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Ambi had worked so hard, she was the prima ballerina! It was her passion, the only thing she cared about. It had always been her dream since she was a young filly in the sea! And she had made it after years of training and classes, she had become Mademoiselle Ambroisine. She had no family and not any true friends, she had fans and she had the stage! She thought that was the life she wanted and deserved and all she could ask for! But after being in the spot light for some time now something was missing…

She couldn’t put her hooves or wings on it but she wasn’t fulfilled inside and the feeling continued to grow with every passing day. On the outside non could tell. She preformed beautifully for the crowds, dancing and bedazzling them all. But after the spot light was gone, even amongst the gifts and flowers of admiration she felt saddened and empty and she didn’t know why.

Soqmas was approaching and it was he favorite time normally as she was the lead sugar plum on stage, mesmerizing all as she twirled and flew among the stage, but after the last show she saw it. A college, a mare a few turns younger than her with her own family. She was a mother with her daughter dressed up as Ambi herself. She recalled even giving the young filly an autograph at a prior show. She smiled at them as the mares sire nodded her way and they bed farewell to the cast. Ambi waved a wing in goodbye with a small smile but turned quickly after as a lone tear fell down her cheek.

She quickly returned to her dressing room, it was filled to the brim with cards, flowers, and gifts as it always was. But it felt so empty to her now more than it ever had. She looked in the mirror as more tears slid down her cheeks. She wrapped her wings tightly around her sides willing for her now shaking body to quiet. She took a deep breath and looked at her makeup smeared face and cleaned up and left for home. She knew what she was missing, something she was always missing even when she was young. Family and love, she was an orphan with a love for ballet and thought that was all she needed. To help with the family that didn’t want her, that threw her away like trash. She had been determined to make the audience her family! And she had, it had worked but now she was matured and realized it wasn’t what she truly wanted or needed. She had decided to speak to the manager, the holiday season was over and they would have a long break anyways but she would take a year hiatus. They had always urged her to take a vacation anyways. She was always accused of working to hard but would just smile and say it was for the betterment of the fans and the show itself. She planned at least 1 year to rest but in truth she wanted to find herself maybe find love! Be it in the form of friends or starting a family she knew she needed and deserved more than the love of the stage. She would plan to return to the stage but she didn’t want to be alone and she wanted to share it with someone, to share her life with another. She left with a heavy heart but with hope on this new path.

She was apprehensive and her nerves were all over the place. She wasn’t sure she could do this as she stood at edge of her home waters. She had traveled with the ballet all over and many times over the years during her career. She took a breath and took a swimming burst ahead. She felt tears fall down her cheeks again but they weren’t of sadness this time. They were of hope, a tingling had begun in her chest. It was joy and a touch of freedom she didn’t realize she would feel. She had held so much back from herself by keeping herself closed off from others that her heart was now liberated and open to receive. She was nervous and excited now. What would this world have in store, what would love have in store? Would she find love, friendship, family? Maybe she could find it all if she could be that lucky! Regardless she wouldn’t look back and she wasn’t going to close herself off this time, come what may!