Name: Rex Savage
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 260 lbs
Age: 32
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
D&D Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Wrestling Alignment: Heel
Appearance: Rex Savage has a muscular physique and a rugged face. He has short black hair, a thick beard, and piercing blue eyes. He wears black leather pants, boots, and gloves, and a silver chain around his neck. He also has several tattoos on his arms and chest, including a skull, a snake, and a pair of dice.
Finishing Move: Savage Strike - Rex Savage lifts his opponent up in a fireman's carry, then drops them downwards, driving his knee into their face.
Gimmick: Rex Savage is a rebellious and unpredictable wrestler who likes to live on the edge. He is not afraid to break the rules or take risks in the ring. He often taunts his opponents and the fans with his cocky attitude and sarcastic humor. He is loyal to no one but himself and will do whatever it takes to win.
Background Information: Rex Savage grew up in a rough neighborhood in Las Vegas, where he learned to fight and gamble from an early age. He dropped out of school and joined a biker gang, where he earned his nickname "Savage" for his brutal and ruthless behavior. He was arrested several times for various crimes, including assault, robbery, and illegal gambling. He discovered wrestling while serving time in prison, where he participated in underground fights for money and cigarettes. He impressed a visiting promoter with his skills and charisma, who offered him a chance to join the professional wrestling industry. Rex Savage accepted the offer and quickly rose to fame as one of the most exciting and controversial wrestlers in the business.
Wrestling Style: Rex Savage is a brawler who relies on his strength and aggression to overpower his opponents. He uses a variety of strikes and slams to inflict damage and wear them down. He is not afraid to use weapons or cheat when the referee is not looking. He is known for his endurance and resilience, as he can take a lot of punishment and still keep fighting.
Years of In-Ring Experience: 8
Match Statistics: Rex Savage has a record of 132 wins, 28 losses and 15 draws in his career. He has won 12 championships in America, including the World Heavyweight Championship twice, the Intercontinental Championship three times, the Tag Team Championship four times (with different partners), and the Hardcore Championship three times. He has also won several tournaments and awards, such as the King of the Ring, the Royal Rumble, and the Wrestler of the Year.
Catchphrases: "You want a piece of me? Come on, bring it on!"
"You're about to feel the wrath of the Savage!"
Favorite Meal to Cook: Rex Savage's favorite meal to cook is steak with mashed potatoes and gravy. He likes his steak rare and juicy, and his potatoes creamy and buttery. He also enjoys a cold beer with his meal.
Story: The Heel wrestler Rex Savage is involved in a heated rivalry with the Face wrestler Grant Parker Tyson.
Rex Savage lost his debut match against Grant Parker Tyson at No Mercy by Disqualification when he hit Grant with a steel chair on purpose.
At Cyber Sunday, Rex Savage defeated Grant in a No Disqualification match when Grant tried to put Rex through a table, but Rex avoided the elbow drop, causing Grant to go through the table.
At Halloween Havoc, Grant and Rex had a Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match to decide who the better man really is. "The Betrayer" Jake Savage attacked his brother Rex in the match and Grant's former tag team partner "The Maverick" Mike Matthews also tried to stop Rex from winning the match, but Rex was eventually successful.
At Survivor Series, Rex will team with Grant to challenge Jake and Mike to a tag team match.