one. Not one of you and definitely not Cindy.”

“Cindy attracted the attention of an undesirable in the herd, an old bat with the wings of a butterfly. Everyone else pretended she didn’t exist, but Cindy saw her. When Cindy could disappear from the critical gaze of her evil family, she spent time with the one she affectionately called Granny. Though Cindy had a rough family life…” Odette’s gaze fell on a sheepish colt in the back, whose gaze shifted to an older foal that looked similar to him. She wondered briefly if he felt the same about his family. “She had Granny, and that made her feel loved and whole.”

“Well one day it was announced that the herd leader’s son was ready to settle down with a lifemate. Her sisters were so excited, of course he would pick them. They were as beautiful as they were mean, which was very, but Cindy outshone them. Nothing squanders beauty like an ugly heart, remember that kiddos. So on the day he was supposed to visit them, they ran Cindy into a nasty swamp. She was disgusting and she cried. She felt like her one hope at escaping her family was ruined - how would the prince decide she was worthy if she was so dirty? Cindy went to Granny, and it turns out Granny was magical. She wasn’t just an old hag, it was a disguise! When Granny transformed what was old was young again, what was tired and dirty was now shiny and new. And she made Cindy beautiful again! But while this all happened, the herd leader’s son saw them, and he knew instantly who he wanted to be his forever and only.”
“So the herd leader’s called for a meeting, and Cindy’s sisters were so ready for the announcement. Cindy did not show, because why would she? But at the announcement the herd leader’s son said he fell in love with the most beautiful, kind being he had ever seen… and remember earlier in the story, how Cindy’s kind heart made her more beautiful than her sisters? Well Granny’s heart was even kinder, and the herd leader’s son saw her out of her disguise, and knew that Granny was the one for him.”

Odette could hear murmurings from a few of the parents behind her. “That’s… not how the story goes? What happens to him looking for Cindy? What about,...” Odette cleared her throat loudly. She didn’t believe in a true love fixing all your problems, and didn’t agree with feeding that to the foals. Isn’t it better to teach a lesson in kindness instead? “Granny became his mate, and when they succeeded his parents they ousted Cindy’s evil family to that nasty swamp. It really suited them. And beautiful, kind Cindy was able to be herself, loved and seen, and able to do and be whatever she wanted. The end.”

Odette flashed a warm smile at the parents behind her, noting a couple confused faces, others approving. She could hear mumbling amongst her audience about the ending being different. She looked to her brother who looked exasperated, but she knew he was at least relieved she didn’t tell a story of anything bloody or murderous or scandalous…. As much fun as that would be.

Word Count: 933